Monday, November 7, 2022

Dreams - 07NOV2022

Dreams - 07NOV2022

Entry Nov 8,2022 am - woke up at 8:41am

Time check: 10:08 am

I managed to sleep at 10 pm last night which was a bit surprising and woke up at 8 am. Bed still comforts me so I eventually got out of bed at 08:41 am.

Here are the dreams which I remembered:

  • watching a consultant performing a minor surgical operation in the minor OR procedure room
  • Receiving a telephone call girls voice telling me to hurry up and go meet with Imee Marcos so that she maybe able to give me money even for capital; I saw that I was a boy in this scenario
  • When I was exiting a room, I encountered the Entourage going to the next room
  • Finding money 150 slipped inside a red rectangular toy/clock

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