Saturday, July 30, 2022

Switching Cravings

Switching Cravings

After a while, my mind wandered off and wants to eat something though I just ate a few hours ago. I was looking for something salty and sweet but then I realize why not shift to a more healthier option? I remembered that there is a cucumber in the refrigerator and sliced it off into a bigger size just so I could munch it off. I paired it off with Gochujang, a Korean condiment that is mildly spicy and salty savory. While I was rummaging the fridge, I saw and became curious with the Emborg cream cheese (it's my sisters' by the way) and found that it was going to expire until the end of this month. And so I took some. Bon appetit! Hehehe.

Friday, July 29, 2022



I'm feeling slightly under the weather today but it's okay. I got my free flu vaccination yesterday so I'm expecting if none, I'd experience some sort of a sore left arm. I'm on the processing side as a dear co-worker just submitted her resignation a few days back after her decades of service. I think it was a bit forced as the environment we are working has turned toxic. It is not okay to turn a blind eye if it speaks dishonesty just to produce results. But I guess, that's the way life is. Unfair. That's the bitter pill that we have to take. It's either you stay or move on. I realized a long time ago that there is no point in wallowing in self-pity. I do not like what I'm seeing, feeling and sensing. This is my ultimate sign to move on and not waste any more time so I could do the things that will make me happy and one that serves my values. I came across a tip in a social media that says if it doesn't bring peace, profits or purpose then don't give it your time, energy, or attention.

Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Hear here.

Note to self: Do something that aligns with your values and that you're going to be proud of. Repeat cycle. - Sanegeal Farmhear

Tuesday, July 26, 2022


"Always give your best to provide the best experience to the people who matter and don't matter (if you're feeling nice) because you do not know whether it will be the last time you'll be seeing them. That's how life can be." - Sanegeal Farmhear

Monday, July 25, 2022

Tweet of the Day

No matter what you try to say, your actions will always speak louder. -Sanegeal Farmhear

Update: CIMB transfer to other bank (BPI) unsuccessful. Now what? Will I get my funds back?

Update: CIMB transfer to other bank (BPI) unsuccessful. Now what? Will I get my funds back?

As of 11 am Monday, the funds was reversed back to my CIMB account.

Sunday, July 24, 2022

After COVID-19 infection. Recovery.

After COVID-19 infection. Recovery.

After we are unfortunately inflicted with the COVID-19 infection recently, I noticed that I'm sometimes out of breath easily. There is occasional coughing at times which is sometimes a hassle since my throat gets itchy to cough at the moment and to which I'm in public and enclosed space. I feel tired in my lower extremities though I just started my day of work. To those who have been there, how are you coping up?

Friday, July 22, 2022

Paying PLDT Home bill using the Maya app! Get P100 cashback when you pay PLDT Home using Maya app for New Users

Paying PLDT Home bill using the Maya app! Get P100 cashback when you pay PLDT Home using Maya app for New Users

PayMaya is now Maya app. Technically I'm still new to this app and I was hooked on getting their cashback promos. Aiming to get the 100 pesos for their UnbelievaBILLS promo which was to pay your PLDT Home bill using the Maya app. This promo applies to New Users of the app. So how do you pay your PLDT Home bill using the Maya app? 

1. Log in through your Maya app.

2. Click the icon encircled in red to go to Services

3. Make sure that you have sufficient funds to pay your bill.

4. From SERVICES, scroll down until PAYMENTS and click on BILLS

5. From BILLS, click TELECOMS then PLDT Home in the list.

6. You will see it like this:

7. Enter the Account Number and the amount to be paid. (Make sure to double check the details). Click NEXT.

8. Check if it is correct then click PAY.

9. You will see a prompt that it is currently processing. You will be given a receipt stating the details and the reference number.

10. After 10 minutes, I'm informed through text that I've been rewarded a 100 pesos cashback for paying my PLDT Home bill via Maya.


CIMB transfer to other bank (BPI) unsuccessful. Now what? Will I get my funds back?

CIMB transfer to other bank (BPI) unsuccessful. Now what? Will I get my funds back?

I've opened an account in CIMB bank through the Gcash application via their Gsave option last year. Since then, it has been my preferred bank though digital because I had to save up the money that I owe and I won't be easily tempted to spend it since I won't be able to easily access the funds. Digital banks like CIMB provide better interest than your traditional banks. They offer 2.6% per annum for Gsave accounts and it could increase to 4% should you qualify for their promos like maintaining 100,000 in your account and the likes. I tested the waters first before using the CIMB's application in transferring from my CIMB account to my BPI account with a minimal amount first so that when it doesn't go through, I wouldn't fret. However, last Friday night I got surprised and my anxiousness shoot up when the fund transfer that I did Friday morning didn't went through. I got a text message that stated that the bank transfer was unsuccessful. By the way, this is my first time transferring a 6 digit fund (and no, it doesn't fall into the Anti-Money Laundering Act). I was able to transfer maximum 5 digits successfully before. In their CIMB application, I clicked on their contact us Email and sent a message. I tried dialing their customer care hotline but some of the option aren't applicable so I opted for the Lost/Fraudulent transactions just so I could talk to a real agent. But when it was 5 minutes and counting and I'm still on hold that I've decided to cut off the line. 

This is taken from

Are there any instances in which my transaction could be unsuccessful?

Crediting to receiving of a beneficiary bank account may be unsuccessful due to any of the following reasons:


1) Invalid account (e.g. wrong account number, closed, dormant or blocked account)

2) Suspicious transaction (e.g. Anti-Money Laundering compliance)

3) Wrong information /details (e.g. Account Name provided is not the full and actual account name of the recipient)

4) Unsupported currency (not PHP currency)


It is highly advised that you obtain and provide the correct information to avoid any delays in the interbank fund transfer.

I opened my e-mail and there I found out that the reason why the transaction was unsuccessful was because the Account name of the Beneficiary Account does not match the name of the Beneficiary indicated. I used my Favorites in the CIMB app relying that it worked before so why not now? And then this happened. Later I realized that maybe it's because of their new application as they recently upgraded their application.

The information above just point out the possible causes why the transaction was unsuccessful. But the next question is, will you'll be able to get your money back?

I went through the internet if there are anyone who had encountered the same problem. One said that her funds were sent back to her 1-2 hours after she was notified.

The next day, I checked my account in the CIMB bank application and nothing was returned. In my email, I was given a ticket number. I also came across in their official Facebook page that:

From their reply post, I'm expecting that there will be a reversal and the funds will be returned by Monday or Tuesday.

Thursday, July 21, 2022

Trying out Maya application!

Trying out the Maya application!

To those who do not know, Maya application is a revamp of the Paymaya application. I usually use the Gcash application so that I could transfer my funds in the CIMB bank using their Gsave account. Later on, I use it to pay for my groceries too. I became interested to try the Maya application now because of the 6% per annum in their My Savings feature which had caught my eye. Upon registering, I was informed through SMS message that this 6% is just an introductory percentage which will be based on your average daily balance. 

Apparently, there are numerous promos by Maya. I already got a 20 pesos reward for registering an account with Maya. Then, I was given a message to upgrade my account and do a first transaction on Maya to get an additional 80 pesos. I purchase a smart load of 5 pesos in the shop just to get a hang of it and was able to get the 80 pesos reward.

After some time, I was able to successfully upgrade my account so that I could open the My Savings feature. They also have another promo P100 Cashback with Maya Savings and I was able to complete it by:

Step 1. Signing up for Maya

Step 2. Upgrading your Maya account

Step 3. Opening a Maya Savings account

Step 4. Deposit any amount to your Maya savings from your Maya wallet

I read in the mechanics that the cashback voucher will be credited in the Maya app up to fourteen (14) business days after the promo period (June 24 to July 31, 2022).

(This post is not sponsored.)

Saturday, July 16, 2022

Book: Managing People

Book: Managing People by Robert Heller
DK Publishing

An excerpt from the book that I liked:

    "Improvement stems from repetition, but greater gains come from focused planning and training."

Android game: a lot of harvest : farm

Android game: a lot of harvest : farm

Thursday, July 14, 2022

Compassion Fatigue

Compassion Fatigue

I've been in a slump and had enough of this. And so in order to regain back some control however small there is, I've decided to introduce bit by bit of a routine into my daily activities.

While I was scrolling into the facebook page, I came across a Webinar series about compassion fatigue.

Contrary to what a panelist in the webinar said that compassion fatigue is new to almost of us, I came across this term during my first 2 years of my employment and it magnified during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic. I was burned out. I wanted OUT. I was pulled out into a unit where I was constantly exposed to possible infected people. I was assigned to assist in the swabbing booth. Imagining the horror, dread and the anxiety every time I'm going to work. Even going to work was proving to be difficult. Our hospital provided pick up points but it was too far away to walk. Relying on public transportation that was cut off immediately shoot up the anxiety that I had. How will I be able to get there? Should I walk for at least 3 hours just to get there and then another? There came a time that my coworker tested positive and almost all the people had undergone RT PCR while I still continue rendering duty. It felt unfair. It felt that I was just a thing that they just use. I wanted to resign.

It took around at least The takeaway from the Webinar:

What are the possible reasons why compassion fatigue occurs:

1. Patients are posting on social media how healthcare workers should do their job

2. Stigma on availing mental health programs as healthcare workers

3. Taking negativities and absorbing them

Signs you might be having compassion fatigue:

1. Spiritual emptiness; Physical, psychological emptiness

2. Decreased sense of fulfillment

3. No sense of self/ Depersonalization

4. No motivation

5. Sense of fatigue

What you can do:

1. Managers and leaders in administration should constantly do checking on their subordinates; promote open dialogue

2. Preventive and promotive mental health (like webinars)

3. Building resilience (Mental Health in the Workplace)

4. COVID-19 support groups

Final tips from the panelists:

1. Recognize that it's okay not to be okay

2. Conduct mental health literacy

3. Basic orientation of psychological help resources


4. AWARENESS (Care first for ourselves)

5. Maintaining BALANCE in all aspects

6. Maintaining CONNECTIONS (What, When, Where)

7. Positive coping strategies

8. Resorting to negative coping strategies (alcohol, cigarettes, drugs)

9. Seek professional help if something is wrong with you (Self-harm)

10. Be mindful and aware 

11. Seek help immediately than delaying

12. Having an outlet

13. Listening to credible sources

14. Lessening screen time (max 2 hours a day on gadgets)

15. Exercise

16. Breathing exercise

17. Doing Guided meditation


Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Android game: Silent Castle

Android game: Silent Castle

So there's this android game that I've been playing recently. And I've been hooked. You make your character sleep in order to generate money so that you can use it to purchase items that will protect you. You will also need to prevent the monsters in destroying the door of the room that you're in so that they can't catch you.

I've experienced some bugs here and there but it's okay. Currently Night 18 at Survival mode. Got any tips how to beat this level? 

Wafer in Milk Chocolates

Wafer in Milk Chocolates 

Kitkat has always been my favorite and all time-loved chocolate. But if you are looking for a cheaper alternative, you might try out Goya's Take-it Crispy Wafer Fingers in Milk chocolate. Two fingers weighing 16 grams costs around 12 pesos and their 4 fingers is at 24.5 pesos at Landmark. 

Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Third time's the Charm: COVID-19

Third time's the Charm: COVID-19

Two lines and then you know it's positive. Not mine but my brothers' who I just want to strangle if I could.

The third time's the charm for the COVID virus aye? And yes, after 2 years and couple of months of managing to avoid the COVID-19 virus while continuously doing hospital duty, the day has finally come. I was confirmed to be positive for COVID today which I tested for yesterday. How did I get it? I was exposed to a household member I happen to share a room with. And I think almost everyone can relate that no one is wearing a mask at home. That's at least if none of the members of the family are exhibiting symptoms. I've asked my brother who tested positive in a self-testing antigen kit how he may have  acquired it. He said he ate near a gas station which is al fresco. He claims that there are no crowds. Okaayyy.

This confirms my hypothesis that wearing a mask is crucial in curbing the widespread of the virus. Most of the people that I know of have this pattern that they ate in an establishment and then got COVID later on. In the hospital, we've had a several number of contact tracings but luckily we never had it up until now.

By the way, I've got the Astrazeneca as my primary COVID-19 vaccine series and had already finished 2 booster doses of Pfizer.

The first symptom that I experienced was there was something funny in my throat. It's like you are being tickled that you are tempted to cough it out. Then the next day, I've got a dry cough, colds, muscle/joint pains and a headache which is like 3-4 in pain scale. Though I am a healthcare worker, personally I refrain from taking medications as much as possible because I think that we should first give our body a chance to fight whatever it is. Nasal congestion for the first 2 days in which I hydrated with jugs of room temperature water and warm soups (clears the congestion and it made me feel better). Because the headache is becoming unbearable and continuous, I took Paracetamol and it helped. I didn't have fever.  After 3 days, the symptoms I think are improving. There is a phlegm that is like stuck in your throat.

Hope you are all fine. And keep safe. Wear your mask as this virus will still be able to mutate again as long as they have hosts to infect on.

Friday, July 8, 2022

Technique Hack: How to Remove Permanent Marker Marks in your Whiteboard or Any Plastic Surface

Technique Hack: How to Remove Permanent Marker Marks in your Whiteboard or Any Plastic Surface

You may have encountered someone or even you have done this already: accidently writing on a permanent marker instead of using a whiteboard marker.

Oh no! What should I do? How will you'll be able to fix this?

I cnaIdeas come My