Wednesday, May 31, 2023



Pair it up with a dollop of Kewpie's Sesame Dressing, yum!

Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Bombed an Interview today

 Bombed an Interview today

I don't know if I should believe in signs prior to an event but some things got a bit problematic a night before (the electric fan began to have a problem, the aircon is not cooling, room is humid and hot, and I can't sleep - was only able to by 2 am) and that I had faint hunch that this interview will not go well as I hope to be.

However, I'm still grateful for the experience because whatever the result was, I learn to tone down my expectations and if anything, I could only charge it to experience. This is my first time for an interview outside the country and I'm also trying it out for the sake of trying so I would know better the next time. The interviewers were accommodating and provided a feedback why my answers to the interview felt short. They provided some tips on how could I ace an interview like that. They made the applicants comfortable. I'm dreaming that someday I could be in a workplace with such lovely people.

Monday, May 29, 2023

How Do You Fry Your Pork Chop?

How Do You Fry Your Pork Chop?

We don't get to often eat porkchops at home. Maybe it's because my mother is not a fan of pork so she usually reduces consumption of pork to a minimum. We usually have fish when we were younger. And so, how do you fry your porkchop?

I recently shared that for the breading I've tried the Ajinomoto's Tasty Boy if you prefer the less salty kind than the Crispy Fry. For a half a kilogram of pork chops, I've used 1 sachet intended for 1 kilogram. I've added a bit of salt and pepper because it is bland for my taste. I've mixed the breading after rinsing the pork chops and let it dry for a bit. I didn't put egg on it. Should I have?

During my previous frying attempt, its best to fry in a very hot oil in a low to medium heat. I've tried not cutting it out just like in the picture above and the pork chop became concave. Aside from that, I realize that not all parts of the porkchop are cooked well so it is best to section it out so the inside of the meat will be cooked thoroughly. 

Sunday, May 28, 2023

From the poster na nasa OPD Psych Room.

 From the poster na nasa OPD Psych Room.


Hindi makatulog

Madaling magalit

Pagkawala ng interes sa mga bagay na dati namang nagbibigay kasiyahan

Walang gana sa pagkain/Maraming kinakain more than sa usual

Nakakaisip ng pagpapakamatay

Kung at least 2 weeks ng nararanasan, magandang magpatingin na sa espesyalista.


Saturday, May 27, 2023



And no, I'm not talking about the feeling after feeling spooked or something that you saw after an astounding performance. I'm talking about the book Goosebumps by R. L. Stine. Are you familiar with it? When I was in my middle school, I became obsessed with it. It comes in series with different stories per book. Oh, it is a horror novel that will make you a little spooked but at a mild level so as to the extent that it will not give you nightmares.



Who would've thought that there was a thing such as a professional mermaiding? I'm shocked to know that there really was such a thing. As I go through the four episodes of MerPeople in Netflix, I got so much respect for these people because this is another level of art. You can see that there was so much passion in these people pursuing their dream of becoming a professional mermaid.

Friday, May 26, 2023

Dumpling filling attempt

Dumpling filling attempt

I was trying out making dumplings using a square type wrapper so when I saw the molo wrapper in the supermarket, I took it. And made this attempt on a dumpling filling.


  • 300 g pork ground
  • 1 pork cube ground
  • Spring onion, 1 bunch
  • Carrots
  • 2 medium size onion
  • 5 cloves garlic
  • 1 teaspoon sesame oil
  • Salt
  • Pepper
  • Cornstarch 2-3 tablespoons
  • Egg
  • Mama Sita's oyster sauce 2 tablespooon

Put the garlic, onion and carrot into a food processor until minced. In a bowl, add these along with the meat. Add the oyster sauce and the sesame oil. Add pinch of salt and pepper. Add 1 medium egg. Crush the pork cube. Mix all ingredients evenly in one direction only.

Thursday, May 25, 2023

Dumpling sauce

Dumpling sauce

11 caplet Soy sauce

5 caplet white vinegar

2 cloves garlic crushed

Freshly squeezed Calamansi juice

2 medium sized green chili

Hoisin sauce

Sesame oil




Tuesday, May 23, 2023

The Love for Reading

The Love for Reading

I've seen on facebook about someone asking a woman how to persuade her child to read instead of playing with smart devices and she answered that children don't hear us, they imitate us. It sparked in me an interest to contemplate for a while on when did I start to love reading books. I didn't see my mother or father reading books way back as far as I remember. Mind you, when I was young, books were still on physical form.

As I try to reflect back, I think it was the children's books for my youngest brother that was one of the key factors of loving to read. Then with a black board and a chalk, I would pretend to be a teacher. Whenever we go across the toys and books, I would read them all over again. The pictures consisted of very bright colors.

I am not necessarily pumped up in going to school and studying in advance. But I get a feeling of immense thrill when the books for the school year are distributed to the students before the start of classes. I enjoyed scanning and skimming them (which was at the time I didn't know was a study hack) and sometimes read the stories in the books.

Fast forward in my secondary education years. I get succeeding failing marks on my tests in my Algebra class and am deeply perturbed by it. I even got the guts to ask the upper classmen out of desperation I guess but unfortunately they didn't remember on how to. I asked for my mothers help but she also couldn't solve it. So I have no choice to to go solve it on my own and delved in the mini-library in school. Libraries in public schools are not sophisticated and might be limited but overall, I think the library in our school ranges better than those in the public provincial library. I know because I happen to check them out due to a research paper. Anyway, I self-learned and solved problems until I got better. It was a good thing that the books I'm practicing on have answers in the end so I know if I am on the right track. I also discovered that my teachers were also taking reference on these books so when the classes started and problems were unveiled, I already know how to solve these problems.

In my free time, I almost always go to the library to lend some books and there was a school year that I managed to fill out all my library card because it was already full. There were novels, books and newspapers in the library. Sometimes I read novels and newspapers but what piqued me the most were the short stories and the nonfiction kind of books. Oh, I also enjoyed reading and collecting Filipino Funny Komiks and often bought it in sale that would only cost 15 pesos I think. My personal favorite was Anton D Ant. I can vividly remember that there was an episode in the comic that introduced hydrophonics. And the later episodes teaches readers tips on how to draw.

Moving on to my tertiary education years, I began reading newspapers because I inherently believe that it is necessary to me to be updated at least in the basics of what is happening around me, thus, current events. In this time I also discovered a trove of rare gems that could be found in the National Library of the Philippines which is located in Kalaw, Manila. They have the Filipiniana section where they kept the books of Filipino authors. In that section, I was able to borrow and read Francisco Colayco's Pera Mo Palaguin mo that kick off my hunger for personal finance. I gobbled up reading self-improvement and psychology books. This was also the place where I happen to read John Robert Powers on etiquette and manners. That library was heaven of books for students like me who at that time couldn't afford buying these books with countless knowledge and wisdom. This was also the time that I happen to discover the electronic books which was chef's kiss because it was portable. 

During my student years, I was also an avid lurker and buyer of books from Booksale and National Bookstore. But now I happen to prefer checking out more books on Fullybooked stores because they got books not commonly found though they commence a higher price.

Monday, May 22, 2023

My takeaway from the Webinar: Management Strategies in Early Hypertension spoken by Dr. Deborah Ignacia David-Ona

My takeaway from the Webinar: Management Strategies in Early Hypertension spoken by Dr. Deborah Ignacia David-Ona

Hypertension accounts for 18.6 million of deaths every year and is causing 33% of all global deaths. More than 75% of the cardiovascular deaths take place in low and middle-income countries. It is also the number one risk factor for developing cardiovascular disease and the 5th leading cause of mortality in the country.

Many of the Filipinos are aware that they hypertensive but more than half of the percentage still have uncontrolled hypertension.

The COVID-19 pandemic partially disrupted the seeking of health care for the management of non-infectious diseases due to lockdowns and having hypertension along with other cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease increased the odds for severity of COVID-19 and mortality.

Because of the ongoing lockdown, people were predispose to a sedentary lifestyle, weight gain and increased stress which are risk factors in developing hypertension.

Addressing the gaps in assessment and management of hypertension includes:

  • Dissemination of clinical practice guidelines
  • Multi-specialty collaboration which includes allied health professionals
  • Government policies and programs
  • Public-private partnerships
  • Physician-driven patient education
  • Patient awareness campaigns

In the 2020 Philippine Guidelines, for a population of:

  • Adult less than 80 years old
    • Target BP (blood pressure) is less than 130/80 mmHg 
    • Treatment threshold BP is not more than or equal to 140/90 mmHg
  • Adult more than or equal to 80 years old
    • Target BP is less than 140/90 mmHg 
    • Treatment threshold BP is not more than or equal to 150/90 mmHg
  • People with diabetes
    • Target BP is less than 130/90 mmHg and not to lower than 120/70 mmHg (as studies show that lower than that would increase complications)
    • Treatment threshold BP is not more than or equal to 140/90 mmHg
  • People with Chronic Kidney Disease
    • Target BP is less than 140/90 mmHg - low cardiovascular risk and if with proteinuria less than of equal to 130/80 mmHg
    • Treatment threshold BP is not more than or equal to 140/90 mmHg

For hypertension to be defined as such, one should have a measurement of more than or equal to 140/90 mmHg at least on two separate occasions. In office and out-of-office blood pressure recommendation using a digital device can be taken. Manual device that is taken by a trained personnel and calibrated regularly are still recommended.

For the non-pharmacologic interventions for hypertension:

  1. Lifestyle modification is the cornerstone  for the management of hypertension as this is the first line anti-hypertensive treatment and is synergistic to the effects of anti-hypertensive medications.
  2. Sodium restriction to as low as 1500 mg/day or not more than half a teaspoon a day.
  3. Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) meal plan is recommended for all patients with hypertension without renal insufficiency. These are low in sodium and high in dietary potassium, rich in fruits, vegetables, low-fat dairy, fish, whole grains, fiber, and other minerals at recommended levels. It should also have low in red and processed meat, sugar sweetened foods and drinks, saturated fat, cholesterol and sodium.
  4. Aerobic physical activity and dynamic resistance exercises. Heart rate should increase to 120 beats per minute or  dedicate at least 30 minutes of exercise that makes your heart pumping every day.
  5. Abstinence from alcohol or moderate alcohol intake. Filipinos are more on binge drinkers but this practice is also discouraged.
  6. Significant weight loss of more than or equal to 5% of the baseline weight for overweight or obese patients. Studies show that for every kilogram lost is a drop in 1 mmHg in the systolic blood pressure.
  7. Smoking cessation

For pharmacologic approaches:

  • For uncomplicated hypertension suitable antihypertensive drugs include ACE inhibitors, ARBs, Calcium channel blockers, thiazide/thiazide-like diuretics or as monotherapy or combination.
  • Ideal combination therapy has the RAS blocker with calcium channel-blocker or thiazide/thiazide-like diuretics
  • Do not combine ACE inhibitors & ARBs. Also ACE-I or ARBs with direct renin inhibitors
  • SPC (Single Pill Combination) or free combination? - Use of free combinations is recommended if SPC therapy is not available or not affordable.

Amlodipine has proven efficacy across a range of hypertensive patient profiles. Taking Amlodipine as prescribed greatly decreases risk for stroke. It is long acting drug and it doesn't matter what time of the day to take it as long as you take it regularly. Because it also vasodilates the vessels, common side effect experienced by patients is edema so leg elevation can be done. Losartan is a short acting drug and takes effect for 6-10 hours.

For Blood Pressure Measurement in Public Spaces/Pharmacies, these are useful for screening untreated individuals and following treated hypertensives but diagnosis and treatment decisions should not to be based solely on such measurements.

Due to technological advancement, wearable devices for BP taking are readily available in the market. These types are wrist-cuff devices through oscillometry (wrist cuff) and cuffless (wrist band) through photoplethysmography, applanation tonometry, pulse transit  time, and others. A 2021 European  Society of Hypertension Practice guidelines published an article that cuffless wearable BP monitors have great potential but its accuracy and usefulness are uncertain today that diagnostic and treatment should not be based on these measurements.

Technology can play a key role throughout the patient journey in enhancing adherence through:

  • Packing innovations such as calendar-based packaging, electronic monitoring devices
  • Electronic reminders which alerts you to take the medication or refill prescription
  • Electronic health records which share patient's complete medication list for collaborative care
  • Electronic prescribing into which notification if prescription is already filled (or not)
  • Digital feedback such as incentives and rewards

Finally, to improve hypertension control in low and middle income countries, there is a need to collaborate with the key stakeholders, promote access and adherence and implement innovative, cost-effective and sustainable programs for hypertension prevention and control

Sunday, May 21, 2023

Making Hotdog Guisado for the first time!

 Making Hotdog Guisado for the first time!

I used the Panlasang Pinoy recipe as a base and tweak it a little bit on my own as per what I envision:

7 pieces classic tender juicy hotdog, sliced thinly and diagonally

2 medium to large red onion julienned?

1/2 cup carrot julienned

Half red bell pepper, julienned

Del Monte Sweet Blend

1 clove garlic minced

Salt and pepper

oil, t

After making the pan hot, in the induction minimize to 400 setting.

 Put the oil and saute the onion along with the carrots. 2 minutes. Drop a pinch of salt.

After onions became translucent, add the hotdog and saute for 2 minutes. 

Drop the bell pepper, mix and let it cook for 2 minutes. 

Add the ketchup depending how you want it to be but I think it was approx 3-4 tablespoons. Add the minced garlic. Mix and cook for 2 minutes.

Add salt and pepper. Enjoy!

Saturday, May 20, 2023

Only Me in Sight by 5 Alarm

Only Me in Sight by 5 Alarm

I was watching MerPeople documentary series on Netflix and the first hook in the song caught my eye, or should I say ear. This would go perfectly background fit on a morning drive. How I wish!

Friday, May 19, 2023

List of Easy to Cook Viands from Your Homemade Ulam/Snack Recipes

List of Easy to Cook Viands from Your Homemade Ulam/Snack Recipes

For those who already have experience in making food at home and from scratch, we all know that cooking entails hard work that is why it is often called the labor of love. I'll be listing here the ulam/snack recipes that you can do at home so that planning and preparing your meal and my meal would be a breeze and less tedious. 

1. Lumpia

   What you'll need: Lumpia wrappers, Meat, Carrots, Kinchay, Garlic, Onion, Salt, Pepper, Oil

2. Cheese Sticks

 What you'll need: Lumpia wrappers, Cheese (Easy-to-melt is recommended), Oil

3. Tofu fried and Dipping Sauce

 What you'll need: Tofu, Oil, For the dipping sauce - Soy sauce, Vinegar, Cucumber, Salt, Pepper

4. Hotdog Guisado

 What you'll need: Hotdog, Oil, Onion, Garlic, Carrots, Red bell pepper, Ketchup, Salt, Pepper

Thursday, May 18, 2023

Natasha Blume

Natasha Blume

Okay. I found another promising artist. have you heard of Natasha Blume. Her Black Sea song is the main theme song in the MerPeople documentary series in Netflix. Go check her out:

Natasha Blume - Black Sea

Natasha Blume - Journey

Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Whiskey Words & a Shovel II by R. h. Sin (Notes)

 Whiskey Words & a Shovel II by R. h. Sin (Notes)

our absence taught me

how to live without you

time away taught me

to find peace

in being alone

human flaw.

we hide behind the human 


of making mistakes

using imperfection as an excuse

to hurt those who love us

expecting things to go back

to how they once were

after apologizing


you kill your future

by mourning the past

stop leaving the door 


for someone

who no longer

deserves a key

it was in that moment that I’d do

anything to watch you crawl in 


it was in that moment that I’d do

anything to make you feel the 

way I did

but then I realized that the best

revenge would be to become 

more of everything you failed to

appreciate, everything you’d 

one day search for after the 

world had its way with you

and when you returned

I’d be gone

enjoying myself, happy and 

peaceful with someone stronger 

than you were

life is too short to lose sleep 

over a living nightmare

I know you love him but you 

have to love yourself more

see, anyone not willing to 

respect what you feel

is not worthy of any type of

emotional response

it’s hard, it’s always been 


but I just think we’re 

looking for the type of love

that doesn’t destroy us in the 


the type of love that helps us 

evolve and grow

it’s important to realize that this

type of love is only attainable

once self-love is achieved

◆ losing to gain.

▪ losing to gain.

we lose things to gain more and

sometimes what we lose isn’t a 


in time, your heart will heal

in time, your heart will be ready

once more but only for someone 

who is ready for you

◆ love and lies.

▪ love and lies.

your detailed text messages

his one-worded response

you make yourself available

but he never finds the time

you’re always calling first

he refuses to call at all

but you’re stuck 

because you fell

he claimed to love you

but in fact he didn’t fall

◆ different, yet the same.

▪ different person

same bullshit

◆ resolutions.

▪ changing for the better

ready for something better

◆ reality.

▪ eality.

you’re unhappy

you’ve been feeling neglected

you’ve been taken for granted

and yet you still find ways and 

or create several excuses as to why 

you stay

in reality

you’ve been holding on

to nothing

so if in this moment

you decided to walk away

you’d lose them

and at the same time

you’d lose nothing

you’d gain peace

you’d lose them

yet find yourself

◆ my scars.

▪ these scars

remind me that I survived

everything meant to 

destroy me

◆ your mistakes.

▪ don’t beat yourself up

for being too good

for them

don’t be so hard on yourself

for choosing someone

incapable of appreciating

everything that you are

sometimes you have to

choose badly

in order

to be able to identify

what is good for you

◆ release.

▪ sometimes the only way

to empty yourself of a person

is to shed tears

◆ forget not.

▪ never forget the people who 

made you feel as if your best 

wasn’t good enough

never forget the way they 

mistreated you while you gave 

them what was considered your 


◆ soul relatable.

▪ and to the women

who wake up tired emotionally

restless during the night

unable to sleep

drained both physically and 


smiling in an effort to hold back 

the tears

you are beautiful

you are good enough

you are strong 

you are survivors

◆ 3:33 p.m.

▪ they only treat you

how they feel

about themselves

◆ often off, my emotional switch.

▪ I’ve always given myself in 

small doses and sometimes 

nothing at all

careful not to share the best 

parts of myself with someone 

who could turn out to be the 

wrong person

protective in terms of my heart 

and soul

understanding that most of the 

people I meet will fall short of 

my expectations

and so I’ve learned to expect 


sometimes my emotional switch 

remains off

you can’t get hurt if you feel


◆ survival.

▪ you can’t force something to be 

more than what it should 

sometimes the people we love 

can’t comprehend what we feel

and there will be times where 

you’ll have to walk away from 

the very person whom you’d do

anything for

it’s not giving up

it’s simply survival

and I hope it’s you who survives

◆ drown.

▪ overwhelmed by a sea of 


sometimes you have to drown

to learn how to swim

◆ sadly.

▪ sadly, one of the hardest 

loves to find is the love 

your heart deserves

◆ yes, you.

▪ yes, you.

you deserve to be someone’s 

only choice

◆ emotional CPR.

▪ emotional CPR.

we try our hardest to force life 

into things that must die and 

that’s what hurts the most

◆ in search of heaven.

▪ love doesn’t feel pure anymore

it’s become all about what we 

can do for each other in terms of

physical pleasure and often 

defined by material

▪ searching for a love that 

resembles heaven

yet somehow we end up in hell

◆ forgiveness.

▪ I’m still trying to forgive myself

for all the things I failed to 


I’m still trying to make peace

with all the broken pieces of my 


◆ self-blame.

▪ maybe we should write more 

articles that help encourage self-

love instead of self-blame

maybe that’s the cure

maybe self-love leads to 

choosing a man capable 

of reciprocating everything

she’s willing to share

◆ harsh reality.

▪ it’s the harsh reality of falling in

love with the surface

and unexpectedly having to face 

the truth in who most people 

really are

◆ good vibes only.

▪ good vibes only.

give silence to negativity

understand that those who wish

to harm you in any way

and or disrupt your peace

don’t deserve the energy

it takes to respond

to their actions

you’re valuable 

stop engaging with those

who can’t afford you

◆ strength.

▪ strength.

truth is

you’re not okay

but you will be

you’ll hold on

but you’ll let go

it’ll be difficult

but you’ll do it

you’re feeling weak

but be strong

◆ one hell of a woman.

▪ one hell of a woman.

she couldn’t be tamed, 

rebellious lover

refusing to settle for less than 

she deserved

there’s this fire that burns within


the type which could never be 

put out as she used it to light her

own path

she, unchained and free, willing 

to push the envelope and rip it 

open if she had to

strong in every sense of the 


valuable even when others fail 

to notice

one hell of a woman to fall for

one hell of a woman indeed

◆ sent, text message.

▪ sent, text message.

you either be consistent

or become nonexistent

◆ painful truth.

▪ painful truth.

I’ve come to realize

that those who smile the most

usually shed the most tears

in secret

and those who laugh the 


are usually the ones who cry the


◆ 2013.

▪ a life spent 

with someone who constantly

hurts you 

is like death

from womb to tomb

some people spend most

of their lives

either surviving heartache

or dying from the weight 

of emotional distress

◆ the rules.

▪ the rules.

respect her mind

feed her soul

protect her peace

guard her heart

◆ over and gone.

▪ I no longer seek closure

no more bitterness

and my heart is no 

longer cold

for I have found the 


you were incapable of 


and I have found 


in the arms of someone 


◆ interlude for the survivor.

▪ interlude for the survivor.

the pain means you’re alive

the scars mean

you’ve always survived

◆ misinterpreted love.

▪ Maybe I thought that those three 

words would extend the 

moments that we’ve 

already experienced with each 

other. You uttered them to me 

with ease without a speech, 

simply straight to the point, 

making it easier to comprehend. 

Now as I sit here with just a 

memory of how it was, I 

realize that those three words 

meant nothing to you but 

everything to me.

◆ love of self.

▪ love of self.

you belong to you

sometimes your soul mate

is yourself

and everything 

you’ve been searching for

can be found

deep within your own soul

◆ a time of love.

▪ a time of love.

thank you for seeing

the stars within my soul

when all I saw was pain

scars and darkness

◆ too much.

▪ too much.

too tired to sleep

too hurt to start over

too depressed to say a word

I’ve been there

it gets better

just give it time

◆ an outdated love.

▪ you’re in love with

an outdated version of how 

things were

you’re attached to an idea

that no longer exists

this is what happens

when those we usually avoid

pretend to be everything

we’ve always wanted

◆ too late.

▪ too late.

no one misses you until you 

walk away

no one appreciates you until 

you’re gone

no one understands this until 

you’ve given up on waiting for 

things to get better

no one listens until silence is the

only thing left

◆ encouragement IV.

▪ a woman’s value is not 

validated by her ability to attract 

and or keep a man

◆ loveless.

▪ loveless.

loveless relationships

cause people to love less

that’s the problem

with being hurt

you avoid love

altogether out of fear

of more hurt

◆ heavy heart.

▪ heavy heart.

every day

a war zone

you’re constantly fighting

for your own sanity

in search of peace

smiling instead of crying

laughing instead of breaking 


you deserve a break

this night is yours

tonight your heavy heart

deserves the light

◆ moving on.

▪ moving on.

I walked away

I moved on

not out of hatred for you

but for love of self

the more you respect yourself

the less likely you are

to hold on to someone

who fails to appreciate you 

people deciding to not show up

is the reason

I decide to go missing

◆ fraudulent emotions.

▪ sadly, we’ve become a 


content with being in love

with a love that isn’t real

◆ hell here.

▪ hell on earth will always be 

trying to maintain a relationship 

with someone who is too weak 

to remain loyal to the idea of a 

forever with you

◆ women like you.

▪ I think women with a wall up

are at times

the ones who love the hardest

and it’s women like that

I find the most attractive

flaws and all

there’s still magic in her eyes

cracked, sometimes shattered

but there’s still value

within her heart

◆ awake.

▪ awake.

but sometimes

nightmares occur

while we’re awake

and sometimes those nightmares

come in the form

of those we love

◆ loyal.

▪ loyal.

I’m too loyal

to myself

to entertain anyone

who can’t remain loyal to me

◆ the lesson.

▪ the lesson.

not everyone you love

will stay

not everyone you trust

will be loyal

some people only exist

as examples of what to avoid

◆ her interlude.

▪ why we stay.

that’s the problem

instead of using our strength

to let go

we’d rather hold on

to what was

ignore what it’s become

while destroying

what it should’ve been

we want so badly to be loved

by those filled with hatred

we continuously search for 


where only chaos lives

◆ self-care.

▪ betrayal makes the heart fragile

handle yourself with care

◆ the emptiness.

▪ the emptiness. 

you just get so damn empty

sharing yourself for the sake of 

keeping them interested

giving them your all and yet 

they act as if it’s nothing

▪ this is for all the thank-yous

you deserve but rarely get

this is for all the moments

when you grow tired of the 


this is for the drama

that looks for you

this is for anything, anyone,

or anybody who plans on 

stressing you

may they continue to fail

or fall beneath you

where they belong

there is strength

beneath your surface

there is love in your heart

and there is patience

in your soul

you are and will forever remain

stronger than the things

or those who come against you

◆ no chance.

▪ ask yourself

why you miss me

and you’ll understand

why I’ll never let you back in

◆ weaknesses.

▪ their inability to remain faithful 

to your loyalty

is a reflection of their own 

emotional handicap

and has nothing to do with you

stop blaming yourself for their 


and start preserving your energy 

for someone who is strong 

enough to reciprocate the love 

within your heart

◆ we.

▪ we.

we run out of second chances

we get tired of excuses

we get tired of being taken for granted

we get tired of arguing 

we get tired of making an effort

we get tired of losing sleep

we get tired of entertaining the 


even good people with big 


who love hard have their limits

◆ the wrong lover.

▪ constantly, we find ourselves 


between holding on to the 

possibilities of change

and realizing that what we 

hoped for was just a dream sold 

by yet another soul too cold to 

make good on empty promises 

and a love that never actually


◆ decisions.

▪ you can’t help who you love

but you do decide

who has the potential

to be loved by you

◆ avoidance.

▪ you are rare

I mean

there’s something 

inside you

that can’t be found elsewhere

avoid anyone who treats you

like you’re ordinary

avoid anyone incapable

of seeing what

you’ve always seen

in yourself

◆ warrior heart.

▪ she has the mind-set

of royalty

and the heart

of a warrior

she is everything

all at once and too much

for anyone who

doesn’t deserve her

she is you

she’s always been you

◆ deserving.

▪ she wasn’t being needy

she was simply in 


of everything she 


◆ choosing yourself.

▪ choosing yourself.

walking away

doesn’t mean you stop caring

for those you’ve distanced

yourself from

sometimes you come to the 


that it’s time to take care

of you and sometimes 

that means leaving

behind people

who stopped giving a damn

about you

◆ the woman.

▪ the woman.

I’ve been searching for you

the woman with a past

deserving of a better future

the woman who knows

how it feels to have her

heart broken

left alone to piece

herself back together

the woman with the type of love

that most men fail to 


the woman who knows

the true meaning of loneliness

betrayal and deceit

that woman deserves to be loved

and I’d like to be the one

to reciprocate what she’s

been brave enough to share

you are not your past

and I’d like to be a part

of your future

◆ that fear.

▪ that fear.

the fear of not being good 

enough makes you try harder 

for those

who aren’t good enough for 


◆ be patient.

▪ be patient.

if you’re brave enough to let it 


you’ll find new life

in something beautiful

with someone

willing to treat you better

and the patience 

you’ve invested

into the wrong people

is just enough

to preserve your heart

for the one who deserves it

◆ magic.

▪ magic.

one day someone will look at 

you with magic in their eyes 

because that’s what you are

◆ emotional reaction.

▪ emotional reaction. 

more and more I’m learning

that I have complete control

over my reaction to the actions

of others

and I refuse to allow myself

to provide an emotional reaction

to those who are not worthy

of my energy

I refuse to be broken

by those who have always

been too weak to stand beside me

I refuse to be torn down

by those who sit below me

◆ now.

▪ now.

it’s time to take the love he 

could never appreciate and give 

it to yourself