Sunday, September 10, 2023

Destiny of matrix - Life events

Destiny of matrix - Life events

Look at the Number across the Age line and around the chart

From Kay Destiny Matrix Tiktok

7 - Progress & new opportunities, keep your options open & respond to all the prospects. Great time for moving places to move into new house. Travel & go out networking, it will help you move up in career, creative growth. Also, you may open a long awaited business, don't hesitate to ask for help from people, fate will arrange right people at the right time for you.

16 - Good time to invest in real estate (buying properties, starting construction). Reconciliation & renewal of old relationships. Good development of your business or starting a business of your own. The old illusions are being destroyed, new value system are being built, personal growth, spiritual transformation.

10 - You may win lottery to a large sum, business may blow up, you'll meet someone & have a happy relationship. Things will go with the flow.

17 - It's time tot take your talent out in public, you'll get recognition, fame & may become popular. It is good to work on your outlook, appearance & self-esteem. Lucky signs of fate & important unexpected help/opportunity from outside. Don't hesitate to travel & be outside.

20  Successful running of family business. Good from everywhere


Where is my soulmate?

3,4,5,6,17,19,20 - you may meet them, get engaged/married

3,4,5,6,21 - baby may be born

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