Tuesday, November 29, 2016

That Sunny Day!

I often wondered why I do not have this and I do not have that. I used to wail and feel confused why some are so fortunate enough because they seem to get things to their advantage without effort. Life is unfair. I think that may have been in my lowest point this year but fortunately I got through it.

One of the things I've realized upon growing up is that not all things are about you. You may feel a certain feeling in a certain time but things are not what they seem to be. You have the things you need. You just have to open your eyes real big and learn how to appreciate the things given to you that you usually take for granted. You are given enormous amounts of blessings each day that are just waiting for you to utilize.

Let me tell you that it is very hard to incorporate what I just said into action yet let me also tell you that it is not impossible. It'll take hard work and consistent effort but the results are rewarding.

Treasure moments with people. Take the chance to see through people. There are so much you can learn from and impart to people. Go with what your heart wants to tell you. We are in our place for a reason. We may not know it now but believe that eventually things will fall into place. Be inspired by people, things and circumstances. Be-YOU-tiful.

Friday, November 18, 2016

A Call Coming From 8753480

Before you read on, this is for the customers of the Philippine Long Distance Telephone (PLDT) in the Philippines.

Have you experienced receiving calls from this number 8753480? At first when we took the call, there was no one who was talking on the other end of the phone and then it would hang up. We've experienced these a couple of times and then on the succeeding calls there was already but he/she was offering upgrading promos/deals. So I guess this people were telemarketer from PLDT because they would always ask why I'm not upgrading and if I'm not contented with the service and other information.

I would always decline because I really don't need the upgrade for now. I told them for a couple of times now that if ever I was interested, I would be the one to inquire in their office. I know that it is their job but I wish that they would stop calling because it is annoying.

Thursday, November 17, 2016

A Start of Something New

Hey guys. Good news! I'll start working as a nurse soon. Finally! Before, I was still adamant if I really wanted to be a nurse despite having passed the board examination and all. When I was young, I had dreamt of being a doctor and my sister would be the nurse.

I had given nursing a lot of tries if I'm going to love it because I think that I just like to think that I don't really like it because I am afraid. As you know, I can quite had an aversion to risk. However through constant pursuit of learning through reading books and articles here in the cyberspace, it was stored in my knowledge that big risks taken reaps the most rewards.

I'm afraid. I'm fearful. And I definitely don't like it because it always makes me uneasy and worried.

Luckily through the years, as I've prayed for wisdom, I was given humungous amounts to which I am truly grateful and blessed. It was downright painful and had left scars and I don't know if I had fully moved on. One thing is for sure though, these lessons will never be forgotten.

I'd like to think now that I was here for a reason as a nurse because it was, it is and it will be the best for me. I am still not comfortable with people and very much prefer being alone but I'll eventually get there.

This time around I'm feeling a bit more confident, I'm changing not for anyone but for myself. As I breeze through life, I'm slowly learning to take things as it is and not more on what ifs. Afterall, life is a journey meant to be savored which I sometimes forget to do.

Best of luck to me and to you too! :-D

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Motivational Posters

From time to time when things get rough, we need doses of motivation, things to uplift us and somebody to talk to. However, there are times that we don't know where we can get support. It seems to us that everyone is busy. It feels that no one actually cares. Then we sink further and deeper into the darkness of our temporary depressed state.

Through the years, I've come to realize that the best support that we can get is the support from ourselves. We are our own best friend and yet the worst enemy that we can have.

An idea popped up into my mind which necessitates me to know and that I need to know about what was called a picture with quotes. I tried to google it and came up with MEMES but in my stored knowledge, these are pictures with funny quotes. Some of the answers I've got was that they are motivational posters, Hmm.. I'm not so sure and am still not convinced. I'll just searched for the book that I've read.

At first I thought it was ANAGRAM but then I found out anagram was about jumbled letters. Finally, I found out later that it was called motivational posters from the previous book that I had finished reading which was entitled Drive by Daniel Pink.

Who knows? These may be one of the things which can remind us to go on in what we are doing when we feel giving up.

You can make your own motivational posters with these websites:

Monday, November 14, 2016

Fainting Spell

Have you ever experienced blacking or fainting spells?

Yesterday I was attending mass in a church when suddenly my vision was turning into red for about 2-5 seconds. To describe what I had experienced, it's like what you see when you are turning off the television. In my mind I tried to be calm though I was panicking then I just blacked out. I don't know what happen next and how much time I was out. When I regained consciousness there was a cool compress in my right forehead as I had a cut and I smell ammonia. I was given water to drink but my vision was still not clear and in my mind I was panicking because my vision was not normal. I experienced pins and needles in both hands and there was a brief time of dysmenorrhea. I tried to do deep breathing exercises and move my hands in order for the blood to circulate. After some time, my vision was a little bit blurry but I can now see.

I went today to the doctor and according to him that it was Postural Hypotension. I was standing at the back side since the beginning of the mass. It was a bit hot in my place but I didn't mind at that time because I was used to it. According to the doctor, with prolonged standing we have to move too from time to time.

It was my first time fainting. And to tell you the truth, it was alarming. Maybe it is the body's way of telling me that I should better take care of myself first before other people.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Grey's Anatomy S08E11

"...when you got yesterday's than tomorrows. And the realizations is hard on the man. But when you get a chance to get into something like that, you fight like a tiger. All because you think it will give you just a little more time in the game." - Dr. Webber to Dr. Karev

"Oh I think I taught you something today. You don't give up a once in a lifetime surgery. Not for any reason, not for anyone, not ever. Watch your back Karev. I made a side to teach yourself tomorrow."  - Dr. Webber to Dr. Karev

Food Faves!

Good evening guys! How are you today?

I just had my license renewed today and was able to drop by Quiapo afterwards. Yay!

I'm very happy today because I was able to savor again the very scrumptious lumpiang sariwa in Quiapo that I had tasted ever. No wonder it was raved and featured countless of times by high celebrities in television shows. And not only has it delighted my taste buds but the first time I've tasted it, it has exceeded my expectations. In my opinion, it was worth the money for it only costs around 18 pesos per order. They only do take-outs though. And I'm talking about the Globe Lumpia House in Quiapo which is near Raon.

Suddenly I remembered the time in our class where we were asked what brings us pleasure and that is the reason why I had the urge to make a blog post about my favorite foods.

Though I eat almost all kinds of food (not the exotic kinds and inedible, wise-ass!) and I am not a picky eater, I'm starting to discover my favorites and they are listed below:

  • Globe's Lumpia House
  • French Fries
  • McDonald's Coffee Float

Sunday, November 6, 2016

Googleplay game: SIM - Sara is Missing Game

Googleplay game: SIM - Sara is Missing Game

Ola Chingu!

I know it's tad a bit late for this but I'm declaring that since it's still November, this counts as a little Halloween treat. Bwahaha!  Anyway, I'd like to introduce to you a very good horror game I played a while ago. If you have nothing to do and would like for a little scare, try playing this game.

To give you a brief introduction, it's about a missing person who happens to be (yeah, you probably know from the title) Sara. And you found her phone. Now the thing is, What would you do?

After an hour or two of playing the game, in my opinion, I'd give it a 10 out of 10. Kudos to the game developer of this game. Let me tell you that it looks real and FEELS real. There were times I push the multitask button of my phone just so to remind myself that it wasn't real. Hah.

Saturday, November 5, 2016

Why the recent law requiring CPD units was taken negatively by majority of Philippine Nurses

Anyway before anything else, thanks for taking the time to hear my sentiments, First of all, I'm not against CPD units as these encourages continuity in learning and I totally embrace it with open arms (Wooh! *Fist pump in the air*). However being a nurse myself, these just adds to the burden of nurses who are either employed, unemployed, underemployed and are not practicing and now wants to go back to Nursing in the Philippines and are just barely making their ends meet. How? Let me give you a visual description how much time, effort and money you need to shell out before you can practice your profession as a nurse. 

Before your application is accepted in the hospitals that you are applying for, you are required to have at least Basic Life Support (BLS) and Intravenous Therapy Training (IVT). Some would require additional trainings such as Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS) or/and Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS). Basic Life Support that is AHA(American Heart Association)-certified costs around 2,500 php or more and is renewable every 2 years. Intravenous Therapy Training costs around 3,500 php or higher depending on the institution and is renewable every 3 years (There is a recent news that IVT renewal is now not required but I doubt it). I don't know if how much today is the ACLS and PALS but I'm guessing both would be above 5,000 php each renewable every 2-3 years (again I'm not sure on this).

Now, if you're one of the few tsk-ing why not sacrifice a little first and reap the rewards later? Hold yer horses dudes! There's more to it than meets the eye!

You also need to have a membership with Philippine Nurses Association membership as this is necessary. For a whooping 400 pesos which you renew every December 31st of every year. Hard on the budget, I know. One good thing is that they provide one free seminar for every renewal (so basically let's just think that we are paying for the free seminar).

Nurses, let's not forget the professional tax receipt (PTR) we need to pay every January of every year. Again, PTR fees would vary in different cities. If we fail to pay on January, succeeding months and days are taxed with overdue fees.

Last but not the least, as a potential practicing nurse in the Philippines whether hospital or community/industrial, of course you will need to have a Philippine License for Nurses (PRC ID) which you need to renew every 3 years for 450 php. Then eventually with CPD units, seminars/trainings you must need to pay at your own expense and I'm talking seminars that at least cost around 400-500 each. Moolah  goes down the drain.