Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Quora reads

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Human mind readers · 


Posted by 

Khushboo Khan 33



Profile photo for Sherry Cam

Sherry Cam

Psychological Counselor(2014-present), LA1y

What is a good piece of random advice?

1. Love blooms in the light of trust.

2. A ship in harbor is safe, but that is not what ships are built for.

3. Not everybody is good for your soul. Every shining object isn’t diamond.

4. Distancing yourself from people who lower your vibe is top tier self-care.

5. You don’t become perfect unless you wear your imperfections with people.

6. Radiate smile for it carves a million smiles.

7. Trust the vibes you get, energy never lie.

8. If you get that gut feeling that something isn’t right about a person or situation, trust it.

9. When someone is ignoring your messages, just text them”I heard something about you” and then ignore them too.

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Human mind readers · 


Posted by 

Khushboo Khan 33



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Human mind readers

Answered by 

Khushboo Khan 33


Updated May 10

What are some interesting facts about subconscious mind?

1:-Subconcious mind speaks to you in dreams.

2:—It's million times powerful than conscious mind.

3:— Subconscious mind can do trillion things at once.

4:—Subconcious mind has no verbal language.

5:—It controls 95% of our lives.

6:— Subconscious mind builds on our habituation.

7:— Subconscious mind is not logical, it's feeling mind.

8:—subconcious mind records everything.

9:- Subconscious mind is always alert and awake.

Profile photo for Dean Yeong

Dean Yeong



I live consciously.5y

How do I become better at controlling emotions?

Here are 10 simple things you can do to get better at controlling your emotions:

Take deep breaths. When you feel like you’re out of control, stop and take deep breaths for a minute.

Meditate. Practice meditation for 10 to 20 minutes every day. It helps build awareness and control over your mind and emotions.

Acknowledge how you feel. Don’t try to block and suppress how you feel. Instead, acknowledge it. Then, choose your reaction with logic (with your desired outcome in mind).

Ask better questions. Go deep to find out why you feel a certain way. Most people don’t do this because it’s tough, but asking a better, deeper question lead you to a better answer.

Pretend to be great. Smile, dance, and move as if you’re feeling amazing. The relationship between emotions and movements is two-way. Empowering movements will cheer you up.

Exercise. Make exercising a regular habit of your life as it helps brighten your mood and put you in a more positive mental state.

Talk to people. Communicate with people who have similar experiences to get reference on how to handle your emotions. Communicate with people you’re angry or upset with to gain perspectives that you might have missed.

Reflect on what happened. Look back at the past experiences where your emotions got out of control when you’re feeling calm. Reflect and reassess what and how you could do better next time.

Learn from your emotions and move on. Emotions are signals that tell us something need to change. Listen to them, learn from them, and move on.

Manage your sleep and diet. We can’t think straight when we’re tired. Get good amount of sleep and stop eating craps.

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Human mind readers · 


Answered by 

Raj Bardhan Singh

 May 3

13 Shocking psychological facts about attracting people

People are more attracted to individuals who exhibit confidence and high self-esteem.

Physical attractiveness plays a significant role in initial attraction, but personality traits and behavior ultimately determine long-term attraction.

Similarity in interests and values increases the likelihood of attraction and compatibility.

Familiarity breeds attraction, as people tend to feel more comfortable and drawn to individuals they have interacted with before.

People are more attracted to those who demonstrate a sense of humor and the ability to make them laugh.

Body language and nonverbal cues can have a significant impact on attraction, as individuals tend to be drawn to those who exhibit open and approachable body language.

The mere-exposure effect suggests that individuals become more attracted to those they are repeatedly exposed to.

The availability heuristic suggests that individuals are more attracted to those who are perceived as being scarce or hard to obtain.

A person's scent can play a role in attraction, as certain pheromones may be perceived as attractive to others.

Individuals tend to be attracted to those who share their level of physical and emotional intimacy.

The reciprocity principle suggests that individuals tend to be attracted to those who show interest and attraction towards them.

People tend to be attracted to those who exhibit kindness and empathy towards others.

The halo effect suggests that individuals are more likely to be attracted to those who possess desirable qualities, even if they may lack in other areas.

People tend to be attracted to those who are perceived as being successful and accomplished in their careers or personal lives.

The similarity-attraction hypothesis suggests that individuals tend to be attracted to those who are similar to themselves in terms of demographics, personality, and values.

Physical touch, such as holding hands or a gentle touch on the arm, can increase attraction and foster feelings of closeness and intimacy.

People tend to be attracted to those who exhibit confidence and assertiveness in social situations.

The balance theory suggests that individuals tend to be attracted to those who share their attitudes and beliefs, while avoiding those who hold conflicting views.

Physical proximity can increase attraction, as individuals tend to be drawn to those who are in close proximity to them.

People tend to be attracted to those who are attentive and responsive to their needs and emotions.

The similarity-attraction hypothesis suggests that individuals tend to be attracted to those who are similar to themselves in terms of demographics, personality, and values.

Physical touch, such as holding hands or a gentle touch on the arm, can increase attraction and foster feelings of closeness and intimacy.

People tend to be attracted to those who exhibit confidence and assertiveness in social situations.

The balance theory suggests that individuals tend to be attracted to those who share their attitudes and beliefs, while avoiding those who hold conflicting views.

Physical proximity can increase attraction, as individuals tend to be drawn to those who are in close proximity to them.

People tend to be attracted to those who are attentive and responsive to their needs and emotions.

The mere-thought effect suggests that individuals may become more attracted to someone simply by thinking about them or being reminded of them.

People tend to be attracted to those who are perceived as being trustworthy and reliable.

The similarity-attraction effect suggests that individuals are more likely to be attracted to those who are similar to them in terms of physical appearance, personality, and interests.

People tend to be attracted to those who exhibit a sense of passion and enthusiasm towards their hobbies and interests.

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Better Life_1 · 


Posted by 




12 ways to show you're trust worthy without saying a word

Make and maintain eye contact.

Give a warm and genuine smile.

Give a firm handshake.

Show up on time.

Keep your body posture open.

Be attentive and engaged.

Don't spill confidential information.

Don't get involved in gossip.

Respect personal space.

Mirror body language.

Stick to your commitments.

Be consistent in your actions.

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Human mind readers · 
Answered by 
Elia Juniana
May 18
10 Powerful lessons for the rest of your life

Risks are required for life's greatest rewards.
Maintain privacy even with trusted people.
Prioritize mental health over any career.
Embrace independence to become unstoppable.
Accept that not everyone will like you.
Your mood is your choice.
Don't stress over things out of your control.
Surround yourself with supportive people.
There's always criticism when doing great things. Don't let it deter you.
You have the power to create yourself, life is not about finding yourself.

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Human mind readers · 
Posted by 
Elia Juniana
Jul 7
Profile photo for Sunflower
Writer ✒Apr 18
What golden advice did you learn in your life?
Have fun. You’ll be dead a long time.
I would worry less about trying to please other people.
Telling the truth makes it easy to remember what I said.
It has been said, “Happiness is achieved not by having what we want — but by wanting what we have.” This is precisely where I find myself at this time in my life.
Put your family first and, when things go wrong at work, put the problems aside and enjoy time with your loved ones. Family vacations are the best times you will ever have.
I have learned that the life lessons my parents tried to teach me were right after all, but sometimes I had to try the opposite just to be sure.
Always be good to others.
Look on the positive side.
Do your best.
Never say an unkind thing about anyone — it will always come back to haunt you.
Lead a balanced life between work, family, and friendships.
Work hard.
Care for those less fortunate.

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Human mind readers · 
Answered by 
Elia Juniana
12 Behaviors of a highly confident person

They don't say yes to make someone happy if they really don't want to.
Even when they fail in the initial stages, they believe in themselves and they only listen to themselves.
They do not pay attention to things without work, but when they listen then very carefully.
They know what needs to be done and what needs to be left out.
They gives priority to their health over any work.
They don't do anything just to get attention.
They are not afraid to go wrong and take the steps that should be taken.
They know when to give up and how long to keep trying.
They don't complain about having fewer resources.
They are not just involved, they are more productive in less time.
They do not prepare a list of much work, but in the work they pick, they give constant dedication.
They don't just take risks, they take very calculative risks.

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