Sunday, April 30, 2023

What language to study?

 What language to study?

I've got offers to study German for free but then I have to commit at least 12 months for that.  Sadly, I have to decline those because of financial constraints. So, I have to go back to my Plan A or get a job. But I will still self-study.







What language to study? Feedbacks from FB

may offered spanish course ang TESDA, meron din sa Hola Amigos, and most recommended spanish school is instituto cervantes

Try to understand arabic and see the result yourself. Undoubtedly it'll give you solace aside from the goals you're aiming.

I don't recommend Duolingo, a lot of their lessons lack more organization and personally they're too bite-sized. Another app I really like is Memrise, and a paid app that's amazing for French is Frantastique.

Kung for the sake of learning language lang other than english, Spanish kase madalinlang, madami words na pareho saten, mahirap lang ang subject-verb agreement.

Pero practicality wise, Mandarin Chinese, soon to be thr global language of business

Depende sa purpose mo. If you want to reach out to as many people from differen countries as much as possible, study French (spoken in 29 countries--although sa English palang, solve ka na actually as it is spoken in 60 countries). If you want an easy language to study, go for Spanish and Bahasa. If you want to challenge yourself, opt for Chinese. Mahirap ang Chinese (Mandarin) even among Chinese learners. Haha. P

Tips on learning a new language
-Practice po and apply it. Join groups ng language na gusto mo mountain Kung San Andon native speakers
-enroll in free language lessons and watch YouTube videos. Mdmi free sources ngaun
- watch podcasts or documentaries Ng language. More professional Kasi ung delivery and words versus shows or sitcoms.
-Also what worked for me is kapag may gusto ako na words or phrases, or ung malakas dating sakin, nilist ko sia sa notebook. I also keep a notebook for words na ndi ko alam and issearch ko meaning. Vocabulary is important din po ksi to be able to confidently communicate.
-language apps like duolingo helps din po. May exercises Sia to help you. Tpos game ang format Nia Kaya nakakaenganyo versus regular class style language apps
I self learned French and yan mga nakatulong sakin learning an unfamiliar language. Mejo natigil lng ngaun pgaaral ko ksi dami work hehe. If for work, Spanish, mandarin and french/German ang usual high demand
Goodluck! You can follow our page for more tips and guides.

Saturday, April 29, 2023

Quora reads



Smart people aren’t necessarily rich and successful people. They are smart because they think differently, speedily, synthesise facts, curious, risk takers, analyse, perceptive, quick to adapt and adopt, and quick and eager to learn. To be able to learn is their life blood.

  1. They don’t waste time in mindless stuff like passive tv watching, partying, aimless social media interaction etc. It doesn’t mean they don’t do it. They do it in extreme moderation, will hold it to benefit their time and learning and never at the cost of other potential things.
  2. They know their priorities and prioritise everything. This includes their time, leisure, rest, goals, jobs, and friends.
  3. They think about everything and try to figure out the hows and whys even in their day to day life. A cup falling on the floor and still not breaking, a strange pattern on a leaf, a mother trying to burp her baby after feed, a queer text-line in a song on radio, any and all of this can trigger their explorative mind to think for several days. Something that rarely occurs to other normal people. Sometimes they will jump out of their bed in the middle of the night just to quick look a topic/ question in a book or internet.
  4. They make notes of interesting things and love to carry them around or keep it where they can easily access it anytime anywhere. Their note-making strategy is an effective tool in keeping touch with with their ideas and forgetting them once they have been learnt. A normal person even if he has learnt something new, will likely forget it easily and won’t care about it either.
  5. They are extremely curious about everything. They will wonder over words, sounds, meanings, textures, procedures, hidden aspects of things. Living with a smart person mostly means getting to hear incessant questions.
  6. They ask a lot of questions. Some questions may seem outright stupid, irritating and weird, but that’s how their minds function. Their ability to question is by far their biggest strength.
  7. And asking is never enough for them. Far from it. Their questions will keep tormenting them like a hunted animal until they have found their answer. Their tenacity is frightening. They’ll happily lose several night’s sleep thinking about it, tearing down shelf after shelf of books, scouring libraries in town and comb searching internet just for the sake of one bloody answer. It is not uncommon to find over 50 tabs open on their computers at any given time. This is where a normal person is different who doesn’t normally asks, and doesn’t bother much about answers, even when he does.
  8. They read a lot. On a daily basis. And often mind-heavy substantial stuff, not light-hearted- romantic-sweet-nothings. They read not because they want to be smart, but because they can’t keep themselves away from learning or studying about things that is naturally utmost interesting for them. Common people only read for pleasure and fun or to pass their time. They only study to pass their tests and obtain a certificate.
  9. They don’t invest their energies in things they know won’t benefit them, such as sports if they are nerdy, partying if they are studious, watching films they can’t learn anything from…And when they have a mission on hand, for example finishing a book, finding an answer, finishing a project- they will work with single-handed determination and relentless energy sometimes (often) working without eating, drinking or even sleeping; their work and passion supersedes their physical needs. A normal person cannot think of working on these terms.
  10. They engage in debates and discussion in any situation to discover perspectives, explore opinions and argue their points with people. Any chance of a discussion is like dangling a juicy bone in front of a dog. Unlike most people, they don’t feel insulted and aggrieved on losing a debate, nor turn aggressive trying to prove their point. They love ideas and perspectives.
  11. They like being alone with themselves. Being alone for them is like charging their battery when they can think and reflect and work out their ideas or questions. They don’t tolerate crowds and noise so much as their brain needs silence and solitude to be able to work.
  12. They continually improve themselves and continually test themselves. Every failure of theirs becomes a stepping stone for their next step. They view each difficulty as a chance to test themselves.

And this is their daily life! Make no mistake about it…

  1. When you fall in love with someone, you aren’t interested in anyone else. If you’re then you aren’t in love,
  2. Out of sufferings have emerged the strongest souls; the most massive characters are seared with scars,
  3. Those who follow the crowd usually get lost in it,
  4. The worst battle in life is between what you know & what you feel,
  5. Life is sometimes unfair . Depression isn’t always sadness. It can also be emptiness, anger, tiredness or loneliness. Sometimes a cry for help isn’t so visible,
  6. The truth hurts but lies are worse ,
  7. Remember, not everybody will understand your silence,
  8. It’s hard to read intentions of someone you can’t see ,
  9. Privacy is power, what people don’t know, they can’t ruin,
  10. Never forget who was with you when you had nothing,
  11. Sometimes you have no choice but to move on ,
  12. The hardest decision in life is deciding whether to walk away or try harder,
  13. It’s genuinely scary how often your gut is correct about something,
  14. Whether you smile to cover up your pain or laugh , you can never hide your feeling,
  15. Just Chill.!!


This is what separates the top 1% from the 99%:


We all have the same 24 hours in a day… to increase income the 99% focuses on:

  1. Improving their skills, or
  2. Working harder


Skill x Time = Income

There’s NO leverage in that equation!

The 1% on the other hand, focus their energy on having DOMINION over the value that other people need.

Providing access to the VALUE of your product or service is scalable — selling the value of your skills is not.

Wealth is measured by dominion.

The 1% have dominion over the value that real state provides, they have dominion over the value that a company delivers; over the value that media, patents, IP or trade secrets supply — that is wealth!

Note that this is not necessarily ownership, but CONTROL!

To answer your question, how do people get to the top 1%?

Having the ability to CREATE and CONTROL value that you can sell to many… that leads to wealth!

Instead of selling the value of your skills, focus on controlling assets that generate value for others.

What do you have DOMINION over?


Aliasger Kanchwala

Assistant Manager at Mahindra & Mahindra (company) (2017–present)Updated 1y

What did you learn too late in life?

Parents over anyone.

Career over love.

Skills over degrees.

Health over wealth.

Mentally strong over emotional fool.

Brain over heart.

Real over reel.

Peace over money.

Reality over social media.

Asset over liabilities.

Inner beauty over outer beauty.

Thursday, April 27, 2023

50 short rules for a better life from Hassan Sas Bangura Blog

 50 short rules for a better life:

1. No one knows what they’re doing. Some do it anyway.

2. Work hard on what doesn’t feel like work.

3. Your thoughts make up your life. Literally. If you don't enjoy thinking about it, don't spend time pursuing it.

4. To make new friends, treat strangers like you’ve been friends forever.

5. If you want to win awards, be the best. If you want to actually win, be the only.

6. Most people don’t need advice. They need one person to believe in them.

7. Meditate to upgrade your software. Work out to upgrade your hardware.

8. When you can't decide, the answer is obvious.

9. Pick one problem to solve this decade, and problems today get a lot easier.

10. The happiest people combine art, passion, and purpose, into one compounding vehicle.

11. Spend time with freaks. They have dashes of genius, madness, harshness and kindness. Authenticity doesn't live in the middle.

12. The world wants to know you for one thing. Do everything you want, but own one idea.

13. To be heard, don’t follow the herd.

14. Fill your mind with inspiration from the edges. Read old books. Walk new streets. Unique ideas starts with unique input.

15. People can ‘feel the energy you put into your work.

16. When you’re good, they tell you. When you’re great, they tell others.

17. If you’re following steps, you’re falling behind.

18. The more you’re hesitating to share it, the more you desperately need to.

19. Art is a marathon of creative sprints.

20. The more you write, the more you’re right.

21. Never apologize for doing something good for you, but strange for others.

22. The future of work is not 'play.' It's a relentless obsession with what sets your heart on fire. This isn't a game. It's war. With a beautiful, torturous craft that consumes your entire life.

23. If you’re being copied, you’re on to something.

24. Life is short. The world is small. You owe it to yourself, to bet everything on a dream you don’t want to wake up from.

25. Obsess over the details for a decade, and you will win.

26. When you’re predictably unpredictable, they pay attention.

27. Life gets easier when you fall in love with hard things.

28. Don’t ‘be’ things. Do things.

29. Working out without your phone will solve 99% of your problems.

30. If you're not obsessed with the future you're creating, create a new one.

31. If your problems were given to a friend, you’d know exactly what they should do.

32. When you’re stuck between two things, choose a third.

33. Happiness can be measured by how excited you are to wake up.

34. The more obsessed you are with your craft, the more relaxed you’ll be with your life.

35. If you think you need a haircut, get a haircut.

36. If you can make decisions quickly, and unemotionally, the world is yours.

37. Use technology more than it uses you.

38. If you want people to follow you, lead them somewhere.

39. Focus on art for a decade, and profit will come for a lifetime.

40. When you start enjoying pressure, you’re about to win big.

41. Most progress comes without a plan.

42. Everyone is dying to talk about *something.* Notice when their voice changes, when their eyes light up, and let them share that world with you. Make people feel seen for their obsessions.

43. Great writing isn’t read. It’s felt.

44. Use your dark side to make something bright.

45. True greatness is a rare combination of obsession, service, and patience.

46. Pain tells you exactly where to go.

47. Don't trust an ideas you 'think' of. The greatest ideas come to you. And you have no other choice.

48. Life's short. Go make stuff.

49. Put yourself in places you don't belong. One day, you'll end up where you want to be.

50. The number one rule: Break as many rules as possible.

Thanks for reading

For more👉Hassan Sas Bangura Blog

Dumpling, Siomai... Whatever!

 Dumpling, Siomai... Whatever!

Wednesday, April 26, 2023



If you're feeling down today, I hope you like listening to one of my to go to artist Eldon.

Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Something to Look Forward to When Thinking of ---

Something to Look Forward to When Thinking of ---

Every single day, 100 billion Neutrophils die for you voluntarily. Think about that. Do not let their deaths be in vain. Find your purpose.

Monday, April 24, 2023

Frying Porkchops!

 Frying Porkchops!

My mother is not too keen on eating and preparing pork recipes so I took the opportunity to cook pork to my heart's content since she is on vacation mode.

We rarely fry pork chops but since my sister had bought half a kilo recently, I prepared the meat by putting the Tasty Boy Breading Mix into it until well coated. Add a pinch of salt and pepper. Marinate for at least an hour.


In a wok, put the oil and heat until hot. Drop the meat into the wok and temper to medium fire. Add a bay leaf into the oil and some sliced garlic around the pork chop.Cook until you see golden brown on the side near the wok and flip the other side of the meat and cook until golden brown. Enjoy!

Sunday, April 23, 2023

Whiskey Words & a Shovel I - R.h. Sin (Notes)

Whiskey Words & a Shovel I - R.h. Sin (Notes)


◆ thank you Samantha, my baby.

▪ my past is yours, the present is ours, and the future awaits us all

◆ can’t be life.

▪ life for so many is not living at all 

and that’s the problem

you get what you allow

watching others live life 

instead of living your best life

◆ no words.

▪ silence says the things

we struggle to say

◆ all nothingness.

▪ limitations self-imposed

choosing to conform

to the idea

of not having your own ideas

we work to further the agenda

of others

neglecting our own dreams

to labor behind the efforts

of helping people

bring their dreams 

to a reality

◆ insanity driven.

▪ women are made

to appear crazy

by the very men

who drive them 

to a place of insanity

◆ full of emptiness.

▪ maybe the heart cracks

to empty itself of things

I no longer need to feel

◆ the all of nothing.

▪ all of those friends

but you’re always alone

whenever real shit occurs

all those lovers

but you don’t even know true love

all those bodies

but nobody’s there when you need

them the most

all of this is all of nothing

◆ before any proposals.

▪ my fear is in being reminded

that I have nothing more to offer

than myself

and throughout time

that has never been enough for anyone

including my family

◆ imbalance.

▪ the most loyal hearts

are broken by betrayal

◆ pillars of salt.

▪ you were salt

hiding in a bag

labeled sugar

◆ inconsiderate.

▪ young woman

do not compromise yourself

for someone who refuses

to do right by you

◆ deserving more.

▪ you always end up trying 

to please someone

who isn’t even satisfied

with themselves

you’re constantly searching

for a love within someone

who doesn’t even value themselves

you’ve been wasting your time

holding on to someone 

who doesn’t truly care about

keeping you

◆ vanishing.

▪ I became a ghost to you

you missed me

sometimes you felt me

but you could no longer see me

I’ve learned to vanish

from those who fail

to appreciate my presence

◆ fake care.

▪ that’s what good people do

sacrifice themselves for others

but I’m tired of being that person

I’m tired of being the one

◆ a reminder.

▪ just because you’re broken

doesn’t mean you’re not beautiful

a moment of weakness

doesn’t define your strength

◆ some optimism.

▪ it hurts like hell

every minute of every day

but it’ll get better

one day you’ll understand

that everything meant to destroy you

only made you stronger

◆ constant.

▪ hope kills

when invested

in the wrong relationship

◆ deep within.

▪ deep within.

your strength

is your magic

never lose it

◆ an observation I.

▪ the women who smile

the most

are often the ones

who experience 

the deepest pain

she doesn’t wear

that smile to deceive others

she smiles because

it’s a symbol of strength

◆ love of self.

▪ one day your love

for self

will outweigh the love

that keeps you holding on

to someone who chooses to hurt you

Thursday, April 20, 2023

Dunkin Donuts's Choco butternut

Dunkin Donuts's Choco butternut 

The Choco butternut donuts are my ultimate favourite to buy when it comes to the Dunkin Donuts premium variety. They come at around 40 pesos a piece.

They're definitely a luxurious treat!

Monday, April 17, 2023

Another version of Buttered Shrimp!

Another version of Buttered Shrimp!

I was on my experimental mode so there is another set of shrimps that I used. This time I've done the usual recipe below:

  1. Melt the butter/margarine in a pot/pan, the more the better.
  2. Add heaps of crushed garlic. Fry in low heat and until the garlic becomes light brown in color.
  3. Add the 8-10 medium size shrimps. Cook until the meat turns into orange. Flip if necessary.
  4. Add the sprite. Add pinch of salt and a dash of pepper. Simmer for 3 minutes and then your done!

For this experiment, I added three more ingredients:

In step number four, I'd added 1 green chili (because it is the only one available but I think the red would be better), half tablespoon -1 tablespoon of del monte sweet tomato ketchup, add oyster sauce.

Sunday, April 16, 2023

Hair Botox, Anyone?

Hair Botox, Anyone?

I came across this treatment (Hair botox) in a group which can treat frizziness. Feedbacks says that it costs around 1k and up for the salon and usually stays around 6 months and up. I am curious about this and will talk to you about it later when I try it.

Saturday, April 15, 2023


Knowledge is retained when reiterated and practiced consistently. - Sanegeal Farmhear 15APR2023

Friday, April 14, 2023

My Homemade Hot Peach Milk Tea

 My Homemade Hot Peach Milk Tea

So I was ecstatic to finally discover the mystery behind the Highlands Peach milk tea which I am craving and salivating recently. As I'd said before in my previous post, my intuition were correct when the main key was the syrup. Good thing that I didn't bought another fructose syrup since the peach syrup already has an ample amount of sweetness.

What you need are these ingredients: Green tea/Black tea, Hot water, Non-dairy creamer, Peach Syrup, and/or cut peach halves for your sinkers.

Boil potable water (I use around 400 mL) and steep the green tea into a mug at least 2 minutes or until the liquid is darker in color.

Add around 6 caplets of peach syrup. I know that jiggers were the appropriate equipment for measurement of syrups but I'm lazy to buy one so...

Anyway, mix the syrup and then add 3 scoops of Non-dairy creamer. Mix thoroughly. Add peach halves if preferred. Enjoy!