Thursday, April 22, 2021

Trying out OMAD!

Trying out OMAD!

 I've been trying out intermittent fasting for quite some time now. But there were days, weeks and even months that I temporarily stopped it because I thought that my body will be used to intermittent fasting and thus will make it less efficient in the long run. And of course because of the reason that I had gotten lazier because I felt that it had gone into a routine that eventually the novelty worn off. In my experience last year, it was quite effective as my heaviest weight was 67 kg (probably due to stressed eating) and I managed to bring it down to 62-63 kilograms. Recently, my heaviest weight is around 64 kilograms and as of this writing, I weighed 61.8 kilograms after I woke up. I aim to move to my ultimate goal through baby steps which is around 51 kilograms (the minimum weight that I should be in so that I'm still in the normal BMI - body mass index).

I usually do a once a day intermittent fasting during my off days as doing this on a weekend is more manageable than on a week day. A stressful day would usually suck up all my willpower that is why I tend to give in easily to cravings and engage in unhealthy foods like fried foods.

I'm doing an experiment this week if my weight will still go down. 

Here is my daily weight taken usually in the morning after I woke up and fasting time done:

18Apr2021 - 61.9 kg - 24 hours fast

19Apr2021 - 62.7 kg - 14 hours 30 minutes fast

20Apr2021 - 61.8 kg - 23 hours 40 minutes fast

21Apr2021 - 61.9 kg - 16 hours 45 minutes fast

22Apr2021 - 61.8 kg - 23 hours 10 minutes fast

Let's wait and see. I'll update you with the results.

Saturday, April 17, 2021

Kitchen Hack: How to Refill Knorr Liquid Seasoning Bottle

Kitchen Hack: How to Refill a Knorr Liquid Seasoning Bottle

"I can't open the bottle to do a refill" was a statement that was made by my mother in which I got the idea on the existing problem in refilling a Knorr liquid seasoning bottle. I tried the friendly Google search engine and YouTube but unfortunately there was no available DIY tutorial on how to do a refill. Then I set my mind to solve this problem and luckily, I was successful in refilling the seasoning bottle.

In order to do your refill, you will need:

  • an empty or almost empty Knorr liquid seasoning bottle

  • Knorr liquid seasoning refill pouch

  • and a blunt bread knife

The first step is to twist the cap a bit upwards until it will have a small gap between the bottle and the cap. After that, insert the tip of the blunt knife inside and then push it upwards and outwards. Do this repeatedly around the cap. You will see the the gap will eventually be wider. It may take a while but with a bit of a force, the cap will eventually pop.

This is the picture of an opened Knorr liquid seasoning bottle:

Whole shot of an opened Knorr liquid seasoning bottle

Close up shot

Then after refilling (do not refill it at full capacity as it will cause spillage just what I experienced!), just push the cap downwards with force to seal the bottle. Once you heard again the pop, you're finished!

Friday, April 16, 2021

My favorite planner

 My favorite planner

I've always been a fan of Papemelroti's pocket planner. This pocket planner originally costs around 20php but I was able to buy it at 16 pesos from Shopee. I highly recommend this type of pocket planner.

Thursday, April 15, 2021

To read list

To read list of books

 #1: Managing Oneself by Peter Drucker

Follow your Gut - Rob Knight

#2: Evolutionary Psychology: The New Science Of The Mind by David Buss

#3: The Selfish Gene by Richard Dawkins/

#4: The Lessons Of History by Will & Ariel Durant

#5: Kon-Tiki by Thor Heyerdahl

#6: Civilization And Its Discontents by Sigmund Freud

#7: When I Stop Talking, You'll Know I'm Dead by Jerry Weintraub

#8: The Story Of The Human Body by Daniel Lieberman

#9: The One Thing by Gary Keller

#10: The Greatest Minds and Ideas Of All Time by Will Durant

#11: The Complete Story Of Civilization by Will Durant

#12: Made In America by Sam Walton

#13: Poor Charlie's Almanack: The Wit And Wisdom Of Charles T. Munger by Peter Kaufman

#14: Total Recall by Arnold Schwarzenegger

#15: A Few Lessons For Investors and Managers by Warren Buffett

#16: Michael Jordan: The Life by Roland Lazenby

#17: All Quiet On The Western Front by Erich Maria Remarque

#18: The Happiness Hypothesis by Jonathan Haidt

#19: Salt Sugar Fat: How The Food Giants Hooked Us by Michael Moss

#20: Awaken The Giant Within by Anthony Robbins

#21: The Hiltons: The True Story Of An American Dynasty by J. Randy Taraborrelli

#22: Grinding It Out: The Making Of McDonalds by Ray Croc

#23: The Everything Store: Jeff Bezos And The Age Of Amazon by Brad Stone

#24: Inheritance by Sharon Moalem

#25: Why Beautiful People Have More Daughters by By Alan Miller and Satoshi Kanazawa

#26: Social: Why Our Brains Are Wired To Connect by Matthew D. Lieberman

#27: Flow: The Psychology Of Optimal Experience by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi

#28: The Theory Of Everything by Stephen Hawking

#29: Attached: The New Science of Adult Attachment and How It Can Help You Find - and Keep - Love by Amir Levine and Rachel Heller

#30: President Me: The America That's In My Head by Adam Carolla

#31: Born To Run by Christopher McDougall

#32: Dollars And Sex: How Economics Influences Sex And Love by Dr. Marina Adshade

#33: The Wealth And Poverty Of Nations by David S. Landes

#34: An Autobiography: The Story Of My Experiments With Truth by Mohandas Gandhi

#35: The Omnivore's Dilemma: A Natural History Of Four Meals by Michael Pollan

#36: The Old Man And The Sea by Ernest Hemingway

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#37: Switch: How To Change Things When Change Is Hard by Chip & Dan Heath

#38: The Millionaire Next Door by Thomas J. Stanley

#39: Holy Cows & Hog Heaven: The Food Buyers Guide To Farm Friendly Food by Joel Salatin

#40: The Evolution Of Desire: Strategies Of Human Mating by David M. Buss

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#41: The Moral Landscape: How Science Can Determine Human Values by Sam Harris

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#42: I Am Ozzy by Ozzy Osbourne

#43: Willpower: Rediscovering the Greatest Human Strength by Roy Baumeister & John Tierney

#44: The Essential Drucker by Peter F. Drucker

#45: Influence: The Psychology Of Persuasion by Robert B. Cialdini

#46: Compelling People: The Hidden Qualities That Make Us Influential by John Neffinger & Matthew Kohut

#47: Fast Food Nation by Eric Schlosser

#48: Crossing The Chasm by Geoffrey A. Moore

#49: Cosmos by Carl Sagan

#50: Anthropology by Carol Ember, Melvin Ember & Peter Peregrine

#51: How To Win Friends And Influence People by Dale Carnegie

#52: How Google Works by Eric Schmidt

#53: Screw It, Let's Do It: Lessons In Life And Business by Richard Branson

#54: The Seven Habits Of Highly Effective People by Stephen R. Covey

#55: Where Good Ideas Come From by Steven Johnson

#56: King Rat by James Clavell

#57: Riveted by Jim Davies

#58: Alaska by James A. Michener

#59: The Art Of War by Sun Tzu

#60: The Self-Made Billionaire Effect: How Extreme Producers Create Massive Value by John Sviokla & Mitch Cohen

#61: Bounce by Matthew Syed

#62: Subliminal: How Your Unconscious Mind Rules Your Behavior by Leonard Mlodinow

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#63: Plowman's Folly by Edward H. Faulkner

#64: Mother Teresa by Kathryn Spink

#65: Great By Choice by Jim Collins & Morten T. Hansen

#66: The Winner Effect by Ian H. Robertson

#67: The Snowball: Warren Buffett And The Business Of Life by Alice Schroeder

#68: The Story Of Philosophy by Will Durant

#69: Five Easy Decades: How Jack Nicholson Became The Biggest Movie Star In Modern Times by Dennis McDougal

#70: Freakonomics: A Rogue Economist Explores The Hidden Side Of Everything by Steven D. Levitt and Stephen J. Dubner

#71: Fooled By Randomness: The Hidden Role Of Change In Life And In The Markets by Nassim Nicholas Taleb

#72: Guns, Germs, And Steel by Jared Diamond

#73: Antifragile: Things That Gain From Disorder by Nassim Nicholas Taleb

#74: The Last Season: A Team In Search Of Its Soul by Phil Jackson

#75: A Brief History Of Time by Stephen Hawking

#76: Principles of Economics by N. Gregory Mankiw

#77: Super Freakonomics: Global Cooling, Patriotic Prostitutes And Why Suicide Bombers Should Buy Life Insurance by Steven D. Levitt &

#78: Tested Advertising Methods by John Caples

#79: Smart Pricing by Jagmohan Raju & Z. John Zhang

#80: How To Get Rich by Felix Dennis

#81: Pitch Anything by Oren Klaff

#82: Confessions Of An Advertising Man by David Ogilvy

#83: How To Be A Billionaire: Proven Strategies From The Titans Of Wealth by Martin S. Fridson

#84: Wheat Belly: Lose The Wheat, Lose The Weight, And Find Your Path Back To Health by William Davis

#85: Quality Pasture: How To Create It, Manage It, And Profit From It by Allan Nation

#86: Human Resource Management by Robert L. Mathis & John H. Jackson

#87: The Narrow Road: A Brief Guide To The Getting Of Money by Felix Dennis

#88: The World Until Yesterday: What Can We Learn From Traditional Societies by Jared Diamond

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#89: How Not To Be Wrong: The Power Of Mathematical Thinking by Jordan Ellenberg

#90: Working Together: Why Great Partnerships Succeed by Michael D. Eisner

#91: The E-Myth Revisited: Why Most Small Businesses Don't Work And What To Do About It by Michael Gerber

#92: Speed Reading For Dummies by Richard Sutz

#93: Chesapeake by James A. Michener

#94: The Grapes Of Wrath by John Steinbeck

#95: Pillars Of The Earth by Ken Follett

#96: The Dream: How I Learned The Risks And Rewards Of Entrepreneurship And Made Millions by Gurbaksh Chahal

#97: From My Experience by Louis Bromfield

#98: Storm Of Steel by Ernst Junger

#99: Tribes by Seth Godin

#100: The Complete Sherlock Holmes by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

#101: On Wings Of Eagles by Ken Follett

#102: The Time Machine And The Invisible Man by H.G. Wells

#103: Bottomfeeder: How To Eat Ethically In A World Of Vanishing Seafood by Taras Grescoe

#104: Five Acres and Independence: A Handbook For Small Farm Management by MG Kains

#105: Why Grassfed Is Best! by Jo Robinson

#106: Fall Of Giants by Ken Follett

#107: Empire Of The Summer Moon by S.C. Gwynne

#108: Secret Millionaires Club: Warren Buffett's 26 Secrets To Success In The Business Of Life by Andy & Amy Heyward

#109: Purple Cow: Transform Your Business By Being Remarkable by Seth Godin

#110: J.R. Simplot: A Billion The Hard Way by Louie Attebery

#111: Papillon by Henri Charriere

#112: Trump: How To Get Rich by Donald Trump

#113: A Night To Remember by Walter Lord

#114: The Last Kingdom by Bernard Cornwell

#115: The Call Of The Wild by Jack London

#116: White Fang by Jack London

#117: The Richest Man In Babylon by George S. Clason

#118: Grandfather by Tom Brown Jr.

#119: The Incredible Colonel by Col. Harland Sanders

#120: The Spirit to Serve: Marriott's Way by J.W. Marriott & Kathi Ann Brown

#121: Players First: Coaching From The Inside Out by John Calipari

#122: Words That Work: It's Not What You Say, It's What People Hear by Dr. Frank Luntz

#123: Watership Down by Richard Adams

#124: Life Without Limits by Nick Vujicic

#125: Over The Edge Of The World: Magellan's Terrifying Circumnavigation Of The Globe by Laurence Bergreen

#126: Amish Society by John A. Hostetler

#127: The Mystery Method: How To Get Beautiful Women Into Bed by Mystery

#128: Plato Republic by Plato

#129: Beyond Tallulah: How Sam Wyly Became America's Boldest Big-Time Entrepreneur by Dennis Hamilton

#130: Nutrition And Physical Degeneration by Weston A. Price

#131: Why We Buy: The Science Of Shopping by Paco Underhill

#132: Listen Out Loud: A Life In Music - Managing McCartney, Madonna, and Michael Jackson by Ron Weisner

#133: The Honest Truth About Dishonesty: How We Lie To Everyone - Especially Ourselves by Dan Ariely

#134: Chicken Tractor: The Permaculture Guide To Happy Hens And Healthy Soil by Andy Lee & Pat Foreman

#135: The Old West by D.W. Torrance

#136: The Killing Of Crazy Horse by Thomas Powers

#137: The Unsettling Of America: Culture And Agriculture by Wendell Berry

#138: Brave New World by Aldous Huxley

#139: Million Dollar Selling Techniques by The Million Dollar Round Table Center for Productivity

Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Android game: Logis Tycoon Evolution

Android game: Logis Tycoon Evolution

I am recently fond of playing this android game Logis Tycoon Evolution where you're main business here is logistics. You transport tons of stuff from city to city using trucks or airplanes. I tried searching for guides here in the internet but found none.

Friday, April 9, 2021

Off the loop

Off the loop

I'm feeling exhausted to even care. Even if it is family. If there's a thing that I learned recently on the internet (podcasts) is that I need to address NOW what issues that needed to be solved before it could consume me later on.

Recently, I find myself pessimistic and negative and toxic that when I look in the mirror I find not liking myself. I don't even know if it is what they call compassion fatigue or just I am that burned out. I even confided a coworker that I find myself having lesser patience and tolerance to people given that we were in an industry in which patience is essential. That is why I try to shift that energy to focus on to something more productive. But consistently listening to what people say to me is throwing me off the loop. I don't feel good about myself emotionally today and making comparison to the thing I'm not knowledgeable of to others is a button that hit hard. It may sound to you that it's just a joke, but to me it's not. To you I'm a being childish. But let me put you in my shoes, if I am going to compare you to others which you have a tendency to do, how would you feel? I bet you will feel sensitive right now.

Or maybe I'm not doing it right. Maybe I'm the one who needs to change her perspective. One thing that I know is that I need to manage my emotions. 

One thing is for sure, I'm fucking tired of listening to other people's drama. True, we need someone to at least vent out our frustrations with and tell our stories. But I'm exhausted taking crap from others while not even addressing my own.

It's been what, less than three decades? I'm ending this one-sided relationship first and foremost.

Thursday, April 8, 2021



If you are looking for a chill vibe sound for a day, check out these stuff what I call the K-bop finds:

  • KozyPop - Alarm (Song By Melabbe, IJ)

  • 좋아하는 사람?] 파란색 (Song By Taeb2)

  • 오이스터(Oyster) - Cherokee (bright #8)

  • PAY DAY - 창모, ASH ISLAND, 정기고 (Prod. GRAY)

  • Be My Own Man (Song by Uzuhan, Brother Su, Sam Ock)

Wednesday, April 7, 2021

PlayList Global

PlayList Global

I had been a fan of Korean dramas because of their story lines and the characters development in the story. They got great cinematography and original sound tracks to back it up which makes your watching experience more enjoyable.

I was able to first come across this YouTube channel PlayList Global through their web drama A-Teen. And there's also the web drama called Love playlist. I absolutely ship Pureum and Haneul here as they gave me the "kilig feels" but I guess Seoji is the best for Haneul. Ah... Though I have not really made the most of my college experience, this web drama makes me want to go back to  college and A-teen back to high school. (T-T)

You can check the web dramas out at the PlayList Global YouTube channel. I already finished the web dramas below and enjoyed them:

  • A-Teen
  • Love Playlist
  • Ending Again

Tuesday, April 6, 2021

On the 15k COVID 19 new cases surge in the Philippines

On the 15k COVID 19 new cases surge in the Philippines

Hearing the all time high surge in cases (15k) yesterday is depressing. What we currently need to battle this pandemic are mass testing in order to determine who is currently infected, an efficient contact tracing system in order to early detect who might have been infected so we can isolate them, and the most important thing that we can do is to cooperate by stay at home. I believe that extending the lockdown is necessary because some people are too stubborn and still go out even they don't really need to go out. They try to test the law by breaking them which is super annoying and frustrating. Sorry to say this but some Filipinos are too undisciplined and lacked character to do the right thing even when no one is watching. I get it that we have to go out to work in order to survive because let's face it: we are on our own today. The government has incompetent appointments and instead of acknowledging their mistakes, they try to give illogical explanations just to justify their actions.

I badly want to shed my mask. It pains me that we haven't learned our lesson yet from last year and this time around it's gotten even worst. Hospitals are full not because of the deficiency in bed capacity but it was because of the lack in manpower. Nobody now wants to work in health care anymore. Why you ask? Being a healthcare worker and working in a hospital magnifies all the ugly things. Patients are twice or thrice more demanding. If it doesn't go with the way they want them to be, they file complaints and even posts them on social media instead of addressing them to the concerned party. It makes me question why I became one in the first place. I always wanted to help others, but I refuse to be a slave to the notion that just because I took an oath, I have to do it while sacrificing my safety. This pandemic has taken its toll on our mental health. Healthcare workers are continue to be demoralized with lower compensation but high patient load which could increased their risk to be infected and risk to bring it at home.

Please follow the standard health protocols. Don't be complacent. I observed way back before the lockdown that in that jeepneys that I took, there's at least 2 or 3 persons inside who doesn't have a face shield. Almost nobody does hand hygiene in the public transport. Now that there's a surge in cases, funny how there's a 100% compliance. People, did you know that prevention is better than cure?

Monday, April 5, 2021

Hair care Talks

 Hair care Talks

I'm not the type to fuss over how my hair look before as I always tie it in a ponytail because I don't like my hair to go over my face. And it is way more neat. However, I'd been letting down my hair recently and wonder how could I take care of my hair better as I plan to let it grow and donate again. Yes, you can do a hair donation and encourage you to do it too. The gift of your hair can make a difference in a person's life. From the last time that I did, it was a requirement to have your hair at least 9 inches long.

Anyway, what is your usual brand of shampoo that you use? I always prefer to use either the Palmolive pink brand (coconut milk) or the green (aloe vera) variant as it tend to smell good and I discovered that the smell tend to last on my hair though I know that this is drying my hair. I also love the Dove pink because of the scent and it is a bit moisturizing than Palmolive. So basically I alternate between Palmolive and Dove.

I've got a bit of a wavy hair. I noticed that when it is dry, it becomes frizzy. I wondered if the only solution to tame it down was to get a rebond from a salon. But I'm hesitating to do straightening because I like my natural curls when it is a bit damp. My hair is straight from the top and then is eventually curling at the tip. 

You might heard that shampooing your hair everyday is bad as it take away the natural oils in your hair. I still do shampoo my hair every time I came from work as I work in a hospital and given the situation today with COVID-19, I don't want to take the risk.

What I do is that I condition my hair with keratin from time to time. I personally love the Creamsilk brand. Again, it is because it smells good.

Saturday, April 3, 2021

On Radio Stations and Podcasts

On Radio Stations and Podcasts

Whenever we took a vacation here in Manila during my high school years, one hobby that I did back then was to listen to radio during the night. I don't know if it was something that typical teenagers do but I enjoyed listening to it. I remember that I was using the now phased out mp3 mini players that were a huge hit at that time. The songs that were played were a plus point for me especially if I liked them. But what I really looked forward to was the conversations that were relatable to an extent. Topic and issues that were asked by the callers were tackled by the radio jocks. Those countless topics every night gave me ideas and added wisdom as I learned how to think from another person's perspective.

This photo is credited to this site

Just so you know what mp3 players looked back in the 2000s.

Nostalgic from the memory, I began again to listen to radio podcasts. Instead of the usual radio station, I took it up to the next level and got my fix from Spotify. Spotify is an online streaming website or application (and it depends on what you use - either laptop or a mobile gadget) in which it is where you can stream your favorite type of music be it a pop, rock or an RNB song. You can also find nature or instrumental songs if it's what you like. It also offers educational podcasts which was perfect as you can play it whenever you want to.

And so I've been recently listening to podcasts by Paano Ba Ito by Bianca Gonzales. One thing that I admire about her is that whenever she talked, she spoke with eloquence and wisdom. I was also tuning in to Megan and Mikael's YouTube channel and was ecstatic to know that they also had a podcast in Spotify.

Android Game: Trade Tycoon Billionaire Research and Development

Android Game: Trade Tycoon Billionaire Research and Development

Research and Development

Agriculture R & D

12M Mushrooms

25M Saffron 59 minutes

40M Wagyu

80M Ginseng         1 hour and 59 minutes

200M Yubari Melons 3 hours and 59 minutes

500M       Caviar               

Textiles R & D

12M         Cashmere

25M Silk         59 minutes

40M Mink Fur

80M Mulberry Silk 1 hour and 59 minutes

200M Leopard Fur 3 hours and 59 minutes

500M       Vicuna Wool

Metals R & D

12M         Titanium

25M Silver 59 minutes

40M Gold

80M Platinum         1 hour and 59 minutes

200M Vibranium 3 hours and 59 minutes

500M       Mithril Steel

Elixirs R & D

12M        Indigo Elixir

25M        Violet Elixir 59 minutes

40M        Rainbow Elixir 

80M        Growth Potion 1 hour and 59 minutes

200M      Strength Elixir 3 hours and 59 minutes

500M      Love Potion

Elements R & D

12M        Uranium

25M        Plutonium 59 minutes


80M Francium 1 hour and 59 minutes

200M Tritium      3 hours and 59 minutes

500M Californium

Gemstones R & D

12M        Opal

25M        Pearl 59 minutes

40M        Emerald

80M        Ruby 1 hour and 59 minutes

200M      Sapphire     3 hours and 59 minutes

500M      Red Diamond

Monsters R & D

12M Dorumon

25M Seraph 59 minutes

40M Neptulus

80M Peto         1 hour and 59 minutes

200M Zarruth 3 hours and 59 minutes

500M      Noghad

Weapons R & D

12M         Machine Gun

25M Link Gun         59 minutes


80M Flame Thrower 1 hour and 59 mins

200M      Laser Rifle  3 hours and 59 minutes

500M      Howitzer

Friday, April 2, 2021

Android Game: Trade Tycoon Billionaire Unlocking Cities

Android Game: Trade Tycoon Billionaire Unlocking Cities

Unlocking Cities:

    Unlocking Cities will enable you to access countries which could give you a profit depending on what you had bought. Below are the guide so you could decide what countries would you unlock first:

  • San Francisco (SFO) - Increase in Elixirs Prices; Decrease in Monsters Prices
  • Mexico - Increase in Weapons Prices, Decrease in 

  • London - 
  • Madrid (MAD) - Increase in Elixirs Prices; Decrease in Gemstones Prices
  • Paris (PAR) - Increase in Monsters Prices; Decrease in Textiles Prices
  • Amsterdam (AMS) - Increase in Textiles Prices; Decrease in Elixirs Prices
  • Berlin (BER) - Increase in Gemstones Prices; Decrease in Metals Prices
  • Rome (ROM) - Increase in Agriculture Prices; Decrease in Monsters Prices
  • Istanbul (IST) - Increase in Monsters Prices; Decrease in Elements Prices
  • Moscow (MOS)- Increase in Elements Prices; Decrease in Weapons Prices

  • Beijing (BEI) - Increase in Weapons Prices; Decrease in Elixir Prices
  • Seoul (SEO) - Increase in Gemstones Prices; Decrease in Metals Prices
  • Tokyo (TKO) - Increase in Elixirs Prices; Decrease in Textiles Prices
  • Shanghai (SHH) - Increase in Monsters Prices; Decrease in Agriculture Prices
  • Taipei (TPE) - Increase in Agriculture Prices; Decrease in Monsters Prices
  • Hongkong (HKO) - Increase in Gemstones Prices; Decrease in Elements Prices
  • Ho Chi Minh (HCM) - Increase in Elements Prices; Decrease in Weapons Prices
  • Bangkok (BKK) - Increase in Elixirs Prices; Decrease in Monsters Prices
  • Kuala Lumpur (KUL) - Increase in Textiles Prices; Decrease in Metals Prices
  • Singapore (SIN) - Increase in Agriculture Prices; Decrease in Metals Prices
  • Jakarta (JAK) - Increase in Metals Prices; Decrease in Textiles Prices

Thursday, April 1, 2021

Bluetooth Sports Headset Review: Tylex Bluetooth Sports Headset X-Q5

Bluetooth Sports Headset Review: Tylex Bluetooth Sports Headset X-Q5

If you are looking for an affordable blue tooth sports headset, why not try the brand Tylex X-Q5? I bought it at Shopee for 229 pesos not including the shipping fee and it arrived today.

Originally, I was considering the Lenovo brand that costs around almost 400 php. But I needed to have a headset as soon as possible for my review lessons and so I made this purchase as the seller's location was nearer my place.

What I like about this Tylex X-Q5 headset is that it has a good quality sound which I believe was a good decision considering its' price. I was a bit disappoint that the neck part is made up of plastic but later I realized that you can wipe off the sweat easily and sanitize it, so I'll consider it as a plus point. 

What I didn't like about this is that there is no manual or a guide included in the package. You will have to do a trial and error to get a feel of how it works. For a first time user of a blue tooth sports headset, it was baffling.

In order to power on the unit, you have to press and hold the center button for at least 5 seconds until it turns blue. It will have a blinking light from blue and red respectively which I think indicates that the headset is ready for pairing.