Friday, October 1, 2021

Try out this Epub Reader PC Application: CALIBRE - how to show page number and percentage

Try out this Epub Reader PC Application: CALIBRE - how to show page number and percentage

Previously in my blog post, I mentioned and recommended Calibre as an epub reader application for the computer. To those who are not familiar with an epub, it is one type of file format of electronic books or what we call e-books. One thing that I noticed is that it consumes a minimal file type size compared to when it is in your PDF format.

I wasn't able to do as much reading as I have like in the year 2019 and way back because these past year up to to this mid year have not been so kind. The laptop short circuited and a lot of not so good things had happened. It was then that might been the reason why I suddenly had no appetite to read books which I love. Fortunately, I've been getting better in getting back the control in my life. That is why I'm starting to read again.

Anyway, back to the topic. I was a user of Calibre for a couple of years now and you can download it free in their website:

Download according to your computer specifications. What I downloaded was a portable type so that I could move the library files whenever I want.

Before, I was used to seeing the page number in Calibre. However, the default setting wasn't like that in the new interface. I tried to research on how and luckily someone pointed out:

This is the sample default page you'll see:

In order to see the number of pages and percentage, here are the steps:

  • Once you have opened the book, right click on the page so that you can see the menu:

  •  Click Headers and Footers

  • From this:

  • Change both the Footer Left and Middle from Empty into Position in Book:

  • Click Ok and then this will show:

Hope this helps!

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