Sunday, December 24, 2017

Happy Holidays!

Almost a month before I had another post to publish.

Not I do not have anything to write.

It's just that I'm lazy powering up the laptop and logging in.

Anyway, another year will be passing again soon and we'll be welcoming again another new year.

But for now, have a Merry Christmas, everyone!

Saturday, November 25, 2017

Korean drama: Age of Youth

Korean drama: Age of Youth

And so.... here we go again with my korean drama obsession. So please bear with me. *Hahaha.*

If you're on the twenteens side like I do, I'm sure that in a way you can relate to this series. The characters are so funny and lovable that it will make you giggle and laugh out loud. Some scenes were cute and adorable to watch while some ended with tears. Oh well, a rollercoaster ride of emotions.

Overall, I could say that it was a korean series worth watching. It's light and interesting. And its OST is good. For real. 

Sunday, November 19, 2017

Making Homemade Gyoza

Making Homemade Gyoza

Who wants to have gyoza? I had my first bite of gyoza from Yamazaki and it was very good. And then I had another one from Yoshinoya from another time and another one again from Gyoza Bar.

Eating gyoza makes you want to eat more of them. However, I find it very expensive so I decided to make a homemade Gyoza.

I watched some videos from Youtube and tried a recipe from TabiEats.

The finished product was definitely a success as evidenced by my sister almost gobbling up more than she could eat.

Oh, the recipe says gyoza wrapper but in case you can't find one in the supermarket like I did, I took a risk on the dumpling wrappers only to find out in the end that it's the same with gyoza wrappers. 

Till next time! :-D

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Another try with Herbs

Another try with Herbs

Hi guys! The long vacation is almost over and I will be back at work shortly so now I'm savoring this moment of freedom. And oh by the way, I'm trying again in growing herbs. You might not know this but it is part of my dream to have a herb garden. Herbs are used in cooking and are supposed to be used in food for a more flavorful taste. Aside from that, herbs also provide additional nutritional value to our daily diet. However, as much as I would like to promote in including herbs in our daily consumption, please take precaution if you are currently in medications as some of these may either synergize (potentiate/increase) or antagonize (decrease) the effect of the medicines. It is best if your doctor knows these things. Overall, herbs provides us another way of seasoning our food without the excessive use of salt and MSG.

I had been successful before in growing basil leaves and marigold from the brand Yates. It was very much satisfying to see when you see something you've sown grow into a plant. Basil was very aromatic especially when you roll the leaves at the palm of your hands. 

You might've read about my early post that I've had regarding herb gardening. I was able to buy three plants from Baclaran: Gotu Kola, Peppermint and Thyme. The peppermint and the thyme sadly died so in my attempt to save the Gotu Kola, I transferred it to the side part of our house which has more soil and it has more space to grow. It had propagated alright and sprouted like no other but my father decided himself to weed out Gotu Kola. I was angry but upon discovering it one day. But what can I do, turn Super Saiyan like Goku in Dragon Ball?

I also sown marigold but unfortunately it hadn't germinated like the first time that I've tried. Maybe it was the pot? I don't know. I was using Yates the second time and bleeeh. 

And here I am today, trying out again growing herbs. This time around I used the brand RAMGO and I did sown all the thyme seeds in the pack 3-4 days ago. I checked the soil today if my father had watered it down without me knowing. Fortunately, he didn't. I did a little research on growing thyme and I found out that thyme do not really need a lot of water. I'm not really expecting anything in the early stages (maybe taking pictures is a jinx? you think?) but I'm glad that I see very tiny leaves after exposing the soil to the sun 2 days ago. 

Sunday, November 12, 2017

First Time Online Shopping at Lazada!

First Time Online Shopping at Lazada!

Hello there! To start with, the title says it all. It's my first time purchasing a product from Lazada. I'm already familiar with the website. In fact, I was window shopping and found the prices cheaper than the physical store but I was adamant in purchasing from Lazada before as I've heard a lot of negative reviews not only from bloggers but from vloggers.

It might made you think what changed my mind? I've been holding back for some time in purchasing an external hard drive and I was really running low on memory so I really needed an external hard drive now. It was a 1 terabyte external hard drive with free pouch and 3 years warranty (Sweet!). It was a risk I took but so far I think it eventually paid off. 

As you might heard or not, they recently had an online revolution sale for up to 95 percent off from November 9-11, 2017. 

I placed an order on November 10, 2017 with Cash on Delivery as my payment method and then today November 12, 2017 at around 12:30 noon I got my packaged. The item inside is bubble wrapped. It was a very fast delivery.

Update: I think they have another Online Revolution Sale again by December 12, 2017.

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

KBS Drama Special: Dancing the Waltz Alone

KBS Drama Special: Dancing the Waltz Alone

Okay, so heartache again with this one. I really hate you KBS Drama Special. Why do you have to be so cruel?

Friday, October 27, 2017

Happy Nurses' Week!

Happy Nurses' Week!

Korean drama Special: If We Were a Season

Korean drama Special: If We Were a Season

In Korean drama, some things are not meant to last forever. *sigh*


I felt really bad for Ki-Seok here but anyhow, good thing I was relieved in finding out in the end that this story is open-ended. Because hugs meant that the story is not finished. YET.

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Hulu Series: The Handmaid's Tale

Hulu Series: The Handmaid's Tale

Let's take a break from anything Korean. I'm currently watching a series from Hulu which tackles about scarcity for babies. The Handmaid's Tale is a dystopian novel by Margaret Atwood and was made into series. The first season was at 10 episodes and I'm watching now the fourth episode. It was fortunate that they had decided to do a second season but I think it will be shown in 2018.

I first found out about this on facebook, along with the movie Children of Men. I find this series interesting but this is kind of creepy. Below is their official trailer:

Friday, October 13, 2017

Korean drama Special Special

Korean drama Special Special

While I do not binge watch Korean dramas like I used to before, recently I watched a Korean drama Special from KBS which I found on Youtube. I liked it so I'm watching again another on YouTube. Korean drama special has one episode.

Let's Meet, Joo Oh

Soo-Ji (Jo Bo-Ah) wants to marry the best modern boy in Kyungsung (old name for Seoul). To do so, Soo-Ji goes to a matchmaking company. Joo-Oh (Son Ho-Jun) is an employee at the matchmaking company. He tries to help her find her match.

Yeah, I want to watch another episode with these drama specials. :(

"Sometimes you have to let beautiful things flow on its on and end on its own even though it is short-lived. Leave it as it is. A beautiful memory. Beautiful things are meant to be felt by the senses: see, hear, smell, taste and touch." - Sanegeal Farmhear

Friday, October 6, 2017

Web Gaming, Anyone?

Web Gaming, Anyone?

Who else have grown up with computers? I have grown up almost addicted to computers fishing mainly for information on the world wide web but luckily I did not went to the extreme.

I play games but mostly on the web. Some of these website were introduced by my cousins. One of which is Neopets, if you are familiar with it, a simulation which can be quite similar to Pocket Monsters but were text-based and with cute pictures. Sadly, playing in Neopets is not available anymore.

And then, I learned about Mini-clip in which I learned that I prefer to play simulation and strategic games.

Who of you knows Utopia? This is a text-based website where you are a ruler for your kingdom and you allot the resources, build and conquer other regions which are owned by another user. This is this available on the web if your interested.

K-indie: J-rabbit

K-indie: J-rabbit

Since I've been listening to Korean drama OSTs way back high school, I happen to discover another gem of musicians which I hope the Koreans are proud to have. Not that I don't appreciate my own, I do. I just happen to admire how can they make their own music with a variety of musical instruments though honestly I don't understand a thing they sing (well, except for the English songs of course). Their voices are so soothing to hear and very much pleasing to the ears. 

So without further ado, I would like to introduce J-rabbit!

I heard first their song "Greetings" and "If You Love Me" in the Operation Proposal OST (a remake of the Japanese drama entitled Proposal Daisakusen). The drama made me cried heaps and made me shed buckets of tears. I recommend that you watch it too. 

Here is a sample of their music:


If You Love Me 

Want something fun? Try listening to this:

Hcube wiv J Rabbit - 힘든가요? (R U tired?)

Want another one?

Happy things

How about a live performance?

[STAR ZOOM IN] J Rabbit 'Nowadays You Are' The Healing Song♪ 160502 EP.78

They will always be one of my favorite musicians. Kudos to this duo! And please keep making music that are inspiring.

Friday, September 29, 2017

Introducing K-indie!

Introducing K-indie!

You may probably tag me as a Korean culture addict though I'm not a Korean in origin. Let me tell you that there is so many things that I admire about the Koreans and their culture. Maybe later I'll probably take Hangeul lessons too. You think?

At some point in time, I was into doing marathons watching Korean dramas. But of course, they have these light and fun audio in the background if you're watching a light and funny drama and a sad and depressing song playing for a tragedic story drama. What made me hooked into Korean drama OSTs was the song playing in the drama sang by Dalmoon  which was Rooftop Moonlight (after some contemplating, I finally found it!). After School's Jung Ah entitled You're Cute was enjoyable to listen too. Actually, it was almost the entire OST which made me hooked! And as I began listening to more OST of different dramas, I began to appreciate lots and even discovered K-indie. So you will probably end up reading posts on more K-indie.

Check out below: 

Dalmoon - Rooftop Moonlight

After School's Jung Ah - You're Cute


It feels like I'm hanging by the thread.

Friday, September 15, 2017

First Time Online shopping at Althea: Second Part

First Time Online shopping at Althea: Second Part

And so here comes the second part. To give you a little brief summary on the first part, I ordered an item at Althea on the 9th of September. I've been waiting and expecting that the item will be delivered at around the 24th of September or probably 29th as I've read in other blogs that Saturdays and Sundays are not included in the counting (which kind of made me sad a little).

Anyway, imagine my surprise when my sister texted me that a delivery man was at our house just this morning. After I got home, my father told me that indeed there was a delivery and the delivery man will be back again later. I was baffled when my father told me that I am going to pay for 1520 pesos instead of 1320 pesos (discounted price).

There was a misunderstanding as the system was 1520 pesos and the parcel says 1320 pesos. To end the story, I was able to get my parcel on this day. So from the day that I ordered 9th September 2017 to 16 September 2017, it took 7 days which for me is fast enough! By the way, the courier utilized by Althea here in the Philippines was Ninja Van.

Monday, September 11, 2017

First time Online shopping at Althea!

First time Online shopping at Althea!

Online shopping has been the go-to of shoppers who composes more of the practical and those who are lazy enough to get out and go to malls. Indeed, with the vast improvement of technology today, the amount of buyers purchasing online is significantly increasing in numbers. It is mainly due to the reason of it being convenient and the price of the products is if not equal, lesser than its physical store.

Though I am not new to online shopping as I've tried purchasing before, this is my first time purchasing at Althea. Althea offers different brands of Korean products at a smaller price compared to malls since they are directly dealing with the original supplier of the products they feature. Thus, the cheaper prices. I opt to try the their COD payment method.

Let's see how will Althea fare:


September 9. 2017
I've signed up at Althea and placed an order which amounts to 1520 pesos. However I have used a coupon and the total that I will pay via Cash-On-Delivery  is 1320 pesos. I am expecting that the package will be here at around 10-15 days. Too bad, weekends are not counted.

September 10, 2017
First day.

September 11, 2017
Second day.

September 12, 2017
Still counting. Third day.

Saturday, September 9, 2017

The Seven Secrets of How to Think Like a Rocket Scientist by Jim Longuski

The Seven Secrets of How to Think Like a Rocket Scientist by Jim Longuski

This book tells how you can think like a scientist by dreaming, imagining accurately, simplifying and taking action. More points can be read in the book. Some parts are boring for a non-mathematician/engineer/rocket scientist like me but nevertheless an interesting read, I must say.

Body Odor Problems? Try this solution that worked for me

Body Odor Problems? Try this solution that worked for me

And no, the above mentioned is no marketing stint of any kind. I once had a problem with regards to my body. Maybe partly due to genetics, I easily sweat and had this pungent smell that slowly ate up my confidence. I also tried putting different deodorants which by the way some of it made my armpit darker (e.g. Safeguard, Secret, Rexona). I've also tried tawas and calamondin.

One day, my mother told me to try putting Zonrox in my bath. She told me that she heard from someone that they've used it on a girl and was successful in eliminating the smell. I've tried doing it and after around 3-7 days, it miraculously worked! No more body odor. Now, whenever I encounter this problem, I just do this solution. However, I don't do this often and don't even recommend using this method in the long term because Zonrox is made up of chemicals.

And oh before I forget, as much as possible, leave no hair on your armpit. I usually shave mine because the hair can harbor bacteria which are the one responsible for producing the bad odor. As far as I know, sweating is natural body process in order to eliminate toxins through skin and sweat is odorless.

Friday, September 8, 2017

Monday, September 4, 2017

The Pomodoro Technique

The Pomodoro Technique

Do you want to do something but have trouble doing it consistently? Honestly, this is something that I am struggling with. I can start doing something and then after some time I get bored and then begin to relax and not do it anymore. And then when inspiration again hits me, I again start something and then the endless cycle continues. You get the drift. Starting something is the easy part. Maintaining, on the other hand, is difficult.

Thanks to Youtube, I discovered a link on a time management technique called Pomodoro technique. Basically it tells you to focus on a task for around 25 minutes and then take a 5 minute break.

Let's do it! (Hey, the pomodoro tomato timer seems nice to have. I want to have one. :-) )

Saturday, September 2, 2017

How to: Not detecting WiFi Connection on Lenovo A7000 after using Share it

How to: Not detecting WiFi Connection on Lenovo A7000 after using Share it

How many of you had the dilemma in which you have encountered a situation where your Lenovo A7000 is not detecting your WiFi Connection after using Share it application? It's frustrating right? I've searched the internet but it seems there was no definite answer.

For those of you who are not familiar with ShareIt, it is an application which was first created by Lenovo and then they later turned it over to ShareIt Technologies. It enables you to send or receive files even huge ones on a faster speed without using a connector. You can transfer files from computer to mobile or vice versa or computer to computer or mobile to mobile phone. You can download it for free at

After some time, I was able to come across the solution: Turn off your phone for a few minutes and then turn it on again.

Friday, September 1, 2017

Food favorites update

Happy 1st day of September! It is start of the BER months and it just signifies that Christmas is again nearing. How time flies!

Anyway, just to give you an update of my favorite foods:

  • Fresh lumpia (Globe's Lumpia House)
  • French fries (McDo or Potato Corner)
  • Mcdonalds Coffee Float
  • Pears
  • Turnips
  • Smoked fish (Tinapa)

Thursday, August 31, 2017

Question Raised. Question's Own, Answered

Question Raised. Question's Own, Answered.

I can vividly remember myself asking my aunt how could they (referring to her and my uncle) think critically. I have been baffled and admired them for having practical solutions to almost every problem. I was answered with a silence.

I just realized it now. You think critically by thinking critically consistently. The statement might seemed like puzzling at first but you might be familiar with the scientific method. First, you assess or observe the situation. Point out the main problem. Then make plans/goals. Break it down on smaller tasks which are manageable and will make you move towards the goal. Eventually, you'll get to your goal and then solve the problem.

If you do this over and over again and again and again, problem solving would be a breeze. 

Sunday, August 27, 2017

In search of Saboten's Pickled Radish

In search of Saboten's Pickled Radish

One that I'm looking forward to if I ever had the opportunity to eat again at Saboten is their pickled radish. But for now, I'm off to finding how to make it.

Looking through the Glass: Picking a Bang-For-Your-Money Eyeglasses

Looking through the Glass: Picking a Bang-For-Your-Money Eyeglasses

I've been contemplating on buying prescription glasses for a very long time. I opt to wear contact lenses instead as the prescription lenses tend to cost more especially if you are highly myopic. Myopic is a medical term we use for nearsightedness. To simply put this in a layman's explanation, this is when you experience seeing things/reading words clearly when you are very near the object.

Recently,  I had done an eye check-up with an optical shop in Waltermart, Makati before purchasing contact lenses. However, I am experiencing itchiness which I don't experience before and I think that this is the time to let my eyes breathe as I've been donning contact lenses for more than 6 months already.

So my first step was to go through ( least in the birds-eye view of my imagination) the most cheapest place that I know: QUIAPO. The first time I've heard this was from my aunt who had her glasses done at this place. Since then, we've (we referring to my family as I had a family history of myopia which is kind of sad though) had our glasses done.

But before actually going there, I need to canvass first how much money it would cost. Below are the list of optical shops I've inquired to and their respective contact numbers. I've tried to googled some of them at first but  upon checking some of them are not updated.

-Located at Walter Mart, 790 Chino Roces Avenue Corner Arnaiz Avenue, Makati, 1230 Metro Manila
-Phone Number: 728 5701 (not confirmed)
600+ ultra thin glasses costs around 3300 pesos.

*Reshma Optical
-Located at 628 Pedro Paterno St. 1001 Manila, Philippines
- Phone number: (02) 736 9269 (CONFIRMED)
600+ ultra thin glasses costs around 3500 pesos (already multicoated)

*Vinas Optical Supply
- Located at P. Paterno Street
- Phone number ()
600+  1.61 ultra thin is around 2500 pesos already multicoated. If you want the very ultra thin lenses a.k.a NIKON lens, it would cost you 4500 pesos.

*Sunnies Specs
-Located at Glorietta
Their 1999 php already includes their frames and lense. It's a sad day for me because this deal would only cover up to 600 grade only. Because my other eye is  around 625, I inquired how about that and they told me that it would costs around 3999 php which is already ultra thin along with the frame. For me, these is not bad as they have very stylish frames. However, I think they are not multicoated nor have the screen protection as my sister had to pay an additional of 1000 pesos for hers. By the way, she got her glasses at this shop.

*Eye Republic Optical Clinic
- Located at P. Paterno St. Quiapo beside JSM Optical Supply
- Phone number (Sorry guys, I forgot to get my copy of receipt)
- Sundays are up to 4 pm only

This is where I finally got my glasses (August 27, 2017) which cost around 2800 pesos in total. (Score! I didn't even haggled as I already find it cheaper than my previous optical shop). The lenses are already multicoated and cost around 1800 pesos. For a 625 grade, 1800 pesos is their minimum amount and it can get higher if you also have a high astigmatism. Thankfully, I do not have astigmatism anymore. The frame that I chose costs around 1000 pesos which is not bad however the lady assistant advised that I chose another which have smaller frame as I cannot appreciate the ultra thin if I'm going to go with the first choice. I really like the shape of the glasses so I ask her if they have available frames which is similar to what I like. She redirected me to another and I just love it. They have maroon and black in color but I chose these to make my look less intimidating. I usually go for black in color before. I overheard the assistant talking to another customer that the consultation is free as long as you will proceed with the frames and lenses. But if you will not, then they will require you to pay 125 pesos for the consultation fee. After paying for my order, I was asked to get back after 2 hours before 4 pm.

I went back there at 3 pm and found a lot of customers in the shop. Good thing I went there almost noon.

Saturday, August 26, 2017

Book: Get Your Sh*t Together by Sarah Knight

Get Your Sh*t Together by Sarah Knight


And because it's all about the keys, phone and wallet.

Saturday, August 12, 2017

A Re-introduction

Hello there! Welcome to my blog ALLTHINGSFAR. I am Sanegeal Farmhear. I blog mainly because this serves like an online semi-diary for me which I can access to whenever I feel like reading it. It started with a physical diary sometime when I was in the early years of my highschool life, however those where not really secure as someone might peep into it. Since then I moved on to Microsoft Word which you can put a password on by the way but unfortunately I wasn't able to back-uped that file and it was lost because the external hard drive was broken. You might wonder why do I blog online when there are more audience who can view or read this. I guess it's the feeling of ambivalence between wanting to express yourself and making yourself heard out there and making your thoughts private. As you can see, I value my privacy a lot. Though I really enjoy thrills from new adventures from time to time, I am contented in making myself cozied up in the house with a cup of tea or coffee with a book or my phone with eBooks inside. I also enjoy deep conversations one on one rather than in a group. This blog can cover up anything. Enjoy your stay here and thank you for taking the time to browse this blog. I hope that you had gained something from these. :-)

Tweet tweet 2

"Master your emotions as they say. Because when you show emotion, you lose." -Sanegeal Farmhear

Tweet tweet

"You may be the best out there in putting yourself in their shoes but there are only so much you can comprehend. You'll never understand it fully because of the fact that you had your own and have and never will be able to walk their journey." - Sanegeal Farmhear

Always be Kind: Wonder Series by RJ Palacio

Always be Kind: Wonder by RJ Palacio

One of the most memorable middle children books I've already read was the Wonder series by R. J. Palacio. I was able to come across the 2nd book at FULLY BOOKED at BGC that dated back years ago and I was intrigued with the 365 Days of Wonder (2014) Mr. Browne's Book Of Precepts. Overall, I totally liked the book series and the story in these books basically tells us to always be kind.

There would also be a movie adaptation here which will be shown soon.

Friday, August 11, 2017

No internet connection: How very LONG it took PLDT Home DSL to restore my connection

No internet connection: How very LONG it took PLDT Home DSL to restore my connection

There is no internet connection. Ugh.

This is to document how I'm very much disappointed with the Internet Service Provider I'm currently subscribed to which is PLDT Home DSL. It's the second time I've been inconvenienced with because of the disruption of the internet connection and that I've experienced these internet connection issues after there was rain/moonsoon. The first one had no telephone dial tone and internet connection. We had to load our cellphone in order to contact them and took them 3 days to restore both. And now this time. Read below what I had to go through:

7/28/2017 09:30 pm

My sister verbalized that the connection was slow. I've tried to connect via phone but I wasn't able to browse. It says WiFi connected but I cannot even connect to the Google page.

7/29/2017 3:56 am

Got up a little early. I cannot connect to the internet. There is an exclamation point in the wifi icon using the laptop.

7/29/2017 5:59 am

I cannot connect in the internet.

7/29/2017 Past 7 am

I decided to call PLDT hotline 171 to report the case. I tried to try first their instructions hoping it might work however it didn't solved the problem and so I got to talked to Mr. Eric, a customer service representative and was able to get from him a reference number to report the problem. He said that currently there is a network issue and rest assured their engineers are doing their best to solve the problem. I asked if there was a estimated time which the internet could be fixed and he said that he cannot give a specific time but mostly within the day.

And it's 8:47 in the morning.

7/29/2017 4:28 pm

Checked the laptop, I cannot connect to the internet.

And it's 7:34 in the evening.

7/30/2017 5:01 am

No. The blinking is still there.

7/30/2017 past 3 pm

I decided to follow-up with PLDT hotline, voice prompt says that they are dispatching people for scheduled repair.

7/31/2017 9:04 pm

3 days and still no internet connection! How about doing something about that PLDT?


Nope. Not a single connection.


Still no internet connection. The internet is blinking.

8/3/2017 around 11-12 noon

I followed-up with PLDT Home DSL and talked to Ms. April. I voiced out my concern and she put me on hold temporarily in order to call the Technical Assistance Support. After some time, she told me that there is no one who was answering on the phone and this could be because it's almost lunch time. She offered me to call them back for me. Thanks Ms. April for going the extra mile! Then around 2-3 pm I got a call from PLDT Structural something and asked me about my internet connection. I told them that there is still no internet connection.

8/4/2017 09:50 am

Some unknown number called my cellphone once and then nothing. I wasn't able to answer it because I was at work. I thought it was the PLDT and tried to connect after, I arrived at home but there is still no connection.

8/5/2017 pm

No internet connection. Followed up with PLDT hotline 171 and was able to Ms. Gem, CSR, said after checking their system,  that they had indeed call me in my number. But I emphasized that they only called me ONCE.

8/6/2017 9:40 am

I've tried to connect to PLDT but to no avail as expected. The internet is still blinking. I followed up AGAIN and was able to talk to Mr. James, a CSR. He said that they are escalating it double time. I might have sounded a little irked while speaking to the CSR but I'm exercising maximum tolerance here. I've done numerous reports and follow-ups. Other people would have been doing an INCREDIBLE HULK at this point in time.

Hello 12:15 pm!

8/7/2017 around morning

When I grabbed my phone, there was a pop up notifying me about the latest news on my social media. I looked into the modem and surprisingly the modem is not blinking. I tried to connect and there it is FINALLY!

First and foremost, I'm VERY, VERY, VERY much disappointed on how long it took to restore my connection. I should be entitled to a rebate on the inconvenience I've experienced. Imagine that, no internet service connection for around 10-11 days which is almost half a month. I've been with PLDT Home DSL for at least a year. Though they are advertising a certain MBPS, they deliver 50 percent lower than that. Their marketing staff sometimes offer me to switch to an upgrade which is very annoying. I consistently decline just because I do not need it. Good thing I still don't because if now I get this kind of service, how much more if I chose to upgrade?

For those of you who want to have a reliable, stable connection especially those of you who work at home (Good thing I don't work at home), think twice before considering PLDT. Or if you do, better have a back-up plan.

Saturday, July 15, 2017

ChocoLATELY love with Roiselle Rosa

ChocoLATELY love with Roiselle Rosa

Being sweet-toothed, I was excited to try and was able to taste the brand Roiselle Rosa which was brought by my mom who came from a vacation in Hong kong. I splurged on eating it and absolutely loved it! This would be a great addition to my favorites when it comes to chocolates. Though I like sweets, I would prefer the just-right onces.

Because I've had enough

Because I've had enough
Sanegeal Farmhear

Because I've had enough
It's time to plan that stuff
Had it always been the same
Let's do change the game

Friday, July 14, 2017

In English, Please!

In English, Please!

A conversation I've had with a foreign high school student I've just met last Thursday made me think on a lot of things. He was here for a medical immersion because he wanted to be a gastroenterology doctor someday which I found cool and noble by the way. He might be studying in Ukraine as there is no pre-med course required there and it would only take 5-6 years for him to finish it. And of course because his family is there though they are based in Hongkong. He seemed nice enough and I can tell that he is wise by the way he had asked questions.

The first question that struck me first was that is there a way not to have a misunderstanding between doctors and nurses. I told him there will always be a misunderstanding but it will depend on the person. If I could hear this myself now, I would be baffled. You see, I have this dilemma. I have these huge amounts of ideas in my head and whenever I speak out, it turns out like an alien language to the receiver.

And so I thought a while about this. If I could answer him today, I still would say that misunderstandings are inevitable whether you are on the medical profession or not. Each of us has a his/her own way of perceiving things which may brought around misunderstandings. However, keeping an open mind would surely help in alleviating or could probably help in avoiding misunderstandings. 

Hey, I'm no expert in small-talk but I was surprised to see that through this I was able to gain an understanding of myself. I can claim to you more confidently that I am more of a writer that of an impromptu conversation starter. What made it more interesting was that I was able to converse in English and somehow convene what I wanted to say although I'd still had that dead space times which was awkward because my mind tells me "Fill that void space!".

Anyway, it was cool that little by little I was able to realize that I can express more of myself. Thanks to reading a lot of books!

Friday, July 7, 2017

Making Kimchi

Making Kimchi

It is a Saturday morning today and it's time for Mr. Napa cabbage to shine! Because today, we are going to make KIMCHI! Harhar. Okay... That was lame. Enough with the exaggeration. Just kicking off the morning with a great start. 

Anyway, I'm sharing to you that I'm trying to make kimchi. Though it is not my first in making this but this time I was following a recipe (maybe tweak some steps) from a mini cookbook I bought from National Bookstore which costs around 145 pesos.

To give you a brief introduction, Kimchi is a traditional staple food in Korean cuisine used as a side dish or may be used as a main dish which have originated at least 2000 years ago. It is salted and fermented and consists of napa cabbage as a common ingredient. I had watched and read in the internet that some use daikon/korean radish or spring onions as the main ingredient.

I finished the 5 days soaking the cabbage with salt in the refrigerator as I can't just leave this in the room temperature. The warm weather here has been crazy enough and the recipe calls that I have to store it in a cool place so I thought of the refrigerator. Today, I will do the remaining steps in the cookbook. I'm going to mixed it with the other ingredients that I had already choppped 5 days ago as I was worried that the spring onions would wilt. The only fresh ingredient that I had was the chili peppers as I forgot to buy these from the market. The other mixed ingredients were placed in the refrigerator from 5 days ago. Upon opening, it started to smell same as the store-bought kimchi!

After mixing them all, I find it odd to add cold water over the top but I did it anyway. This is how it looks after:

 Let's just see what would these would taste like after 3 more days.

UPDATE as of 7/15/2017:

I tasted the kimchi last Thursday and the kimchi was salty probably because I halved the water. I used 300 ml instead of the 600 ml water instructed because there was no room for it in the jar. I searched in the internet in how to fix this and found out to add radish into the mix. Kimchi was less saltier after a couple of days. And just yesterday I bought a korean radish and added it in the jar.

Saturday, July 1, 2017

Middle School, The Worst Days Of My Life

Middle School, The Worst Days Of My Life

Good morning guys! I just came from the market along with my Dad and it was just crazy! For just a little less than 800 pesos we were able to buy a lot of assorted fish around 6 kilograms total, mussels which probably weighs more than 2 kilos, crabs that weigh more than a kilo and a half and some vegetables and spices used for cooking.

Anyway, I'd like to share this is the first time I've read a James Patterson creation. It was light and fun to read. It revolves around a sixth grader named Rafe Khatchadorian who was keen on breaking every rule at school. Talk about rebellion! 

The thing that also made it more interesting were the illustrations and the pictures. :-)

P.S. Who would have thought that this book has been turned into a movie? If you're wondering about the movie, here below is the trailer courtesy of YouTube:

Friday, June 16, 2017

Tweet 4

"What you have today, you owe it to your predecessors. And I'm not only talking about your familial history. It is your responsibility to make the world a better place to live in for the next generation. A great shame for them if you won't." - Sanegeal Farmhear

Something to Smile About

One of the most profound feedbacks I've received is that patient telling me that "A patient is delighted when the nurse smiles."

One of life's gifts.

Sometimes the most amazing and beautiful things come out of the saddest hardships.

Monday, June 12, 2017

Plant Nanny

You guys may be familiar with this Android/iOs application which I'm trying out now. This is a great way to track and ensure that you are drinking sufficient water everyday. If you're an android user like I do, you can download it for free at the Google playstore which is around 90 MB+.

Friday, June 9, 2017

Tweet 2

"No matter how much you are forewarned beforehand, nothing ever imprints on a deeper impact than experience." -Sanegeal Farmhear


"There's so much to be gained in silence." -Sanegeal Farmhear

Friday, June 2, 2017

SISTAR is disbanding! :-(

Somewhat I'm having the feeling that I'm feeling alive again. However, there was another sad news I've heard. As you may already probably know, the girl group Sistar would disband. I think that among the girl groups they have the most solid catchy songs that are most perfect for summer.

Cheers to the new beginnings of each SISTAR members: Hyorin, Soyou, Bora and Dasom. I'll be rooting for you!

Saturday, May 6, 2017

Youtube Channel: Cooking With Dog

Youtube Channel: Cooking With Dog

I like cooking. Not the same as I was before as I tend to get lazy nowadays, cooking  has been a recreational and relaxing hobby for me. Cooking can be quite tedious to do especially when your the one who does all the preparation to cooking. However, if your dish turns out to be good, you just can't help and be proud. 

I've been lurking around in Youtube and as I was searching on how to make Buchi I stumbled across this youtube channel by Cooking With Dog.

I admire japanese cooking as japanese people put emphasis on the presentation on the food. Whenever they make food, it looks so good that you're torn if want to eat it or not worrying that you will destroy a masterpiece.

Cooking With Dog

Thursday, May 4, 2017

It is what you read ...

(credits to the author and the creator of this image)

"It is what you read when you don’t have to that determines what you will be when you can’t help it." – Oscar Wilde

Sunday, April 30, 2017

How to remove yellow stains/blood stains from your clothes

How to remove yellow stains/blood stains from your clothes

I'll let you on a little secret that I've discovered. Yellow stains are usually produced when you've put on deodorant and then you sweat. After a while, when taking off your upper garment, you'll noticed in the armpits area the yellow stains. How do you get rid of them?

The little secret I'm talking a while back lies on a mild soap/fragrant soap. With a little water on the armpit area, draw using the soap in the area where the yellow stains are and then handwash. Rinse afterwards. You'll see that it becomes magic. Oh, and by the way, It works on the fresh blood stains you know.

The technique in preserving your clothes from yellow stain is in preventing them. Do not iron your clothes with yellow stains in them as they tend to be permanent if you do. I've made this mistake in my scrubs and what do I have? Yellow stains in the armpit area. I wished \I have known it sooner. :-(

Thursday, April 27, 2017

How to be Immortal

How to be Immortal

Funny how we place importance in looking good yet thousands of articles and quotations have been made that inner beauty is what matters the most. We spend on thousands of money on how to be physically appealing. Shallow it may be but when we look good we also feel good.

Well, this post is about how to be immortal according to my literature professor which was way back on my 2nd year college days. It's worth writing it down now as I don't know if my brain will still remember it later on.

Three ways on how make yourself immortalized:

  1. Plant a tree.
  2. Write a book.
  3. Give birth to a child.

A Quotation from - She Was Pretty Korean drama

"After you got into the Editing Team, have you looked up their magazines and read them?"