Friday, March 31, 2023

What is happening to Maya? No credit from Maya Bank to Maya Wallet

Resolved: What is happening to Maya? No credit of funds from Maya Bank to Maya Wallet experience

I was horrified when the amount which should be the payment for our electricity bill didn't transferred in real time from my Maya Bank to my Maya Wallet using the Maya app. Previously, I didn't have any concerns with Maya. And because transactions were almost flawless considering some minor issues, I began to favor this app than Gcash since for almost a year they are proving to be quite reliable. And so I use it mainly for my purchases and bills payment. But unfortunately to my horror, the problem came on the day I was suppose to pay our electricity bill!

I immediately called their customer service hotline *788 and reported the issue. Some information were asked for verification and then she confirmed that there were no ongoing maintenance from both Maya bank and Maya wallet but then she'll be filing a report. She told me that the funds will be credited to my wallet within 3 days. After that if my money is still not credited, I could call again the customer service hotline or from time to time check my Maya wallet if the amount has been credited already. She didn't gave out the exact reason why it happened, but I don't think that something would be done if I'm going to be irate. I just assumed that this one I've experienced is a glitch of the app.

Despite being in the healthcare industry, I had the opportunity to work briefly under an IT department so I understood that no programs or applications are perfect. That's why even online platforms have downtimes for maintenance. Programs/Applications also needs constant development, consistent upgrades, maintenance and quality improvement. And so the rather here and there glitches are to be expected.

So we'll see later when will my money be back. One lesson I managed to dodge was not to put all of the eggs in one basket. It was a good thing that I've keep a sufficient amount in my other banks so I'll need not to worry. 

See the money transfer of 5280.09 pesos that I made at 12:13 pm? I've checked inside the details and it says successful transfer.

However, base on the transaction history in my Maya wallet, there was no credit of the amount. But I did try again to transfer 1 peso and another amount so that I could pay my bills and those went through the wallet without a hassle. I also got a text notification of these amount being credited except for the money which was still not credited. So where's my money?


Day 1 (Apr 1 10:59 pm) - Nope.

Day 2 (Apr 2 9:29 pm) - None.

Day 3 (called again the customer hotline in the afternoon) - apparently, within 3 days is business working days. I was advised that this would be the first day.

Day 4 (9:48 pm) - Checked my Maya wallet and there it was. Credit readjustment 7 hours ago, so around 2 pm. Hurray!

Thursday, March 30, 2023

3-way Pepper Chicken by Sanegeal Farmhear

3-way Pepper Chicken by Sanegeal Farmhear

Okay. That title seems corny. And that was me making the name of the recipe because we are using ground pepper, bell pepper and red chili pepper into the dish. Anyway, I decided to make another chicken recipe for brunch and I was aiming for an easy stir fried version.


  • 2 pieces of chicken breast fillet, cut lengthwise and in bite size pieces
  • 3 cloves garlic, crushed
  • 2 medium size red onion, cut into strips
  • 1 small green/red bell pepper, cut into strips
  • 3 tablespoons of cooking oil (I used canola)
  • 1 chicken bouillon cube
  • Mama Sita's Oyster sauce, 1 tablespoon
  • Brown sugar, 1 teaspoon
  • Gochugaru flakes/powder, 
  • Salt, pinch 
  • Fresh ground black pepper
  • Fish sauce, around a teaspoon


  1. Season the chicken strips with salt, pepper and fish sauce well. 
  2. In a heated wok/pan, sauté the garlic in the oil until light brown. Next to drop in the pan is the onions. 
  3. When the onions are starting to show translucence, add the chicken strips into the wok/pan and the chicken cube. Mix until all the meat are even coated with the cube and cook until chicken is almost done.
  4. Next is to put the bell pepper and the oyster sauce. Cook for a minute.
  5. Dissolve the sugar into the liquid/oil of the chicken in the pan. Upon dissolving, mix well with the chicken.
  6. Finally, add some gochugaru flakes/powder for some kick, adjust this seasoning according to your preferred spiciness.

Last note: I think this would be better if I had put leeks or spring onions in here. Oh, a little splash of sesame oil too! But with the dish that I made today, I paired this up with a sunny side up egg and it goes well with a pickled radish salad.


Side note: This dish was a hit! My brother commended the dish of the sauce/oil and had suggested that it would also be best if the chicken is crispy fried instead of sauteed. Noted!

Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Easy to Make Airfried Chicken Fillet recipe by Sanegeal Farmhear

Easy to Make Airfried Chicken Fillet recipe by Sanegeal Farmhear


  • Chicken breast fillet, cut into 1 inch length
  • Ajinomoto Tasty Boy All Purpose Breading Mix
  • Dried thyme
  • Spanish paprika
  • 1 tbsp of Oil
  • Butter (to brush up the inside of the air fryer)
  • Freshly ground pepper


  1. Put an ample amount of Ajinomoto Tasty Boy All Purpose Breading Mix into the chicken fillet until well coated. Add the dried thyme, a dash of Spanish paprika and pepper into the chicken. Mix well. Let is sit for around 4 to 12 hours.
  2. Add oil into the chicken and mix again. Preheat your air fryer for at least 5 minutes at 200C setting. With butter, brush up the inside so that the chicken will less likely to stick. If you have parchment paper, use it all the better. Cook the chicken around 10 minutes at 200C setting.  Afterwards, check if the chicken is cooked. If a toothpick can easily puncture the chicken, it is already done.
  3. The chicken in this recipe is lightly seasoned so you can put butter on top or season with salt according to your preference. 

Tuesday, March 28, 2023

How to renew your Philippine Nurses Association Online 2023

How to renew your Philippine Nurses Association Online 2023

If you are working in a hospital, PNA is usually a requirement. The cost of this membership yearly is 500 pesos and sadly is taken out of one's own pocket. Since being given the license, I don't see the need to avail this type of card because it is very expensive when you compare it to its overall usability. By the way, a PRC License renewal costs around 450 pesos and is renewed every 3 years. Nurses would also pay a yearly Professional Tax Receipt which would costs from a minimum of 300+ and upwards depending on the local government unit you're getting it. However, after the pandemic, I think that PNA's presence had been felt by most nurses and I would commend the current members of the organization for trying to uplift the welfare of nurses. They have been conducting free seminars before but it was in Manila and you have to exert more effort, time and money to attend one. Now, they conduct CPD accredited seminars/forums using online platforms such as Zoom and Facebook which can cater to a larger audience for Luzon to Mindanao. Zoom attendees are at 1000, how much more with Facebook. 

It's such a hassle and annoying that the in-house trainings that I've attended in my previous company bears no CPD credits. I've attended Basic Life Support (didactic and return demonstration), Pediatric Advanced Life Support Workshop, Advanced Cardiac Life Support, Lactation Training Management (Online) which should already been sufficient. But here I am. I suddenly have a problem. I have to comply with the CPD units since I've already availed the undertaking so that I could renew my license.

Anyway, if you want to renew your PNA ID, you go to and input your PRC number in the right side of the screen. The password will be sent to your email.  One good thing about being it online is that you can pay the fee via your Gcash app but with a minimal convenience fee of 19.04 pesos.

Monday, March 27, 2023

A Favored drink: Chocolate Milk!

A Favored drink: Chocolate Milk!

Who says that chocolate milk drinks are just for kids? I've always appreciate and savor the taste every time I drink a very cold chocolate milk. It also makes me remember of the time when we were middle schoolers. We were given a free Milo drink from a mobile truck that goes into schools. But I guess this younger generation doesn't experience it anymore.

The Zest-o brand is 19.25 pesos a piece.

Saturday, March 25, 2023

Friday, March 24, 2023

Destiny of Matrix

 Destiny of Matrix

Have you heard of Destiny of Matrix? I happened to come across this as on a social platform and it caught my eye. From what I understood this is a combination of one's destiny base on numerology and readings.

Here's a sample of diagram that I got from


Ideal partner/soulmate - number below the heart sign - 15

15 - someone passionate, they want to create a luxurious life with you
3 - someone sensitive and cute, they will want to create a home and comfort you
5 - is older, has more experience, wants a stable family relationship
9 - someone you can have a deep emotional connection with, they value privacy and introverted

4 - someone strong and masculine energy, they want to be in control and are more dominant
9 - they're well educated, very interesting, might be more introverted but very deep and caring
21 - they LOVE traveling and will want to constantly grow with you, they're different to any other partner you've had before
6 - so loving, social, outgoing, will want to grow old with you

Finding soulmate - number below heart sign - 15

4 - a true leader, will want a serious relationship
8 - honest and will treat you fairly, likely karmic
10 - loves life and goes with the flow, very calm
20 - will want to start a family, no messing around here
21 - foreigner, needs freedom in the relationship but loves deeply


5 - older than you, very smart and experienced
19 - rich, generous, knows how to take control
9 - values privacy and alone time, needs a strong connection
7 - easy going, social, inspires you
3 - romantic, loves deeply, sensitive and understanding
6 - loving, social, needs fun experiences with you
11 - strong, a true leader, passionate
15 - passionate, rich, gives you a lot of attention
18 - mysterious, disciplined, loves you deeply
22 - funny, needs to have fun in life, free 

21 - Foreigner, meet by travelling or through social media
6 - can be younger, more inexperienced can meet them by being social
5 - likely older, can be a teacher, mmet them in more conservative places
15 - passionate partner, can be a leader, meet them by stepping out of your comfort zone 

Always find TRUE LOVE if you have this in your chart - 3 numbers near the heart - 3, 6, 8, 10, 14, 18, 20, 21

Want to find out if your partner is your soulmate - number below the heart sign

3 - The Empress - loves deeply, loves children, wants to support you in all ways
5 - The Hierophant - more experienced than you, thinks deeply and always tries teaching you something new
7 - The Chariot - easygoing, social, you never struggle with boredom together
9 - The Hermit - very smart, not very social, might seem too perfect for you

Why people can't get over you in relationships - Orange arcane near the heart - 9

3 - you are an extremely caring and loving partner, they never experienced such love before you
6 - they absolutely loved being around you, you have a very loving aura that everone misses
12 - you're someone who is ready to give the world to your partner, you give amazing advice too
9 - they felt so much comfort around you, you are a safe space for partners to feel vulnerable

Orange position near the heart - explain how to manifest ideal partners and relationships

Find out exactly when to meet your soulmate - find arcanes above the ages with these numbers

5 - you will meet your future husband/wife or have a legal marriage this year
3, 6 - you will meet your soulmate and start the best relationship of your life
19, 20 - you will start a family this year or have a child


Lifes Purpose - 18

3 - The Empress - to share your knowledge onto others, to create a comfortable environment for you and your family
6 - The Lovers - learn how to truly love yourself so you can share it with others
9 - The Hermit - work on your spiritual gifts and help others with your wisdom
18 - The Moon - develop your empath skills and take care of those around you emotionally 

Entire life purpose - number between sky and earth in chart (Soul searching) - 6

3 - to become an ideal embodiment of feminine energy, to care and love unconditionally
4 - start your own business
5 - become wise and a teacher, to share knowledge with others
6 - create beauty and love around you, love unconditionally those around you
7 - become a leader and become an example for others
8 - live by the laws of karma and the universe
9 - improve your intuition and use it to help others
10 - become fully self sufficient and create your own abundance
11 - learn how to create a group of likeminded individuals to achieve goals
12 - help people with anything, be a source of innovation
13 - be ready to move into the unknown, let go of any fears
14 - bring people together and create harmony and peace
15 - live a life with no material attachments and help others do the same
16 - let go of the old and go into the new, grow spiritually
17 - creatively express yourself and show the world who you are
18 - develop your intuition further and use your imagination to manifest your life


Money - near dollar sign - 21

6 - beauty industry, art, modeling, acting
8 - law
9 - somewhere you can use your intellect, finance, research, history
14 - art, healing, therapist
18 - being a psychic, working in astrology or psychology

What blocks more money from coming into your life - orange number - 15

9 - any doubt and perfectionism will stop your financial flow, learn how to believe in your skills and knowledge
13 - being unorganized and messy will affect you money so make sure to de-clutter your space and mind
15 - if you are only focused on making more money, the universe won't make it happen. You need to focus on all areas of life to make more
19 - learn how to be financially smart and stop depending on others. Aim bigger and always be ready to spend more to receive more
21 - having a poor mindset hurts you, work through your limiting belieds and don't get hung up on money

If you have these arcanes in your financial channel (dollar sign) - you are destined to become a millionaire - 19,14,5,7,11,15,21 (example: 6-21-15)

Material Karma - blocks your financial flow - Red position to the right - 9

Struggling with self-love, feel withdrawn and no connection to yourself = poor connection to heart chakra 
Improve connection to heart chakra - 2 green numbers - 5-22


Blue number at the top of destiny matrix - past life talent that you have access to now - 8
18 - The Moon - You have much stronger intuition than others, possible psychic abilities and prophetic dreams
19 - The Sun - You have built in financial success factor in you, whatever you do you'll be able to succeed, but you need to work through your ego first
12 - The Hanged Man - Healing abilities from a past life, you can heal with touch or words, you're also smarter and more analytical


3 - Talent for being a great parent, you know how to make others feel comfortable and loved around you
10 - you have natural luck, the universe will be on your side when you trust the flow and don't force things to happen
13 - ability to constantlygrow and change as a person, nothing will stay stable and you're able to turn this into your strong side
15 - ability to create financial abundance out of nothing, you can live a rich and beautiful life but you have to be cautious to not be greedy or it won't come



If you are looking for past life karma - bottom numbers red sign - 9-12-3
Past mistakes in the past life - 9-12-3
21-10-16 - Issues taking responsibility and separating the material and spiritual
18-6-15 - Can have more toxic relationships now, need to separate wants and needs
9-18-9 - Can attract situations where you are used, need to focus on spirituality to avoid this
18-9-9 - Feel drawn to the occult but struggle with honesty and misunderstanding who you are deep down
9-3-21 - Can have codependent relationships, need to learn how to let go of control

Past mistakes in the previous life - red number - 3

4 - used your power to control and manipulate others
5 - carried false beliefs to others to inflate your ego
13 - didn't value your own life at all
20 - abandoned your children and never loved them
8 - you violated the rules of karma, looked for problems in everyone and everything
18 - convinced yourself the world is bad and were scared and anxious
17 - were unhappy when others succeeded so you did everything for them to fail
19 - used your power for selfish purposes ruining the fate of others 

6 - The Lovers - You let others put you down and never listened to your heart
14 - Temperance - You were easily manipulated and never trusted yourself
16 - The Tower - Created more problems for yourself and didn't know how to be grateful
21 - The World - You had very limiting beliefs and participated in wars

Past life karma - more difficult fate to deal with - red number at 60 y/o - 4,7,9,12,13,16,19,21

18-9-9 or 9-9-18 - anywhere in your destiny matrix chart - WITCH in the past life

Past life karma - different codes to understand the influence your past life has on you - 9-12-3

18-9-9 - past life of hidden spiritual knowledge, possible engaged in darker magic
10-15-5 - Strong spiritual mission. You were a spiritual leader
5-19-14 - Past life of being a millionaire, can achieve this now too
18-5-5 - Past life of magical knowledge. You are gifted now.


Look at the arcanes going around the chart on top of the black line

Below that is the age when that energy rules over you

8 - karma will work fast this year so be cautious of your mindset and how you treat people
10 - year of letting go and relaxing. You need to learn how to trust the universe
7 - strong year for achieving any goals. Celebrate every win and the universe will reward you more
9 - year of spending more time alone to connect with your inner self
5 / 20 - you will likely get married this year of have huge personal changes
17 - your hobbies will turn into a full income and you will become famous
13 - massive life changes, you'll have to let fo of everything that no longer serves you
16 - Spiritual awakening, you'll need to reevaluate everything
21 - you will travel a lot or expand your mindset and grow


Secret to long lasting relationships - orange energy in the bottom - what you need to do to have loving relationships - 9

6 - start putting yourself first and surround yourself with self love
9 - start opening up to new people and showing off who you truly are
15 - use your magnetic energy to attract, work on achieving goals with your partner
21 - go out in the world and experience new things
18 - start building stronger emotional connections and don't let your anxiety control you


Hidden talents (Naturally good at and talented in) - Light blue numbers in the chart - 16 & 17

19 - talent for public speaking
9 - talent for teaching
13 - talent for helping people grow
16 - spiritually gifted
21 - talent for learning new languages
6 - great sense of style and taste
11 - naturally stronger than others
20 - hidden psychic abilities 


1 - huge potential in leadership, can motivate and pass on knowledge

6 - talent of communication, can create beautiful things out of nothing

9 - can dive deep into anything, can find the root of any problem

16 - talent for creating new projects, spiritual growth comes easy

20 - can understand dreams, connection to ancestors is strong




6 - The Lovers in the center - love is very important to her, she needs to find the right people to share it with.


5 - The hierophant - this love is shared through knowledge, she needs to share her passions

Divine connection - North

1 - The Magician - huge potential in guiding people, she will receive universal support when she believes in herself

Karmic tail - South

12 - Hanged Man - But first she must work through self love, and learn how to say no and value her time and effort



Thursday, March 23, 2023

Sunscreen Review: Beauty of Joseon

 Sunscreen Review: Beauty of Joseon

For quite a while, I've been eyeing for another sunscreen that doesn't produce a white cast after application. So far, I've only managed to know one previously and happy to discover another one.

I've been using Beauty of Joseon sunscreen for more than a week now which I bought from Shopee. The shop location details states that it came from Korea so I got this from a total of 460 pesos. It was priced at 430 pesos. When I got the parcel, the shop also sent me a freebie sachet of moisturizer. 

This Beauty of Joseon sunscreen has an SPF of 50+ PA++++. It contains around 50 mL and is made from Korea. Upon application, it feels like a lotion though it might feel sticky when the weather is hot. So far by experience, it doesn't clog the pores as much as the other one but I make sure to double cleanse.

Wednesday, March 22, 2023


When subjected under pressure, you can either decide to crumble, perish or mighty fight head on - Sanegeal Farmhear

Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Farm Game - Healing Farm Game Tips (Colleague)

Farm Game - Healing Farm Game Tips

Colleague (Max Level)

Ash (House produces Corn)
HP: 160

Foods to Increase Level:

Lily (House produces Egg)
HP: 170

Foods to Increase Level:

HP: 180

Foods to Increase Level:

HP: 190

Foods to Increase Level:

HP: 200

Foods to Increase Level:

HP: 220

Foods to Increase Level:

HP: 240
Foods to Increase Level:
8 Crepe
9 Ice Crepe
10 Carrot Pound Bread

Monday, March 20, 2023

Bluetooth Sports Headset Review: Tylex Bluetooth Sports Headset XQ22

Bluetooth Sports Headset Review: Tylex Bluetooth Sports Headset XQ22

My parcel has finally arrived! I got a Tylex Bluetooth Sports Headset XQ22 for 179 pesos at Shopee. Shipping fee was waived so I only paid for the cost of the item.

When I opened the package I was nervous to try it out thinking that it won't work. The previous time I purchased another type of sports headset with the same brand turned out to be a disappointing experience because out of the 3 pieces, one wasn't working. Mind you, I already bought that kind of earphones beforehand in the same shop and it was in good condition so I tried to purchase more because the product was good for its price. But I guess since I bought it a discount rate that's why one is defective?

One thing that made me take chance on buying another is the 3 months warranty of the current shop I bought it from. It is wrapped in a bubble wrap but I felt as a buyer that it isn't sealed.

It was an improvement that they manage to include a mini pamphlet on how to operate the device. The box comes with the headset, usb wire for charging, extra earbuds and a pamphlet. The instructions in the pamphlet were pretty easy to follow.

During usage, it was pretty loud at its maximum so use it with caution. It doesn't have the satisfying bass sound that I've experienced in the previous kind of headset (Q-15) from the brand but I think this would do. For the next purchase, I think I would rather opt for a medium price range.

Sunday, March 19, 2023

Farm Game - Healing Farm Game Tips (Fish placements - where to find that fish?)

Farm Game - Healing Farm Game Tips (Fish placements - where to find that fish?)

Fish sightings in the Pond

Fish sightings nearest the Northwest of the radish field

Fish sightings nearest the statue next to Realna's house (Free carrots idle) or the fish at the center of the intersection of the stream
Puffer fish

Fish at the back of Realna's house

Fish sightings nearest the statue near the bridge and the silver stone
Horse mackerel

Fish sightings at the back of Carry's house
Black bus
Rainbow trout

Fish sightings at the back of the carrot field
Crucian carp


Fishing tips:
- Did you know that you can catch 2 fish at the same time? If you happen to see 2 fishes near each other, drop the bait in between the fish and wait for them to have both ! at the same time. It would show !! and then pull the fishing hook.
- Cook a lot of fishing bait first!

Saturday, March 18, 2023

Farm Game - Healing Farm Game Tips (Recipes)

Farm Game - Healing Farm Game Tips (Recipes)


  • Carrot Pound Cake
    • Carrots 10
    • Cake 2
  • Ice crepe
    • Ice 2
    • Crepe 2
  • Crepe
    • Butter 2
    • Material 2
  • Waffle
    • Butter 2
    • Material 2
  • Cake
    • Butter 2
    • Milk 10
    • Material 2
  • Cupcake
    • Milk 10
    • Material 2
  • Seafood pot
    • Pot 10
    • Yellowtail 1
    • Thailand 1
    • Suzuki 1
  • Vegetable ramen
    • Ramen 2
    • Carrots 10
    • Radish 10
  • Char siu noodles
    • Ham 2
    • Ramen 2
  • Seafood ramen
    • Skipjack fish 1
    • Ramen 2
  • Gyoza
    • Cabbage 10
    • Meat 10
    • Wheat 10
  • Vegetable juice
    • Carrot 10
    • Radish 10
    • Cabbage 10
    • Tomato 10
  • Pot
    • Radish 10
    • Carrot 10
  • Oden
    • Radish 10
    • Mackarel fish 1
    • Egg 2
  • Nachos
    • Radish 10
    • Carrot 10
    • Wheat 10
  • Boiled food
    • Radish 10
  • Cheeseburger
    • Cheese 2
    • Hamburger 2
  • Burritos
    • Ham 2
    • Butter 2
    • Material 2
  • Taco
    • Cabbage 10
    • Carrot 10
    • Material 2
  • Meat Bun
    • Meat 10
    • Wheat 10
  • Steak
    • Butter 2
    • Carrot 10
    • Meat 10
  • Stew
    • Cheese 2
    • Carrot 10
    • Milk 10
  • Grilled carrots in butter
    • Butter 2
    • Carrot 10
  • Vegetable soup
    • Carrot 10
    • Cabbage 10
    • Corn 10
  • Carrot smoothie
    • Carrot 10
  • Lasagna
    • Sausage 2
    • Cheese 2
    • Tomato ketchup 2
    • Material 2
  • Pizza
    • Cheese 2
    • Tomato ketchup 2
    • Material 2
  • Meat pie
    • Ham 2
    • Material 2
  • Sushi
    • Tuna fish 1
    • Salmon fish 1
    • Egg 10
  • Gratin
    • Cheese 2
    • Butter 2
    • Milk 10
    • Wheat 10
  • Meatball pasta
    • Spaghetti 2
    • Meat 10
  • Donuts
    • Material 2
  • Ice cookie
    • Ice 2
    • Cookie 2
  • Pancake
    • Butter 2
    • Milk 10
    • Wheat 10
  • Pretzels
    • Butter 2
    • Wheat 10
  • Fish pie
    • Rainbow trout fish 1
    • Material 2
  • Sandwich
    • Cheese 2
    • Tomato 5
    • Bacon 2
    • Bread 2
  • Hotdog
    • Tomato ketchup 2
    • Sausage 2
    • Bread 2
  • Hamburger
    • Tomato 10
    • Meat 10
    • Bread 2
  • Breakfast plate
    • Bacon 2
    • Sausage 2
    • Bread 2
    • Fried egg 2
  • Bagel plate
    • Bacon 2
    • Bread 2
  • Meat plate
    • Butter
    • Grilled corn 2
    • Meat 10
  • BBQ stick
    • Cabbage 10
    • Tomato 10
    • Meat 10
  • Sausage
    • Meat 10
    • Wheat 10
  • Bacon
    • Meat 10
  • Ham
    • Meat 10
  • Ramen
    • Egg 2
    • Wheat 10
  • Spring roll
    • Cabbage 10
    • Material 2
  • Coleslaw salad
    • Cabbage 10
    • Corn 10
  • Boiled whole cabbage
    • Cabbage 10
  • Ice
    • Milk 10
    • Egg 10
  • Pudding
    • Milk 10
    • Egg 10
  • Corn potage
    • Milk 10
    • Corn 10
  • Cheese
    • Milk 10
  • Butter
    • Milk 10
  • Material
    • Wheat 10
    • Egg 20
  • Spaghetti
    • Wheat 10
    • Tomato ketchup 2
  • Cold tomato soup
    • Corn 10
    • Tomato 10
  • Tomato ketchup
    • Tomato 10
  • Popcorn
    • Wood 5
    • Corn 20
  • Grilled sweet fish with salt
    • Wood 5
    • Ayu fish 1
  • Sautéed young corn
    • Wood 5
    • Wheat 10
    • Corn 10
  • Cookie
    • Wood 5
    • Egg 10
    • Wheat 10
  • Bread
    • Wood 5
    • Egg 10
    • Wheat 10
  • Haze tempura
    • Egg 5
    • Wheat 5
    • Goby fish 1
  • Fishing bait
    • Corn 5
    • Wheat 1
  • Fried egg
    • Wood 5
    • Egg 10
  • Boiled egg
    • Wood 5
    • Egg 5
  • Grilled corn
    • Wood 5
    • Corn 10
  • Livestock food
    • Wood 5
    • Corn 5

Friday, March 17, 2023

Quotation from Manga "I Am The Male Lead’S Ex-Girlfriend"

Quotation from Manga "I Am The Male Lead’S Ex-Girlfriend"

Erika: Why are you going?

Zion: I don't think there's any reason why I can't go to the places you go.

Erika: But the situation  Might get weird again.

Zion: We can think about it when it gets to that point. There's no reason to worry about something that hasn't even happened yet.

Thursday, March 16, 2023



I'm eating shredded cabbage now and topped it off with a dollop of roasted sesame dressing from Danes. I think I personally like the taste of the Kewpie brand more because it is less acidic compared to this one though it is 1/3 more pricier than Danes.

By the way, I'm rearing to go lose weight so I thought of leaning on foods that are low in calories but are nutrient-dense. It is also very much important that I take my satiation and satisfaction on the side because by previous experience it comes to bite me in my ass when I food revenge.

Care for a cabbage salad? Meeeehhhhh!!

Wednesday, March 15, 2023


The best and genuine compliment that you can get; that your made dish screams good in itself is not said through words of appreciation but rather conveyed through it's sold-out status with the recipients of your food. -Sanegeal Farmhear

Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Easy Kung Pao Chicken recipe by Sanegeal Farmhear

Easy Kung Pao Chicken recipe by Sanegeal Farmhear

So okay. The Kung Pao sauce by Clare Ole which I bought years ago was intended to be used for an attempt to remake Yellow Cab's Charlie Chan pasta. But then up until now it didn't come to a fruition and one day I realized that the expiration date was nearing so I'd decided to make it as Kung Pao Chicken except it wasn't poured on the pasta but on rice.

This is my first time using the sauce so I don't know what the taste will be. However, I made this today:

Clara Ole 225g Kung Pao Pasta Sauce
4-5 medium size onion julienned
1 medium size oni-5onions julienned
Handful of sugo nuts greaseless blue, half of which crushed
1/2-1 kg of chicken tinola cut (cubed)

  1. Season chicken with salt and pepper. Set aside for around 1-2 minutes.
  2. Pour oil 3-4 tablespoons in a pot and saute the onions 4-5onions julienned until lighter in an induction pan 200 setting.
  3. Put the chicken cubed and cover the lid. Cook and turn over if necessary until no more pinkish part is seen in the chicken. Let it boil for around 3-5 minutes.
  4. Add the crushed peanuts and the whole peanuts. Let it boil for a while.
  5. Add the remaining onions and let it simmer

Monday, March 13, 2023

Sunday, March 12, 2023

Manga Pending Reads

Manga Pending Reads

Updated reads as of 18July2023:

  • My Gently Raised Beast by Updating- 107 - 5 fin

  • The Handsome Male Lead Won’t Let Me Log Out by Quartz, Tou - 18 - 0 (18)
  • I Became a Sitter for the Obsessive Villains by I singna,Seongyeong oh - 21 - 1 (21)
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  • When the Dragon King Falls for the Loli Alchemist by 向南社 - 88 - Last read at episode 39 (39) (39) (88)

  • How to Tame a Dangerous Husband by Dooji,Naver Series,Yoon Son,두지 / 윤손 - 36 - Last read at episode 5 (1) (36)
  • I Found a Husband When I Picked Up the Male Lead by 초암 - 51 - Last read at episode (1)
  • Once Upon a One Night Mistake by  - 29 - Last read at episode(1)

  • Our Tyrant Became Young by Koo Ara - 24 - Last read at episode (8) (24)
  • The Actress: Sweet Sponsor’s Seduction by  - 47 - Last read at episode (1)
  • Rock the Imperial Court by  - 154 - Last read at episode (1)
  • Becoming The Villain’s Family by 설이수 - 72 - Last read at episode (0)
  • My Husband Ascended as the Chosen One by  - 32 - Last read at episode (1)

  • My Boyfriend is a God by Nakyung - 45 - Last read at episode 13 (13)
  • I Will Be Next to the Main Character by Gong Eun Hwa Sa - 18 - Last read at episode (1)
  • Honey I'm Going On Strike by Go Eunchae - 75 - Last read at episode (1) (ep)
  • Do You Believe in Fate?! by - 5 - Last read at episode (1)
  • How to Break Up in a Romance Simulation by Sonabul / Hwanmi - 58 - Last read at episode (1)
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  • A Spoonful of Your Love by Seokyung,Stem - 66 - Last read at episode 27 (27)
  • I Will Take Responsibility for the Welfare of the Male Lead by Lee jiha - 49.5 - Last read at episode (1)
  • My Badboy Prince by Mo jin - 71 - Last read at episode (1)
  • I Have Been Stuck On The Same Day For 3,000 Years by - 23 - Last read at episode (0.1)
  • I’m In Trouble Because My Husband Is So Cute by Rana - 39.5 - Last read at episode (1)
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  • I Became the Tyrant’s Translator by - 42 - Last read at episode  (1)
  • CEO Above, Me Below by iCiyuan - 599 - Last read at episode 219 (219)
  • Let's Get a Divorce, Husband! by Rantesias - 68 - Last read at Chapter (1)
  • Please Marry Me Again, Husband! by Rana / 미우 - 53 - Last read at episode (1)
  • Unrequited Love by Ba yue chang an - 9 - Last read at episode  (0)
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  • The Justice of Villainous Woman ( What It Takes to be a Villainess ) by Ju hyeon,Min (redice),Sola - 163 - Last read at episode (1)
  • My Ex-Boyfriends Fell In Love With Me by HEETTO,Heettok - 61 - Last read at episode (1)
  • I Adopted the Male Lead by Chamua - 40 - Last read at episode (ep
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  • Get a Male Lead for Every Book by - 27 - (1)
  • The Villain Dreams Of The Heroine Every Night by - 22 - (0)
  • Sincerely: I Became a Duke’s Maid by Jooara,Juara - 111 - Last read at episode (1)
  • My Second Husband is Desperate and Depressed by Jimmy shin - 43 - Last read at episode (0)
  • A Bittersweet Couple by Flavie - 73 - Last read at episode (1)
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  • Match Made in Heaven by Chance - 147 -  Last read at (1)
  • What I Decided to Die For/The Reason I Decided to Die by Yuju - 61.5 - Last read at episode (1)
  • Seasons Of Blossom by 홍덕 - 110 - Last read at episode (1)
  • Positively Yours by Kang ki, Lee jung - 83 - Last read at episode (1)
  • Daytime Star by Chae Eun, Godago - 77 - Last read at episode (1)
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  • Secret Lady by Angatou, Banana - 67 - Last read at episode (1)
  • Romance 101 by Namsoo - 147 - Last read at episode (1)
  • The Odd One Next Door by Seo jeongyoon - 28 - Last read at episode 1 (1) (28)
  • The Legend of Yeonhwa by Dame,JUNG Jae-han - 33 - Last read at episode (1) (33)
  • Check In to My Heart by  - 43 - Last read at episode  (0)
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  • -----------------------------------------------
Chinese type
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  • The Fantastic Spinsters’ Association of Joseon by - 19 - Last read at episode (ep)
  • I Want To Do It, Even If It Hurtsa by 채랑비 - 73 - Last read at episode  (1)
  • Keep Calm Mr Song by snap studio - 37 - Last read at episode (1)
  • I Was Seduced by the Sick Male Lead by Senri - 40.5 - Last read at episode (1)
  • The Reason She Is Avoiding Her Childhood Friend by 서가린 - 42 - Last read at episode (1)
  • What Kind of Empress is This? by - 42 - Last read at episode (1)
  • I Confessed to the Boss by Updating - 45 - Last read at episode (1)
  • Let’s Do It After We Marry by 고라,보파민,해린 - 49 - Last read at episode (0)
  • An Unseemly Lady by Yehwon - 51 - Last read at episode (0)
  • The Main Protagonist Block My Path by Joo Ah Ri - 52 - Last read at episode (1)
  • A Perfect Ending Plan of the Villain in a Fairy Tale by  Updating - 54 - Last read at episode (1)
  • I’m Worried that My Brother is Too Gentle by 류희온 - 57 - Last read at episode (1)

  • Marked By King Bs by DAY7 - 122 - Last read at episode 41 (41)

  • Another Typical Fantasy Romance by Wolhet - 56 - Last read at episode (1)

  • I Am A Daughter Loved By The Devil by - 29 - Last read at episode (1)
  • The Kind Older Sister Is No More by - 37 - Last read at episode (1)
  • Born as the Daughter of the Wicked Woman by Gammon,Suncy - 45.5 - Last read at episode (1)
  • Somehow, My Tyrant Husband Has Became Cautious by Charam - 32 - Last read at episode (1)

  • Monster Duke’s Daughter by kds9120 - 61 - Last read at episode (0)

  • Ghosting Groom by Bangja - 65 - Last read at episode (1)
  • I'm the Tyrant's Secretary by Gio,Lee in-hye - 68 - Last read at episode (0)
  • The Villainess Becomes the Leading Lady by Devastating,Pig cake,돼지케이크,유린해 - 81 - Last read at episode (1)
  • I Got No Boy by Baek hye-kyung - 99 - Last read at episode (1)
  • The Lady I Served Became a Master by Sigma - 101 - Last read at episode (1)
  • Undercover Empress by GEUM Naru (금나루),HAN Mint - 105 - Last read at episode (1)
  • The Stereotypical Life of a Reincarnated Lady / A Common Story of a Lady’s New Life by Blacky salt - 104 - Last read at Chapter (1
  • The Goal Is To Become A Gold Spoon So I Need To Be Completely Invulnerable by 청송아 - 107 - Last read at episode (1)
  • The Goal Is to Become a Gold Spoon so I Need to Be Completely Invulnerable by 청송아 - 112 - (1)
  • The Duchess with an Empty Soul by Han Jin-Seo - 115.5 -  Last read at episode (1)

  • A Business Proposal by Haehwa - 124 - Last read at episode(0)
  • Rebirth of the Cute Tiger Great General Wants to Hug by iReader - 172 - Last read at episode (1)
  • The Duke’s Hidden Baby: BOGO! by Gongzi Ruxue - 219 - Last read at episode (0)
  • Boss, I’ll Kick Your Ass by Cloud Home,Hi U Comics - 303 - Last read at episode (1)

  • The Villain’s Sister Suffers Today by Ellianyang - 50.5 - Last read at episode (1)
  • The Villain’s Savior by Myeong Rang,Zetson - 87 - Last read at episode (1)
  • The Peach of June by  - 28 - Last read at episode (1)
  • To Love Your Enemy by Jungyoon - 102 - Last read at episode (1)
  • I Became the Wife of a Tragedy’s Main Lead by KIM Cukdas - 52 - Last read at episode (1)
  • A Bad Proposal by Hwang han young - 10 - Last read at episode (1)
  • Stop Bothering Me, Emperor 108 - (0)

  • Writer’s Block of Romance by Dal ah - 55 - Last read at episode (0)

  • Don’t Touch Me, Your Highness! by Xiaomingtaiji - 234 - Last read at episode (1)
  • Miss Fairy The Emperor Tamer by Zhang Yue Culture - 194 - Last read at episode (1)
  • Love Me Gently, Bossy CEO by SJCC,Xiaoshuixuan - 313 - Last read at episode (1)

  • The Last Will of a Crush by Geonbam - 50 - Last read at Chapter (1)

  • Cinderella's Man by Yeo ho-kyoung - 139 - Last read at Chapter (1)
  • Miss Time by Bonggu - 58 - Last read at Chapter (1)
  • Now I Will Take the Emperor's Heart by Dk Kiki Mountain - 74 - Last read at Chapter (1)
  • Harley Takes the House by Plutus - 69 - Last read at Chapter (1)
  • The Tyrant's Comfort Doll by Baek yideum Yeonjoo - 55.5 - Last read at Chapter (1)
  • Queen of Poison: The Legend of a Super Agent, Doctor and Princess by CHINA READING; WEBNOVEL COMICS - 368 - Last read at Chapter (1)
  • Pick Me, My Queen by Jaya - 30 - Last read at Chapter (0)
  • The Princess After The Revolution by 으앵 - 39 - Last read at Chapter (0)
  • The Villainess is a Marionette by Han Yi Rim - 68 - Last read at Chapter (0)

  • Her Peculiar Visitor by eunho - 54 - Last read at Chapter (1)
  • Heavenly Roommates by Maro - 44 - Last read at Chapter (1)
  • How to Clear a Dating Sim as a Side Character - 66 - Last read at Chapter (0)

  • Wasn’t the Male Lead a Female? by Kang da yoon - Last read at  Episodes 
  • This Is An Obvious Fraudulent Marriage by Bak Hedam, Jade, Pear Juice - Last read at  Episode
  • From The Shaking World by Yangdam - Last read at ()
  • The Duke's Teddy Bear by Choi seong-ha - Last read at ()

  • You're a Supporting Character, Just Love Me by Dandi - Last read at ()
  • Leveling My Husband to the Max by - Last read at ()
  • I Gave Birth to the Tyrant's Child by  RYU ran - Last read at ()
  • From Maid to Queen by Goeulwon, Hyun, Woo su bin - Last read at ()
  • The Way That Knight Lives As a Lady by Sung Hyerim - Last read at ()
  • She Came Back and Opened A Dessert Shop by - Last read at ()
  • I Tamed a Tyrant and Ran Away by Yu Soi - Last read at ()
  • Two Heirs by Supia - Last read at ()
  • The Reason I Keep Avoiding My Childhood Friend by - Last read at ()
  • When the Black Moon Rises by - Last read at ()
  • Becoming the Legendary Concubine - Last read at ()
  • I Didn't Mean to Seduce the Male Lead! by Dancheong - 52 - Last read at episode (1)
  • Gentle Tyrant - Last read at ()
  • Would You Like a Cup of Tea? - Last read at ()
  • I Have No Health by Lee haron, Vanilla - Last read at ()
  • Governess of a Tyrant - Last read at ()
  • I Became a Top Actor Just By Reading Books - Last read at ()
  • Lend Me Your Lips - Last read at ()
  • My Wife is Actually the Future Tyrant Empress by - Last read at ()
  • There's No Friendship Between the Grand Duke and the Marquis by Tiba / Yell yell - Last read at ()
  • My Secret Roommate by Flower j - Last read at ()
  • The Problematic Prince - Last read at ()
  • Trial Marriage Husband: Need To Work Hard - Last read at ()
  • I Confessed to the Boss by Eibe - Last read at ()

  • Lady Baby by Ju hyeon - Last read at ()
  • The Princess's Double Life by - Last read at ()
  • Circumstances of Switching Bodies by - Last read at ()
  • Iraine's Circumstances by Bok Sung Ah - Last read at ()
  • Don't Tempt Me, Oppa - Last read at ()
  • A Night With the Emperor by Yeyoung - Last read at ()
  • I'll Be the Matriarch in This Life by Roah KIM - Last read at ()
  • The Lady Wants to Rest by Yuin - 64 - Last read at episode (0)
  • Rosalyn Bogarte by - 20 - Last read at episode (0)
  • The Most Beloved by - 43 - Last read at episode (1)
  • I Raised the Beast Well by Ireunkkot,Teava - 101 - Last read at episode (1)
  • Interview with the Crazy Rich by  Wooda - 85 - Last read at episode (0)
  • The Runaway Lead Lives Next Door by Beluha -  - Last read at episode (episodes)
  • I Failed to Divorce My Husband by Yulji (율지) / Edel (에델) - 33 - Last read at episode (1)
  • National School Prince Is A Girl by Warring Young Seven - 330 - Last read at episode (0)
  • A Close Call Romance by 곰곰(해피북스투유),서정,수(秀) - 26 - Last read at episode (1)
  • The Wicked Wife of a Scheming CEO by Yoon Soda - 42 - Last read at episode (1)
  • Why She Lives as a Villainess by  Yuwn - 80 - Last read at episode (1)
  • This Girl is a Little Wild by Kidari Studio - 50 - Last read at episode (1)
  • The Millionaire Divorcee by Yang Gwaram 양과람 - 59 - Last read at episode (1)
  • She’s the Older Sister of the Obsessive Male Lead by Antammi - 40 - Last read at episode (0)
  • Survive as the Hero’s Wife by Nokki (녹끼) - 118 - Last read at episode (1)
  • Let’s Hide My Younger Brother First by 채지후 - 51 - Last read at episode (0)

  • Match Made in Heaven by Chance by  Honey Skein - 147 - Last read at episode (1)

  • Perfect Secret Love: The Bad New Wife is a Little Sweet by Jiong Jiong You Yao - 354 - Last read at episode (1)
  • The Lady Wants to Rest by Yuin - 64 - Last read at episode (0)
  • The Emperor Reverses Time by Hwayeong - 91 - Last read at episode (1)
  • The Sacrificial Princess by 정오찬 - 69 - Last read at episode (1)
  • When I Quit Being A Wicked Mother-in-law, Everyone Became Obsessed With Me by Rana - 41 - Last read at episode (1)
  • Becoming the Villain’s Family by Work By,설이수 - 57 - Last read at episode (0)
  • Marriage Or Death by 도개비 - 56.5 - Last read at episode (1)
  • The Secret Bedroom of a Dejected Royal Daughter by Hyeni / Sung hye-rim - 27.5 - Last read at episode (1)
  • Villainess Maker by Seol Isu - 72.5 - Last read at episode (1)
  • Beware of the Villainess! by   - 128 - Last read at episode (episodes)
  • One Pair Lady by Milktea,요정용 (fairy dragon)  - 75 - Last read at episode (1)
  • Extras Don’t Want to be Overly Obsessed by Glize,Pareto - 78 - Last read at episode (1)
  • Even the villain is annoying by - 50 - Last read at episode (1)
  • The Tyrant’s Only Perfumer by Fairy dragon,Team dead shell - 76 - Last read at episode (0)
  • Don’t Fall In Love With The Villainess by Egisa - 26 - Last read at episode (1)

  • The Fabulous Lives of the Hillington Sisters by Kkot ni rang - 36 - Last read at episode (1)

  • I’m a Villainess But I Became a Mother by sisse - 25.5 - Last read at episode (1)
  • The Widowed Empress Needs Her Romance by 猫薄荷动漫 - 76 - Last read at episode (1)
  • Double Marriage by Nian Hua Fu Liu (Original) + Ai Lu Mao Man Hua Gong Zuo Shì- 60 - Last read at episode (1)
  • Hey Little Duke, Just Trust in Sister by Moon sihyun - 13 - Last read at episode (1)

  • Governess of a Tyrant by - 34 - Last read at episode (0)
  • The Detective of Muiella by Kiarne,Sol - 163 - Last read at episode (1)
  • Who Made me a Princess by Plutus - 125 - Last read at episode (1)
  • Can’t Pretend to Be Blind Anymore by Dama - 67 - Last read at episode (1)
  • What’s Wrong with Secretary Kim? by Jeong Gyeong Yun - 98 - Last read at episode (1)
  • Genius of the Unique Lineage by - 28 - Last read at episode (0)
  • Youngest On The Top by Hæon - 0 - Last read at episode (0)
  • I Am The Real One by March - 85 - Last read at episode (1)
  • The Tyrant Husband Has Changed by 란테시아스 - 85 - Last read at episode (1)
  • My Chubby Princess by iCiyuan - 235 - Last read at episode (0)
  • Please Don’t Come To The Villainess’ Stationery Store! by 여로은 - 40 - Last read at episode (1)
  • I Am a Child of This House by Shiya - 148.5 - Last read at episode (1)