Tuesday, May 31, 2016

My Favorite Films

Hi! I've been feeling a little like down lately these days so here I am. Writing to you about something. Since I've felt that nobody quite wants to listen and put up with my rants, I decided to expend that energy into something productive to do.

I would like to write about what movies had moved me which is one of the reasons why they are my favorite
  •  12 Angry Men (1957) - I probably have been an old soul in my previous life because though I belong to the Millenial generation, my tastes seem to be of conservative and oldies when it comes to clothes, music and apparently films. I was fascinated with how they had produced an entire film in one place. And how was I able to find this film? It was recommended by users in the IMDB website where it was included in the top films to see.
  • High Strung (2016) - I like it maybe because of the insights in the movie. Sometimes I used to wish that I've had ballet lessons instead of piano.
update as of July 8, 2017
  • The Boss Baby (2017) - I like this part in the movie where the protagonist makes an offer which the boss baby can't refuse. Very moving, I may say.

Monday, May 30, 2016

On Frizz Away Serums: Bench Fix, Glamworks, Vitress

So I basically I just woke up one day and decided that I have to change. I woke up feeling that I'm not contented with the way I look. Because as you might know, I used to not care about my appearance as long as it's convenient and comfortable. Why I chose convenience and comfort? Because it's easy and less costly. So you might be wondering what changed?

I want to feel good so I'm making an overhaul of myself. I've been successful in persuading my over worrying self that it's okay to splurge on things from time to time. No need to be stingy when it comes to self. Call it a turning point, but if it's for the better, it's better right? I pamper myself with make-up sporadically and I guess people tend to appreciate it but I don't do it consistently.

Anyway, I've been managing my curly frizzy dry hair with scrunchies because aside from it's hot and humid here, I want no hair on my face. I also use gel, my go-to product to pin up my hair in place but the downside of it is it's not healthy for the hair as it has too many chemicals and you have to wash it up. As for Vitress serum, sadly I experienced having dandruff though it smells good. Good thing that I tried Glam works Hair Serum for Heat Defense. It works out for me but I may say that it's a little greasy. If I remember it right, it costs for about 75 php at Watson's.

So let's see how will this product fare with other serums. It costs for about 109 php at Bench stores.

Till next time,
Sanegeal Farmhear

Saturday, May 28, 2016

Movie Convo: High Strung

Hi. How's it going for you? I guess I'm pretty much okay. Pumped up a little. Aside from finishing reading the 3 parts of The Billionaire's Obsession 1 by J. S. Scott where it's all about the love story of Simon and Kara which I was currently obssessed in finishing it and which I did, I am doing a marathon of movies. I had finished watching Fifty Shades of Grey, How to Be Single and now High Strung which I'm not yet through. Anyway, I just want to share inspiring conversations from the movie and I hope it would inspire you too.

Ruby: Well you know, music is like dance. It's a link to the soul. It can make people laugh and it can make people cry. It...it can inspire! With a power like that, why wouldn't you want to share it with the world?
Kramrovsky: Is everything a little alright? You danced it beautifully.
Ruby: I can do better.
Kramrovsky: You're too hard on yourself.
Ruby: I just want to be perfect.
Kramrovsky:And what happens when you've achieved perfection? You stop then? It's imperfections that keep us alive! Motivating us to push further and further.
Kramrovsky: This is the problem. Stop trying to dance.
Ruby: But I'm a dancer.
Kramrovsky: No, no, you're not a dancer in this variation. You're a gypsy. You understand.
Kramrovsky: Ruby, each time you conquer a step, there will always be another challenge waiting. It's a long road. It never ends! As dancers, this is our journey.

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Car Dealer Simulator Game for Android

Hi again! I'm just as excited to tell you about my discovery for this day. As you might not know, I'm also a gamer.

Just when I thought I was about to give up, I found a way how to go over selling out cars in this CAR DEALER SIMULATOR game I've downloaded from Google Playstore. I've tried searching the internet out of frustration. I've found a tip/cheat alright but it was not applicable to what I want.

Here's an introduction for Car Dealer simulator taken from Google play:

In our game, you start out on the lowest rung of a car dealer’s career with a small initial capital and unlimited capabilities at your disposal. You can buy damaged cars, repair them, and sell them for profit or simply scout around for the most attractive offers on the marketplace in the hope of finding a car in perfect condition.As you play the game, you start gaining experience, and your business is growing rapidly. You can afford to buy more expensive cars. You learn how to diagnose mechanical problems and fix them cheaply.

If you also want to play this game, you can download it by clicking here.

Now, where are we?

Right. How to go over selling cars like a piece of cake.

You start off with a capital of 5000 and an energy of 500. In the beginning, you will be able to sell cars with no problem. But after some time in your succeeding endeavors, you will experience almost all have problems. So here are some tips I've learned while playing the game:

Tip # 1. As the tutorial says, go with the most profit.

Tip # 2: Ask for a discount from the owner. I usually go for 20% and below. But of course it would depend with how much will you make. If your profit is almost negative then ask for a higher discount.

Tip # 3. Before haggling, use the service diagnostics button. Yes. So that you can already know what problems are you going to get once you buy that car.

Monday, May 16, 2016

Cinnamon Tea-rrific!

Good morning to you too. Would you like some black tea with a dash of cinnamon and a teaspoon of sugar?  Since I've noticed that I've been hooking up on tea with a lot of creamer, I decided to try out drinking tea with a dash of cinnamon instead.

And I'd say it's good.

Saturday, May 14, 2016

Words of the Wise from HighSchool King of Savvy

Hello! How was your day? I'm not really in a good mood today so I'm currently watching episode 3 of High school King of Savvy. This is a Korean drama. You could read the plot here.

I just want to share this conversation between the brothers in episode 2:

Lee Hyung-seok: There's no such a thing as an ally or enemy in this world. It's just a jungle. Don't you think the king of the jungle is a lion or a tiger? No. The last survivor... Hyena

Lee Min-seok: Don't make this difficult. Don't use metaphors.

Lee Hyung-seok: Don't trust anyone. Trust your instinct. That's your answer.

I wished I'd had a Hyung (Older Brother) or someone whose wise enough to impart these things early enough. But I guess, it almost always had been me to discovering it all. *Sigh*

Why we should write more truthful reviews

Why we should write more truthful reviews

Before I decided to write future reviews in this blog, I think I should come up with an introduction on reviews. The first question that popped up out of my mind today was why should we write and post more truthful reviews in the internet? I came up with the answer: people will be more informed what they are going to get and know what they are going to expect once they have availed the product or the service they've been eyeing.

Before I make any purchase of any kind, I always search reviews from the internet and mostly read from blogs and forums. In a very much developed technology that we have today, the internet has vast of information and reviews that we could utilize. In my experience, they've been very helpful. And I'd like to take this opportunity to thank the nameless people out there in the cyberspace who had taken their time to share their experiences.

Now the lingering question still continues, why should we write and post more truthful reviews in the internet? It's because in our own little way, we might make a difference in somebody's life. Who knows, your experience might save another one from regrets.

Sanegeal Farmhear

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Let us rejoice Humility

In a world of egotistical people, keep being humble. When people tries to control you, push for your independence.  When the world rejoices on showmanship and you itched to be acknowledged and appreciated despite your introvertedness, keep being hidden despite being unacknowledged. Remember that the most precious gems are kept hidden in the valley of darkness. What really matters is how you think of yourself.

There was an article I've read last night about a mother talking to her daughter about a presidential candidate now presumably the next 16th president of the Republic of the Philippines, Mayor Rodrigo Duterte. It was a long post and I'm still searching it on the internet but to cut the story short she tells her daughter that it doesn't mean that because he cusses means he is a bad person, neither a good person with good manners, does make him good. It should be what's within the heart that we must look on.

Till next time,
Sanegeal Farmhear