Saturday, August 12, 2017

A Re-introduction

Hello there! Welcome to my blog ALLTHINGSFAR. I am Sanegeal Farmhear. I blog mainly because this serves like an online semi-diary for me which I can access to whenever I feel like reading it. It started with a physical diary sometime when I was in the early years of my highschool life, however those where not really secure as someone might peep into it. Since then I moved on to Microsoft Word which you can put a password on by the way but unfortunately I wasn't able to back-uped that file and it was lost because the external hard drive was broken. You might wonder why do I blog online when there are more audience who can view or read this. I guess it's the feeling of ambivalence between wanting to express yourself and making yourself heard out there and making your thoughts private. As you can see, I value my privacy a lot. Though I really enjoy thrills from new adventures from time to time, I am contented in making myself cozied up in the house with a cup of tea or coffee with a book or my phone with eBooks inside. I also enjoy deep conversations one on one rather than in a group. This blog can cover up anything. Enjoy your stay here and thank you for taking the time to browse this blog. I hope that you had gained something from these. :-)

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