Thursday, December 29, 2016

Sales and Promos!

If you are in the Philippines, here are the sites you can visit if you are looking for the latest sales or promos in the market.

Monday, December 26, 2016

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Merry Christmas and advanced prosperous New Year to you guys!

Many things have passed this 2016 and I'm hoping that in this 2016 year challenges, I learned my lessons and hopefully be able to moved on from them too. *Keeping my fingers crossed*

This year was not so easy. It was full of heartaches, tears and frustrations. However, it made me much more grateful and made me realize the things I do not know I take for granted. I'm slowly learning to let go and just go freely with the flow. Looking forward to a more brighter year of 2017.

Wishing you well and happiness guys!

Friday, December 2, 2016

How to Reset Canon Keychain Calculator KC-30

Happy December 2 guys! 23 more days and it's Christmas.

Anyway, I'm just glad that I got to fixed my Canon KC-30 calculator. I would like to share how I did it since you won't be able to find on google on how to troubleshoot this hand-held device. Some of you might encounter this problem. Whenever you divide a number that is not exact for example that you try to divide 10 by 9, it would result to -11111111 which is incorrect. A batchmate told me that her friend had the same problem and what she did was to restart it.

However, how do we restart it?

Try to open the device with a screwdriver, take out the battery and put it again. The problem is solved.

Hope that helps.

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

That Sunny Day!

I often wondered why I do not have this and I do not have that. I used to wail and feel confused why some are so fortunate enough because they seem to get things to their advantage without effort. Life is unfair. I think that may have been in my lowest point this year but fortunately I got through it.

One of the things I've realized upon growing up is that not all things are about you. You may feel a certain feeling in a certain time but things are not what they seem to be. You have the things you need. You just have to open your eyes real big and learn how to appreciate the things given to you that you usually take for granted. You are given enormous amounts of blessings each day that are just waiting for you to utilize.

Let me tell you that it is very hard to incorporate what I just said into action yet let me also tell you that it is not impossible. It'll take hard work and consistent effort but the results are rewarding.

Treasure moments with people. Take the chance to see through people. There are so much you can learn from and impart to people. Go with what your heart wants to tell you. We are in our place for a reason. We may not know it now but believe that eventually things will fall into place. Be inspired by people, things and circumstances. Be-YOU-tiful.

Friday, November 18, 2016

A Call Coming From 8753480

Before you read on, this is for the customers of the Philippine Long Distance Telephone (PLDT) in the Philippines.

Have you experienced receiving calls from this number 8753480? At first when we took the call, there was no one who was talking on the other end of the phone and then it would hang up. We've experienced these a couple of times and then on the succeeding calls there was already but he/she was offering upgrading promos/deals. So I guess this people were telemarketer from PLDT because they would always ask why I'm not upgrading and if I'm not contented with the service and other information.

I would always decline because I really don't need the upgrade for now. I told them for a couple of times now that if ever I was interested, I would be the one to inquire in their office. I know that it is their job but I wish that they would stop calling because it is annoying.

Thursday, November 17, 2016

A Start of Something New

Hey guys. Good news! I'll start working as a nurse soon. Finally! Before, I was still adamant if I really wanted to be a nurse despite having passed the board examination and all. When I was young, I had dreamt of being a doctor and my sister would be the nurse.

I had given nursing a lot of tries if I'm going to love it because I think that I just like to think that I don't really like it because I am afraid. As you know, I can quite had an aversion to risk. However through constant pursuit of learning through reading books and articles here in the cyberspace, it was stored in my knowledge that big risks taken reaps the most rewards.

I'm afraid. I'm fearful. And I definitely don't like it because it always makes me uneasy and worried.

Luckily through the years, as I've prayed for wisdom, I was given humungous amounts to which I am truly grateful and blessed. It was downright painful and had left scars and I don't know if I had fully moved on. One thing is for sure though, these lessons will never be forgotten.

I'd like to think now that I was here for a reason as a nurse because it was, it is and it will be the best for me. I am still not comfortable with people and very much prefer being alone but I'll eventually get there.

This time around I'm feeling a bit more confident, I'm changing not for anyone but for myself. As I breeze through life, I'm slowly learning to take things as it is and not more on what ifs. Afterall, life is a journey meant to be savored which I sometimes forget to do.

Best of luck to me and to you too! :-D

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Motivational Posters

From time to time when things get rough, we need doses of motivation, things to uplift us and somebody to talk to. However, there are times that we don't know where we can get support. It seems to us that everyone is busy. It feels that no one actually cares. Then we sink further and deeper into the darkness of our temporary depressed state.

Through the years, I've come to realize that the best support that we can get is the support from ourselves. We are our own best friend and yet the worst enemy that we can have.

An idea popped up into my mind which necessitates me to know and that I need to know about what was called a picture with quotes. I tried to google it and came up with MEMES but in my stored knowledge, these are pictures with funny quotes. Some of the answers I've got was that they are motivational posters, Hmm.. I'm not so sure and am still not convinced. I'll just searched for the book that I've read.

At first I thought it was ANAGRAM but then I found out anagram was about jumbled letters. Finally, I found out later that it was called motivational posters from the previous book that I had finished reading which was entitled Drive by Daniel Pink.

Who knows? These may be one of the things which can remind us to go on in what we are doing when we feel giving up.

You can make your own motivational posters with these websites:

Monday, November 14, 2016

Fainting Spell

Have you ever experienced blacking or fainting spells?

Yesterday I was attending mass in a church when suddenly my vision was turning into red for about 2-5 seconds. To describe what I had experienced, it's like what you see when you are turning off the television. In my mind I tried to be calm though I was panicking then I just blacked out. I don't know what happen next and how much time I was out. When I regained consciousness there was a cool compress in my right forehead as I had a cut and I smell ammonia. I was given water to drink but my vision was still not clear and in my mind I was panicking because my vision was not normal. I experienced pins and needles in both hands and there was a brief time of dysmenorrhea. I tried to do deep breathing exercises and move my hands in order for the blood to circulate. After some time, my vision was a little bit blurry but I can now see.

I went today to the doctor and according to him that it was Postural Hypotension. I was standing at the back side since the beginning of the mass. It was a bit hot in my place but I didn't mind at that time because I was used to it. According to the doctor, with prolonged standing we have to move too from time to time.

It was my first time fainting. And to tell you the truth, it was alarming. Maybe it is the body's way of telling me that I should better take care of myself first before other people.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Grey's Anatomy S08E11

"...when you got yesterday's than tomorrows. And the realizations is hard on the man. But when you get a chance to get into something like that, you fight like a tiger. All because you think it will give you just a little more time in the game." - Dr. Webber to Dr. Karev

"Oh I think I taught you something today. You don't give up a once in a lifetime surgery. Not for any reason, not for anyone, not ever. Watch your back Karev. I made a side to teach yourself tomorrow."  - Dr. Webber to Dr. Karev

Food Faves!

Good evening guys! How are you today?

I just had my license renewed today and was able to drop by Quiapo afterwards. Yay!

I'm very happy today because I was able to savor again the very scrumptious lumpiang sariwa in Quiapo that I had tasted ever. No wonder it was raved and featured countless of times by high celebrities in television shows. And not only has it delighted my taste buds but the first time I've tasted it, it has exceeded my expectations. In my opinion, it was worth the money for it only costs around 18 pesos per order. They only do take-outs though. And I'm talking about the Globe Lumpia House in Quiapo which is near Raon.

Suddenly I remembered the time in our class where we were asked what brings us pleasure and that is the reason why I had the urge to make a blog post about my favorite foods.

Though I eat almost all kinds of food (not the exotic kinds and inedible, wise-ass!) and I am not a picky eater, I'm starting to discover my favorites and they are listed below:

  • Globe's Lumpia House
  • French Fries
  • McDonald's Coffee Float

Sunday, November 6, 2016

Googleplay game: SIM - Sara is Missing Game

Googleplay game: SIM - Sara is Missing Game

Ola Chingu!

I know it's tad a bit late for this but I'm declaring that since it's still November, this counts as a little Halloween treat. Bwahaha!  Anyway, I'd like to introduce to you a very good horror game I played a while ago. If you have nothing to do and would like for a little scare, try playing this game.

To give you a brief introduction, it's about a missing person who happens to be (yeah, you probably know from the title) Sara. And you found her phone. Now the thing is, What would you do?

After an hour or two of playing the game, in my opinion, I'd give it a 10 out of 10. Kudos to the game developer of this game. Let me tell you that it looks real and FEELS real. There were times I push the multitask button of my phone just so to remind myself that it wasn't real. Hah.

Saturday, November 5, 2016

Why the recent law requiring CPD units was taken negatively by majority of Philippine Nurses

Anyway before anything else, thanks for taking the time to hear my sentiments, First of all, I'm not against CPD units as these encourages continuity in learning and I totally embrace it with open arms (Wooh! *Fist pump in the air*). However being a nurse myself, these just adds to the burden of nurses who are either employed, unemployed, underemployed and are not practicing and now wants to go back to Nursing in the Philippines and are just barely making their ends meet. How? Let me give you a visual description how much time, effort and money you need to shell out before you can practice your profession as a nurse. 

Before your application is accepted in the hospitals that you are applying for, you are required to have at least Basic Life Support (BLS) and Intravenous Therapy Training (IVT). Some would require additional trainings such as Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS) or/and Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS). Basic Life Support that is AHA(American Heart Association)-certified costs around 2,500 php or more and is renewable every 2 years. Intravenous Therapy Training costs around 3,500 php or higher depending on the institution and is renewable every 3 years (There is a recent news that IVT renewal is now not required but I doubt it). I don't know if how much today is the ACLS and PALS but I'm guessing both would be above 5,000 php each renewable every 2-3 years (again I'm not sure on this).

Now, if you're one of the few tsk-ing why not sacrifice a little first and reap the rewards later? Hold yer horses dudes! There's more to it than meets the eye!

You also need to have a membership with Philippine Nurses Association membership as this is necessary. For a whooping 400 pesos which you renew every December 31st of every year. Hard on the budget, I know. One good thing is that they provide one free seminar for every renewal (so basically let's just think that we are paying for the free seminar).

Nurses, let's not forget the professional tax receipt (PTR) we need to pay every January of every year. Again, PTR fees would vary in different cities. If we fail to pay on January, succeeding months and days are taxed with overdue fees.

Last but not the least, as a potential practicing nurse in the Philippines whether hospital or community/industrial, of course you will need to have a Philippine License for Nurses (PRC ID) which you need to renew every 3 years for 450 php. Then eventually with CPD units, seminars/trainings you must need to pay at your own expense and I'm talking seminars that at least cost around 400-500 each. Moolah  goes down the drain.

Sunday, October 30, 2016

Author Recommendations

Hello! For today, I would like to share and recommend some of my favorite authors. If you have the time, please check out their works and hope that you'll enjoy it as much as I did though this list may have different kinds of genre:

  • R. J. Palacio - Wonder Series
  • Lang Leav - Lullabies, Love & Misadventure, The Universe of Us
  • Penelope Ward - RoomHate, Stuck-up Suit
  • Rachel van Dyken - The Bet Series
  • Jodi Picoult - The Storyteller

Saturday, October 29, 2016

Thoughts. Thoughts.

How is it that you ever felt so alone in this multi-zillion full of people?

How is it possible that you find yourself feeling wanting that somehow, someone will find you though you don't want to be found?

Enough of self-pity. If there is any consolation, just listening to J rabbit makes me feel a little bit better.

Happy things.

Thursday, October 20, 2016

List of Animes Watched

Below are the list of animes I'm currently watching and already watched. Again, for reference.

  • Seto No Hana Yome (My Bride is a Mermaid) - finished

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Grey's Anatomy Season 08 episode 07

"You have to go back to the beginning to understand the end." - Dr. Altman to Dr. Grey

Grey's Anatomy Season 08 Episode 06

"You've had some bad outcomes. We all get bad outcomes. Your problem is? You let it get to you. Now, you're scared. The only worst than bad surgeon is a scared one." -  Dr. Altman to Dr. Karev

Friday, October 14, 2016

Amiodarone drip: DO NOT SHAKE

Since I still yet to pass my medicals, I have lots of time to relax and study before moving into reality. However it still puzzles me about the dilemma I've encountered during my clinical immersion. It is about the Amiodarone drip. We have encountered that it had a sticker with the label "DO NOT SHAKE". Why do we not shake it?

According to Orange County EMS, amiodarone is a Class III anti-arrhythmic and one of its precautions is that amiodarone is extremely a viscous solution.

Up to this point, I still haven't got the answer to this question: WHY DO WE DO NOT SHAKE AMIODARONE DRIP?

I'm delving into sources such as the cyberspace and books as it baffles me.
As of OCT 15 2016 0759H

From the above clue, I researched on viscous solution. I found out through an article made by Jennifer Segui on Comsol Blog regarding the pouring ketchup quandary. Ketchup is a viscous solution and that there is a minimal amount that goes out at first. However if we shake the bottle, we can notice that there is an increase in amount that goes out which may have something to do with the shear thinning capacity.

So with that I'm assuming that the shearing thinning capacity also have something to do with the amiodarone drip that's why it should not be shaken.

Friday, October 7, 2016

How to go to Las Pinas City Hall

Last month and days ago, I needed to go to get my PTR for a pre-employment requirement and I went to Las Pinas City Hall as I had before. From Sucat Paranaque I took a jeepney with a signage to Kabihasnan Palengke, drop off at the gas station after the school at Kabihasnan. From there you will take a jeepney bound to Las Pinas. I forgot what signage that was but just to be sure I asked the driver if he is going to drop by Las Pinas City Hall.

Sunday, August 28, 2016

How to go to Fe Del Mundo/ Fe Del Mundo Training Center?

How to go to Fe Del Mundo/ Fe Del Mundo Training Center?

Eagerly, I want to go here before but I couldn't because I was hesitant to go to a place in which I do not have specific instructions. Luckily I was accompanied by a friend how to get there. I will be referring from the train stations as we all are more familiar with them.

From LRT 1:
Coming from South, (Baclaran station): Drop off at CENTRAL station and walk into where you can ride a jeepney bound to Cubao or Project 2-3 or fx bound to Cubao though I might warn you that waiting for fx may take a while as there are far more fx bound to sm fairview. Ask the driver to drop you off at Banawe. You can see a Mercury drug on the left side of the driver's side and the stop light on the right side. Make sure you don't get past Puregold as it means you also had already gotten past Banawe. Anyway, from Lawton to Banawe fare costs 11 pesos while fx costs 20 pesos. Then, after dropping off to Banawe, cross the pedestrian to Mercury Drug and walk to Fe Del Mundo. If you want to go to Fe Del Mundo Training Center, you can walk past Fe Del Mundo until you can see a 7 eleven. Walk past the street and the building you can see is where Fe Del Mundo Training Center is.

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Korean show: The Return of Superman - Song Ilkook and the Triplets

Korean show: The Return of Superman - Song Ilkook and the Triplets

I may be lagging behind as I've only discovered this year about the cute and adorable Song triplets. But better be late than never right?

I've first known about the triplets through facebook when a friend posted about how she gushes about them. I was intrigued so I searched them out of curiousity. Who would have thought that their "appa" (father) was no other than Song Ilkook?! If you're not familiar with the name, Song Ilkook played the main lead in the historical drama "Jumong" and maybe you have watched it.

Anyway, the Song triplets consists of the 3 brothers named Daehan (eldest), Minguk (2nd child) and Manse (youngest) in which if you combine the three names it means Republic of Korea Hurray. (Nice!)

Daehan, being the eldest, took care of his siblings. In an episode, Song Ilkook had said that Daehan was a lot like him, a FM or field manual. It means that he was very obedient to rules. In some episodes, I could see that Daehan was intelligent and very curious on things. He always asks a lot of questions. He may be cheeky at times but he's the serious one. I foresee that he will not be likely in the spotlight took on careers out of showbiz.

Minguk, the middle child is the charming one. He makes the show very interesting. He's a one hell of a cute adorable baby and can make the people fall in love with him in an instant with his wicked winks and aegyos that makes his father laugh out loud. He's not shy especially when it comes to singing and loves dinosaurs as manifested by his massive knowledge on them. Even I don't know about those dinosaurs. He's street-smart, I could see that in some episodes. He can problem-solve easily. I can foresee that he's more likely to be an actor, singer or idol in the future.

Manse, the youngest and the free-spirited one as told by his father. He is the most cheekiest of the three. When Song Ilkook says no in doing something, he's more likely to do it while laughing. He is the most endearing and the most fearful out of the three. Now I see why the cameramen had told Song Ilkook that he is the most likely to be in front of the camera. Like Minguk, he is the most likely I could foresee following the footsteps of his father in showbiz.

Thursday, August 11, 2016

An inspiring quote from Mandy Hale

Thought at first that this quote was penned by a member of a forum I was currently frequenting. The quote was in his/her signature and it caught my eye. I saved it first in a notepad. And then today, I decided to share it to you and have done some research. I found out that this quote was actually by Mandy Hale. Hope it inspires you as much as it does for me.

"You'll learn, as you get older, that rules are made to be broken. Be bold enough to live life on your terms, and never, ever apologize for it. Go against the grain, refuse to conform, take the road less traveled instead of the well-beaten path. Laugh in the face of adversity, and leap before you look. Dance as though everybody is watching. March to the beat of your own drummer. And stubbornly refuse to fit in." 
— Mandy Hale

Quote/s from the Book: The Billionaire's Salvation - J S Scott

“Sometimes it’s fun to do something just because you want to and not try to apply any reason to it.”

Sunday, August 7, 2016

How to Terminate/Unsubscribe to PLDT Home DSL Super Bundle

How to Terminate/Unsubscribe to PLDT Home DSL Super Bundle

If you have applied and gotten a PLDT Home DSL, chances are you have also been granted a free Super Bundle for 3 months. Super Bundle consists of Caller ID, Call-In-Waiting, Call Forwarding, etc. After 3 months of free use, PLDT would charge you for these for 120 php/month.

However, if you want to terminate or unsubscribe to this feature you can call their hotline at 171.

Please read on if you want to hear my experience with this:

8/8/2016: After pressing 171 at 2:00 pm, a voice prompt could be heard. I pressed 1 for customers and then I was asked to input the area code and the telephone number. A prompt would repeat again the telephone number you had encoded and you would be asked if this is correct and I did so I pressed 1 (for yes).

Now, for those who do not know your area code which luckily I did after some time, you could find yours in your newest statement of account in the right upper portion which are the first two digits just before your telephone number.

Then I pressed 1 for billing (I read it from a blog review) and then I was directed to Ms. Issa a customer representative. As I voiced out my request, she told me that my request could only be catered by the After Sales/Request (I think it was that). So you had to press 3 instead of 1. Anyway, she was kind enough to transfer me to the department and I was able to talk to Ms. Alvie. I requested for a cancellation of Super Bundle and she asked me a couple of questions for validation and the valid id that was used when you had applied for the Home DSL. After that, she told me that the request was processed and it would take effect after 48 hours and also advised me to monitor if it had been terminated.

UPDATE AS OF 8/19/2016 5:37 pm

I called again the PLDT hotline 171 and directed my call to the After Sales Service to verify if my request for the cancellation of the Super Bundle has taken effect. As per Ms. Kristel, the Super Bundle feature was already deactivated last 8/11/2016.

Saturday, August 6, 2016

Grey's Anatomy S06 E15

"Just because you haven't doesn't it mean you can't. Get the scalpel." - Dr. Torres to Dr. Karev

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

YouTubers You Might Want to Check Out

If you're feeling a little bit bored/curious, YouTube is a great way of spending your time especially when you adapt knowledge best visually. You might want to check out these YouTubers:

How did I discover them: I think it was because of the Japanese bathroom? Theirs was awesome and in this channel. Aiko is a little shy but adorable. Here is where I also knew about how they take a bath in their bath tubs and how they use their bath water in washing off their laundry which took me by surprise. I thought at first that they just soak in the bath tub but I was wrong.

List of Movies Watched

This is again for future references.

List of movies watched:

  • The Purge
  • The Purge Anarchy
  • The Purge: Election Year
  • Full Out
  • High Strung
  • The Bucket List
  • The Mist

List of Television Shows

So I was thinking of taking down a list of television shows/series I was, I am and I will be watching. This is in case for future references.

  • Grey's Anatomy - currently on Season 8 episode 11
  • Suits
  • Breaking Bad
  • Orphan Black - currently on Season 04 episode 01
  • The Big Bang Theory
  • The Strain 

Movie: Full Out

Movie: Full Out

When Gymnastics meets Hip-hop.

But I do respect the discipline needed for training. If you're going to do a sit-up, you do that one sit-up the very best that you can. You don't anything for granted. You don't assume that you have tomorrow. Everything we do in life is a choice. Everything. And those choices dictate the kind of life that you're gonna lead. And as soon as you cna understand that, then you start to take ownership of your life, you start to be able to design your life to turn out whatever way you want it to. And I have a secret for you. This isn't about gymnastics. It's about life." Miss Val, Full Out

Monday, August 1, 2016

The Things You Do When You're Bored in the Cyberspace

I'm a bit in the mood these past few days to write out ideas which just pops out of nowhere. Anyway, before it turns to dust let me suggest things you can do when you're bored, cyberspace edition.

With a vast amount of information that you can find in the internet, it is safe to say that it can be a little overwhelming that you just don't know where to start.

Back in the days, I would visit these sites just to pass time.

  • I am bored - This I got from my cousin.
  • Happy Tree Friends - This I also got from my cousin. I must say these are cartoon videos with cute cuddly characters but I tell you that the stories are gore and I think they are not intended for very young audiences. Though ironically, it's cartoons.
  • Rate My Poo - This I got from my cousin. Again. Gross? You get to see different kinds of poo. Poo. Poop.

Not feeling seeing the sites above?

You could start with the things you're interested. Got something that catches your eye? Use your favorite search engine. Be curious. Remember that we're more fortunate now than ever.

No More Papemelroti Pocket Planners?

No More Papemelroti Pocket Planners?

I do not know why I am still at times ignoring my intuitions though I know that it is right (which turns out to be right at the end). I am really regretting not taking stock of pocket planners for the year 2016 the last time I saw there was which I think was December of 2015. I'd visited some branches of Papelmeroti from time to time such as in Robinson's Ermita and Glorietta hoping there'll be one.


Aside from it being very light and travel buddy handy, it was definitely cheap for 20 pesos.

Papemelroti, please make it available? Please?

Monday, July 25, 2016

TV Show: iZombie

This you should see. That is, if you are into zombies and murder investigations. I am currently watching this show. The show is all about Liv Moore, previously a medical resident who had turned into a zombie after a party that she had attended which has people drinking Utopium. After being turned into a zombie, she worked in a morgue eating brains of the murder victims. This had made her  see, think and feel as the victim before they died and enabled her into  victims' personality traits.

"You'd be surprised what people are capable of at the end of the rope." iZombie - Clive Babineaux S01E07

Monday, July 18, 2016

Have You Found Your Circle of Competence Yet?

Have You Found Your Circle of Competence Yet?

I still don't know where I want to be and what I want to do with my life. To start with, I haven't envisioned myself as being a nurse. I thought I was just going with nursing as a undergraduate then proceed with medicine. And then I would either be a neurosurgeon or a doctor that specializes with brain research. But I guess, life has a way of giving you lemons. It made me realize that not everything will turn out the way you expected it.

There are kinds of people out there. From naive to down right manipulative, very talented ones and competitive. It's a jungle out there. When I started working, I realize a lot of things. I am usually peace-loving and usually nice to people but peace-loving won't let you last in the real world if you won't work smartly to the top. In short, you must be competitive whether we like it or not. Safeguard always your things from anyone never leaving it to chance. To put it into words I got trust issues and what has made it worst is that the people I have opened up my heart to are the same ones who broke it and opening up for me wasn't even easy to begin with.

I thought before that I was not out to be a nurse. I dreaded going into my clinicals and praying that my clinical rotations would be suspended. I suck at conversing with people. I don't have the likability factor with my peers.

But what the heck, I'm tried of sulking. I took the board and passed it on the first take. I have the support of my family. I manage to be better and that I don't have to over analyze things. I realize that I don't have to spend my time just to cater to people's bullshits. I realize that I have my own needs and these needs must  come first and ALWAYS first because no one will care anyways.

I may not have the greatest nursing skills now nor the greatest interpersonal skills, but just so you wait WORLD and see. I'll make it happen.

How am I sure I could?

Because "TODAY MY LIFE BEGINS". I'm quoting this from Grey's Anatomy Season 5.

So far, these are the assets I've discovered and learned that I haven't fully taken advantage of:

1. Reading is tedious to most people but I got it as a secondary nature. Sometimes I drag myself to read but I think I got the discipline than most people do.
2. I'm confident in my research abilities like those finding stuff in the cyberspace. I can discover things if I really want to.
3. I am creative. I create things in my head most people would later think of. And I would be amaze that I thought of it before they did.
4. I think I possess grit. I don't easily give up on something.
5. I am tall. Screw insecure bitches. I'll start to wear heels soon.
6. More to come.

Online RPG Strategy Game: Utopia

Online RPG Strategy Game: Utopia

Back when I was still in my elementary to middle school years, I was introduced to this game by my cousin. Fortunately, this still exists up to today though the URL has been changed.

Utopia is an online text-based roleplaying strategy game where you are going to explore acres of land, build kind of buildings, allocate books for different sciences, train military in order to prepare for offensive/defensive as well as thieves, magicians, etc. So if your into RPG games, you might like this one.

Click the link below and register:


I hope you enjoy! :-)

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Philippine Nurses Association Membership Renewal 2016

Philippine Nurses Association Membership Renewal 2016

So I will cover today on how to renew your PNA Membership since I'd tried searching for an answer in the cyberspace and didn't come up with an updated one hoping that this will help renewing Filipino nurses.

But first, how to go there?

From LRT EDSA, I dropped off at LRT Pedro Gil Station then walked towards the street between Philippine Christian University and Philippine Women's University. Then turn left, walk straight ahead until you have passed San Marcelino Street. In the next street you must turn left and you'll see the PNA main office on the left side.

Upon arriving in the main office, I asked the security guard where could I get a renewal and he let me logged in the logbook and gave me a form to fill up. He then instructed me to proceed to the furthermost building.

I filled up the form and paid 400 php at the cashier. The cashier gave the Official receipt and the PNA ID immediately.

The PNA card is yellow in color. I don't know how will I able to put my name in the card as the card is plastic.

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Psychology: The Monkey Business Illusion

Psychology: The Monkey Business Illusion

Hola Jingu! One illusion we can hopefully be aware of is the Monkey Business illusion.

To learn more about it you can watch it below:

Commentary (*contains spoilers):

I was able to get the right answer which was 16 and was able to see the gorilla. I somehow managed to noticed someone leaving but I didn't notice the curtain turning gold. And no, it's my first time seeing this clip. Does it mean I'm not really selectively focused? Is this good or bad? So how did you fare? 

SSS online problem: Your account is locked

SSS online problem: Your account is locked

Passwords. Passwords. Different sites would recommend not to use the same password for protection. But not everyone have the capacity to remember all of that. It is a common idea to write them or type them down on your gadget. However, this is not a wise move to practice as it can compromise protection. Here are just some of the scenarios that I'm anticipating being a worrywart that I am: What if you lost your notes? What if the gadget was suddenly stolen?


I first encountered the error of my account being locked a while ago. I thought I was typing the correct password so I typed it again and again until there was an error which was in red colored letters "Your account is locked". I searched here in the internet and I found an answer that you can email them or call their hotline or visit any SSS branch.

I am somewhat panicked deep inside but then I thought I should try first their Forgot password hoping that it will work. Indeed, thanks for their password retrieval system I was able to access my SSS account again without further ado.

I'll just post below on how you could get in touch with SSS if you still can't access your account. Hope this will help you! :-)

Should you encounter any problems accessing your account, please call the SSS Hotline at (632) 920-6446 to 55 (available 24 hours from Monday to Friday except during holidays) or email them at for assistance.

Monday, July 11, 2016

Dark Blue skies

Still looming into the darkness, And the weather just makes it more blue. Just f*cking great.

I've come to love to sleep. And sleep. And sleep a little more. And sleep all day. And wish I would never wake up.

Endless sufferings. Unappreciated. No one gives a f*ck. Lost. Wandering soul. Where should I go next?

Why? Why am I always in a constant struggle?  I admit having little mishaps as a child and as a teen growing up, but I never rebelled. Because I want to be good, I always look out to the good in others. I tried my utmost best to be good even no one is watching as I know it is the right thing to do but I guess I was f*cked up big time by the ruthless world of reality full of bullshits. I'm naive. I'm a little slow. I don't know how to play the game.

Suicide. Of course. I've thought about it a lot of times. I think I won't now because every time I thought about it, I can't visualize how. If I did so, maybe there's a higher chance I would. I still hold on to the belief that life is not to be taken as there are others fighting for their own. But it hurts. It hurts even more. And that it's just easier to escape.

Tears. Tears are for crying. Crying is therapeutic however taken as weak. Show your weakness and lost their respect. And there it goes down the drain.

I tried to be accommodating for people but somehow I always felt alone in the end. I felt I'm treated just as an option. I felt that I'm like some ornament just their to fill their ego.

I'm f*cking tired, I felt like I'm being helpless which frustrates me the most. I don't have anything.

And there it goes. The dark blue skies. Rain then pours.

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

No more CandyMag's Teentalk!

What happened to Candymag's Teentalk forum? I was astounded when I checked and it wasn't there anymore. I tried google search but to no avail.

Main point of the story is that I guess, nothing lasts forever. It used to be my tambayan when I was still in high school. Farewell to you my friend Teentalk. :-(

Movie Mystery: Crank

"I don't know." I should stop saying that phrase.
"There's always some things I know." That's way more better.

Anyway, I'm still itching with curiosity on what movie was it.I am talking about the ending of the movie Crank where the male protagonist bounced from the car to the ground after falling down from the sky. I think it was in the beginning of the Deadpool movie. Let's just see after I had watched again the movie.


So.. okay.  I'm still itching to know what movie was in it. I remember like it was quite similar then the body was taken by people who was in the truck.

X-men Apocalypse?

UPDATE as of 7/9/2016

Ha. I've finally know the answer to the question above. You can find it in the sequel: Crank High Voltage. :-/

Thursday, June 30, 2016

Words of the wise from Grey's Anatomy

"But Alex, we do not get unlimited chances to have the things we want. And this I know. Nothing is worst than missing an opportunity that could've changed your life." Addison, Grey's Anatomy - Season 03 episode 25

Sunday, June 26, 2016

US Television Series: Grey's Anatomy

People usually hover over people they are physically attracted to. No one is immune really, even me. Besides, who wouldn't want a pretty thing? If you think you don't then let's put it this way, would you prefer to eat a very appetizing meal or a plain bland one? Attraction is the first step on any relationship whether romantic or platonic and then usually the substance comes next. And it is not far why we choose what we have chosen. What makes us commit more is when we know that we can relate to it.

Back when I was still striving to earn my undergraduate degree, I have already watched Grey's Anatomy up to season 2 but then I don't know what happened but I just stopped. And then, I came up with the news that Dr. George O' Malley had died. I was intrigued and searched on the internet what episode was that. Can't wait for Season 6.

"And then there are some wounds, some betrayals that are so deep, so profound that there was no way to repair what was lost. And when that happens, there's nothing left to do but wait." - Grey's Anatomy Season 3 Episode 9

Monday, June 13, 2016

Bills Payment Posting

Bills Payment Posting

When we finally grow up from a boy to a man and a girl to a woman and if we are in great luck in accomplishing in finishing a degree, the real world now becomes our playground. We're given freedom to pursue what we really want to do and what we want to have.

But alongside with the freedom bestowed upon us comes with power. As cliche as it may sound, "With great power comes with great responsibility". So what does it have to do with our topic for today?

I just want to share something today since I am now carrying a bill under my name (I don't know if I should be saying YAY or NYAY). Kidding aside, I was able to pay it for the first time. It was empowering because it gives you a feeling of independence.

Anyway, before we divert again to another topic I want to tell you about the posting of bills in the Philippines hoping that somehow somewhere someone would find this information useful. I tried to search in the internet but it was not stated when would the payment be posted.

I was able to pay in these payment partners of PLDT. If you're still delaying to pay your due dates, please bear in mind these as per my experience:

  • SM Malls - 3 days posting
  • Banco De Oro (over the counter payment)- next day posting but date paid is the date when you have paid it
  • Online Banking (BPI) - after 24 hours provided you had made it before 10 pm as it will be counted as the next day so the posting would be next, next day.

Saturday, June 11, 2016

Korean show: Hidden Singer

Okay. So, how are you. This is to tell you that I'm sooooooooooooo doomed. How's that Korean writers can come up with such good concepts? I'm so jealous. Just when I'm not through with watching King of Masked Singer, I was able to stumble upon Hidden Singer. This is another musical program where audience would try to guess what cubicle is the original singer. It was mind numbing that they can replicate it in the same way as the original. Aside from entertaining, this is a great way to test and train your ear. Have you guessed right?

Here is a sample english subbed version courtesy of Youtube:

Friday, June 10, 2016

King of Masked Singer

Is it just me, or I'm being sucked and left at awe with how brilliant Korean writers are? The concepts they had created makes me want to raise my hands up big time.

I don't know if I'm just biased since I tend to like Korean dramas and quite caught on the Korean wave bug since way back high school but not to the point of obsession. Maybe I am also generalizing early on but do you want me to give you an example? Try watching King of Masked Singer. It is where artists compete with a masked on and sing with it so that the judges and the audience can objectively rate the performance of two artists as we know that popularity and status can change our perception. I was dumbfounded how these artists can modulate their voice into something that isn't them. I guess these were voice projections they were known for.

One thing that I got from this show though I haven't understood one bit in any of the lyrics since they tend to be in Hangeul (Korean language) is that I can feel the emotion in the song.

This had inspired me to aim more at a higher level in terms of music. It set the bar higher for good. I love to sing and watching these clips brought out realizations what I still lacked. I need to improve my skills on how to deliver the song with emotion. Because singing is like story telling.

Sad to say but in the Philippines, people with creative musicality who deserve to have an album don't make the cut. Artists who are popular are given albums though they are not really singers. In the television, singing competitions became biased. As long as you can hit the high notes and came from an impoverished family background, the higher chances that you'll win.

I'm hoping that making of albums will be given to those who really deserved it and not just for profit.

But I guess, I was being idealistic here.

Tuesday, June 7, 2016


Great evening everyone! So after watching My New Sassy Girl (a korean movie of 2016) which is a little let down since it's predecessor, I've decided to do a blog regarding my favorite spotify playlist.

For those who still don't know, Spotify is a free music application you install on your phone or computer where you can listen to a vast number of songs. It requires data connection or WiFi but if you want to listen offline you can purchase the premium version.  I would recommend this application because not only could you listen to your favorite music but it also suggests other songs which you might possibly like.

Not only that, did you know that you could also listen to audiobooks on Spotify? I was able to read an article about it recently in what we do not know that Spotify can do.

Going back to the topic, I seem to go over and over with "Your Favorite Coffeehouse".

How about yours? What's your favorite Spotify playlist?

Friday, June 3, 2016


I've been so afraid for possible consequences which may or may not come into fruition. Now I've been wiser, I've realize to just not care at all. Just live in the moment the best you can.

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

My Favorite Films

Hi! I've been feeling a little like down lately these days so here I am. Writing to you about something. Since I've felt that nobody quite wants to listen and put up with my rants, I decided to expend that energy into something productive to do.

I would like to write about what movies had moved me which is one of the reasons why they are my favorite
  •  12 Angry Men (1957) - I probably have been an old soul in my previous life because though I belong to the Millenial generation, my tastes seem to be of conservative and oldies when it comes to clothes, music and apparently films. I was fascinated with how they had produced an entire film in one place. And how was I able to find this film? It was recommended by users in the IMDB website where it was included in the top films to see.
  • High Strung (2016) - I like it maybe because of the insights in the movie. Sometimes I used to wish that I've had ballet lessons instead of piano.
update as of July 8, 2017
  • The Boss Baby (2017) - I like this part in the movie where the protagonist makes an offer which the boss baby can't refuse. Very moving, I may say.

Monday, May 30, 2016

On Frizz Away Serums: Bench Fix, Glamworks, Vitress

So I basically I just woke up one day and decided that I have to change. I woke up feeling that I'm not contented with the way I look. Because as you might know, I used to not care about my appearance as long as it's convenient and comfortable. Why I chose convenience and comfort? Because it's easy and less costly. So you might be wondering what changed?

I want to feel good so I'm making an overhaul of myself. I've been successful in persuading my over worrying self that it's okay to splurge on things from time to time. No need to be stingy when it comes to self. Call it a turning point, but if it's for the better, it's better right? I pamper myself with make-up sporadically and I guess people tend to appreciate it but I don't do it consistently.

Anyway, I've been managing my curly frizzy dry hair with scrunchies because aside from it's hot and humid here, I want no hair on my face. I also use gel, my go-to product to pin up my hair in place but the downside of it is it's not healthy for the hair as it has too many chemicals and you have to wash it up. As for Vitress serum, sadly I experienced having dandruff though it smells good. Good thing that I tried Glam works Hair Serum for Heat Defense. It works out for me but I may say that it's a little greasy. If I remember it right, it costs for about 75 php at Watson's.

So let's see how will this product fare with other serums. It costs for about 109 php at Bench stores.

Till next time,
Sanegeal Farmhear

Saturday, May 28, 2016

Movie Convo: High Strung

Hi. How's it going for you? I guess I'm pretty much okay. Pumped up a little. Aside from finishing reading the 3 parts of The Billionaire's Obsession 1 by J. S. Scott where it's all about the love story of Simon and Kara which I was currently obssessed in finishing it and which I did, I am doing a marathon of movies. I had finished watching Fifty Shades of Grey, How to Be Single and now High Strung which I'm not yet through. Anyway, I just want to share inspiring conversations from the movie and I hope it would inspire you too.

Ruby: Well you know, music is like dance. It's a link to the soul. It can make people laugh and it can make people cry. can inspire! With a power like that, why wouldn't you want to share it with the world?
Kramrovsky: Is everything a little alright? You danced it beautifully.
Ruby: I can do better.
Kramrovsky: You're too hard on yourself.
Ruby: I just want to be perfect.
Kramrovsky:And what happens when you've achieved perfection? You stop then? It's imperfections that keep us alive! Motivating us to push further and further.
Kramrovsky: This is the problem. Stop trying to dance.
Ruby: But I'm a dancer.
Kramrovsky: No, no, you're not a dancer in this variation. You're a gypsy. You understand.
Kramrovsky: Ruby, each time you conquer a step, there will always be another challenge waiting. It's a long road. It never ends! As dancers, this is our journey.

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Car Dealer Simulator Game for Android

Hi again! I'm just as excited to tell you about my discovery for this day. As you might not know, I'm also a gamer.

Just when I thought I was about to give up, I found a way how to go over selling out cars in this CAR DEALER SIMULATOR game I've downloaded from Google Playstore. I've tried searching the internet out of frustration. I've found a tip/cheat alright but it was not applicable to what I want.

Here's an introduction for Car Dealer simulator taken from Google play:

In our game, you start out on the lowest rung of a car dealer’s career with a small initial capital and unlimited capabilities at your disposal. You can buy damaged cars, repair them, and sell them for profit or simply scout around for the most attractive offers on the marketplace in the hope of finding a car in perfect condition.As you play the game, you start gaining experience, and your business is growing rapidly. You can afford to buy more expensive cars. You learn how to diagnose mechanical problems and fix them cheaply.

If you also want to play this game, you can download it by clicking here.

Now, where are we?

Right. How to go over selling cars like a piece of cake.

You start off with a capital of 5000 and an energy of 500. In the beginning, you will be able to sell cars with no problem. But after some time in your succeeding endeavors, you will experience almost all have problems. So here are some tips I've learned while playing the game:

Tip # 1. As the tutorial says, go with the most profit.

Tip # 2: Ask for a discount from the owner. I usually go for 20% and below. But of course it would depend with how much will you make. If your profit is almost negative then ask for a higher discount.

Tip # 3. Before haggling, use the service diagnostics button. Yes. So that you can already know what problems are you going to get once you buy that car.

Monday, May 16, 2016

Cinnamon Tea-rrific!

Good morning to you too. Would you like some black tea with a dash of cinnamon and a teaspoon of sugar?  Since I've noticed that I've been hooking up on tea with a lot of creamer, I decided to try out drinking tea with a dash of cinnamon instead.

And I'd say it's good.

Saturday, May 14, 2016

Words of the Wise from HighSchool King of Savvy

Hello! How was your day? I'm not really in a good mood today so I'm currently watching episode 3 of High school King of Savvy. This is a Korean drama. You could read the plot here.

I just want to share this conversation between the brothers in episode 2:

Lee Hyung-seok: There's no such a thing as an ally or enemy in this world. It's just a jungle. Don't you think the king of the jungle is a lion or a tiger? No. The last survivor... Hyena

Lee Min-seok: Don't make this difficult. Don't use metaphors.

Lee Hyung-seok: Don't trust anyone. Trust your instinct. That's your answer.

I wished I'd had a Hyung (Older Brother) or someone whose wise enough to impart these things early enough. But I guess, it almost always had been me to discovering it all. *Sigh*

Why we should write more truthful reviews

Why we should write more truthful reviews

Before I decided to write future reviews in this blog, I think I should come up with an introduction on reviews. The first question that popped up out of my mind today was why should we write and post more truthful reviews in the internet? I came up with the answer: people will be more informed what they are going to get and know what they are going to expect once they have availed the product or the service they've been eyeing.

Before I make any purchase of any kind, I always search reviews from the internet and mostly read from blogs and forums. In a very much developed technology that we have today, the internet has vast of information and reviews that we could utilize. In my experience, they've been very helpful. And I'd like to take this opportunity to thank the nameless people out there in the cyberspace who had taken their time to share their experiences.

Now the lingering question still continues, why should we write and post more truthful reviews in the internet? It's because in our own little way, we might make a difference in somebody's life. Who knows, your experience might save another one from regrets.

Sanegeal Farmhear

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Let us rejoice Humility

In a world of egotistical people, keep being humble. When people tries to control you, push for your independence.  When the world rejoices on showmanship and you itched to be acknowledged and appreciated despite your introvertedness, keep being hidden despite being unacknowledged. Remember that the most precious gems are kept hidden in the valley of darkness. What really matters is how you think of yourself.

There was an article I've read last night about a mother talking to her daughter about a presidential candidate now presumably the next 16th president of the Republic of the Philippines, Mayor Rodrigo Duterte. It was a long post and I'm still searching it on the internet but to cut the story short she tells her daughter that it doesn't mean that because he cusses means he is a bad person, neither a good person with good manners, does make him good. It should be what's within the heart that we must look on.

Till next time,
Sanegeal Farmhear

Thursday, March 31, 2016

Why I Chose to Blog

Why I Chose to Blog

I've been blogging since I was high school I think, or was it around college?

Well anyway, I've been meaning to blog in order to tackle about my choices: on why I did that, on why I do this and what I'll be doing. So the first thing I'm going to discuss is my choice to blog.

What is a blog? From my point of view, it serves as a journal about something you might what to post which will be forever ingrained in the internet. You might want to share something about anything under the sun. I originally kept a diary since in my late elementary years or early year of high school but shifted to Microsoft Word which then eventually led into blogging. We have to upgrade into something better, IKR. ;-)

Anyway, blogging can serve as an outlet of your emotions and passion and I think blogging helps me better because I can organize my thoughts and ponder on things. whenever inspiration strikes, I have the eagerness to type it in and then later on I'd go back to my blog and read about my previous posts. Sometimes, I'm a bit taken aback whenever I read it again. I would think, "Cool. How did I end up writing like that 10 years ago?"

I want to blog because it also had been my distraction whenever I'm down. You could say that it had been a therapy for some problems I might be facing.

But as I've said, posts posted in the internet are not really deleted. So be careful on what you post. As a friendly reminder from GMA, a network station in the Philippines, you might want to keep in mind to "Think before you click".

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Cheers to a New Tomorrow!

But I guess I am still ambivalent regarding tending out my formal letter for resignation. You see, my dad's return to his work is still uncertain and it makes me worry a whole lot. My mom said he'll return to work hopefully by April.

I'm still procrastinating, delaying things I've should've done already. And I still haven't got a clue what I'm passionate about and to tell you the truth, I'm rather jealous of my friends for living such lives. I know, I know. Life is what you make it.