Tuesday, November 29, 2016

That Sunny Day!

I often wondered why I do not have this and I do not have that. I used to wail and feel confused why some are so fortunate enough because they seem to get things to their advantage without effort. Life is unfair. I think that may have been in my lowest point this year but fortunately I got through it.

One of the things I've realized upon growing up is that not all things are about you. You may feel a certain feeling in a certain time but things are not what they seem to be. You have the things you need. You just have to open your eyes real big and learn how to appreciate the things given to you that you usually take for granted. You are given enormous amounts of blessings each day that are just waiting for you to utilize.

Let me tell you that it is very hard to incorporate what I just said into action yet let me also tell you that it is not impossible. It'll take hard work and consistent effort but the results are rewarding.

Treasure moments with people. Take the chance to see through people. There are so much you can learn from and impart to people. Go with what your heart wants to tell you. We are in our place for a reason. We may not know it now but believe that eventually things will fall into place. Be inspired by people, things and circumstances. Be-YOU-tiful.

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