Sunday, August 27, 2023

golden hour by jvke

Golden hour by jvke

Saturday, August 26, 2023

I think I may be a dog in the past life - a share angle frame

I think I may be a dog in the past life - a share angle frame

I think I may be a dog in the past life
'Cause I tick almost all the bullets in the love checklist
which was mentioned in Explained on Netflix
I've got so much empathy
And would always on stand by loyalty
Been doing acts of service for others since then
Trying to create connections that are meaningful in nature

But then consecutive shits happened
Suddenly felt feelings of anhedonia out of nowhere
And when I looked back I realized
I shouldn't let myself burn just to keep others warm

Well I guess, I'm letting go of the self-inflicted guilt
Every single time when I am making a choice
That it is okay to be selfish
as people are looking out for themselves first

I hated myself for being unusual
Why I had to give myself first for others before myself
But now I'm deciding to forgive myself
And move forward advocating for my own

- a share angle frame

Friday, August 25, 2023


Shortchanged - a share angle fame

Thursday, August 24, 2023

Monday, August 21, 2023

Tuesday, August 15, 2023

The Ouchi Illusion

The Ouchi Illusion

I'm going to share to you a cool trick today I've discovered today and this is the Ouchi illusion. No, this is not any way related to inflicting pain on someone but rather an illusion on how it can be seen that the circular part seems to move from its background. Try it!

Monday, August 14, 2023

The Happy Song for Babies

The Happy Song for Babies

Apparently, there is a song that was scientifically made for calming babies! Have you already heard it? If not, the name of the song is The Happy Song by Imogen Heap who collaborated with a team that consisted of psychologists specializing in development from Goldsmith University.

Sunday, August 13, 2023

A Children's Gratitude Song

A Children Gratitude Song

Children are indeed God's most beloved. Their innocence and these praise reminds us that sometimes we take things for granted and often occupied with trivial things when all we need to do is let us do the work and let God do the rest. I came across this on Andi Manzano's Tiktok account and her eldest daughter was cutely singing this song in acapella. Here is the title of the song - Thankful (children's Thanksgiving song by Shawna Belt Edwards)

I hope that you're also consoled by this song if you're experiencing some kind of a burden.

Saturday, August 12, 2023

Decoding Expiration Dates of Food

Decoding Expiration Dates of Food

I happen to came across this flyer around a social media platform so I thought it might help you and me later on. Food safety should be placed with utmost importance in any household. But I know that this is ideal and sometimes what happens in reality is the opposite especially for people who have less. This flyer is not mine and is credited to the original owner.   

Friday, August 11, 2023

Lee Jin Ah

Lee Jin Ah

My past time was browsing through Korean artists and music way back when Kpop music were still not famous. I would like to share a Korean artist Lee Jin-ah and I find her music unique. She treads more on the jazz genre. I was surprised to know that she was already married in 2019.

Here are some of my favorites:

Lee Jin Ah - Random

Lee Jin Ah (Rebooted Ver. with TAK) - Yum yum yum

Lee Jin Ah - Everyday

Thursday, August 10, 2023

SF Air fried Potato

SF Air fried Potato

There are times when you crave for something in the evening. Instead of reaching out for that chips, here is an alternative filling treat and easy to do airfried potato recipe from me Sanegeal Farmhear. Another simpler version.


  • Oil
  • Potato/potatoes, cleaned meticulously and wedged
  • garlic powder
  • spanish paprika
  • Tasty boy Ajinomoto
  • pinch of rock Salt
  • fresh ground pepper
  • butter

1. Thoroughly clean the potatoes, brush until visibly out of dirt with running water. Then soak in water with vinegar for at least 15 minutes. Pat dry with paper towel and cut into wedges.
2. In a bowl, put the potatoes and put oil just to coat the potatoes. Add garlic powder, paprika, tasty boy ajinomoto, salt, pepper and a bit of butter/margarine so that it will not stick to the air fryer (or you may skip the butter if you are using a receptacle for airfryer).
3. Set in 200 or 180 degrees in 20 minutes. After 10 minutes, turn the potatoes to the other side. Check if both sides of the wedges are looking golden brownish and wrinkly. If it is then it is done.

Tuesday, August 8, 2023

My Happy Marriage

My Happy Marriage 

Have you already read this novel? Or perhaps did you watched it on Netflix? I came across this anime adaptation upon scrolling on Netflix. I became curious and did an episode marathon (it's still ongoing by the way). I'm rearing to know what's next so I searched for the book. I thought that it would be a comic but it turned out to be a novel. Here is a trailer from Netflix:

In some ways, I could relate to the characters in the story.

Monday, August 7, 2023

recommended novels


recommended novels

  1. Girl in Pieces by Kathleen Glasgow
  2. You'd Be Home Now by  Kathleen Glasgow
  3. The Way I used to Be by Amber Smith
  4. how it feels to float - helena fox
  5. if he had been with me - laura nowlin

CPD or Continuing Professional Development for Philippine Nurses 2023

CPD or Continuing Professional Development for Philippine Nurses 2023

For Filipino registered nurses: Did you know that you can still do a waiver for delaying your CPD or continuing professional development units until December 2023? As the public may be aware, registered nurses in the Philippines are expected to comply with the 15 CPD units per license renewal which is every 3 years. It was originally at 45 units but due to a huge volume of backlash coming from the nurses, it went down to a compulsory of 15 units.

Why you may say? For those who may be a practicing nurse from other countries, you may find it bizarre why these nurses are resisting. I personally believe in pursuing professional development studies for patient safety and I think these are vital as knowledge in medicine constantly change. What right practice you may know today may not be right to practice tomorrow.

However, it was because of the exorbitant fees that will be taken up from the pocket of these nurses. A one to two hours would cost you 500 pesos or more and this seminar would only credit 1 CPD unit. Nurses in the Philippines were abused and exploited since a decade or two. We were crying out for a meager increase but were unheard. It was until that the COVID-19 pandemic happened that hospitals are now the one at the mercy of these nurses they took advantaged of. Hello, volunteerism and training fees?

Anyway, things are now better for the new nurses. There are numerous seminars which are now done online and are offered for free. Look it up. It is better that you comply with the necessary units than delay it further. Seminars/Trainings are only valid for 2 or 3 years from the time you attended them.

In order to know your acquired CPD units from these seminars/trainings, you can register/sign in to the CPDAS website:

And before you take that seminar or training, make sure that the programs they offer are accredited by the PRC or else they won't accept it as valid in  your renewal. You can check them out at:

Hope it helps!


Sunday, August 6, 2023

Have you tried this pandesal hack? How to reheat

Have you tried this pandesal hack?

A part of a typical Filipino breakfast is having the option (or not!) to eat bread. Pandesal is a common staple in a Filipino household that is usually served hot and paired up with a jam or meat. Some dos not and dip it in their coffee. When comparing it to the usual loaf bread that are found in supermarket which are more readily available, pandesal are preferred due to its bite size, moist and soft texture.  

So how do you store your leftover pandesal? Do you put it in the pantry at room temperature? Or perhaps put it inside the refrigerator? I've experience leaving it in a room temperature and it turned hard after some time. And so, I'll be giving you a tip which I found in a social media platform. I usually put it in the fridge specifically the freezer. Yes, it would also harden but I discovered that you can easily cut it up into two.

One day, I was starving so I tried to heat up some pandesal using the oven toaster. Given the limited space, I tried to stick the bread together for quantity that is why in the picture below, you can see charred parts in the bun. I was too impatient so thought that it was already lukewarm at least. The surface was indeed hot but the middle part was cold and I was not happy. Then it just came across my mind why not I try to put it in an air fryer? Experiment time!

Lo, and behold. It was a success! This is even better because I can put 6-7 pieces ot pandesal and they can be heated in just 1-2 minutes in a 200C without burning. If you want it crispier, just let it stay there for a little longer even if the appliance is already turned.

Saturday, August 5, 2023

Cool trick- Rotating hand and foot

Cool trick - Rotating hand and foot

I would like to share what I've just read in How to Be a Genius by DK Publishing. This will be a cool conversation trick starter, I tell you.

Rotate your right foot on a clockwise direction.

After some time, using your right hand, draw number six a couple of times while still rotating your foot.


what direction again do you rotate your right foot?

Is it clockwise? Or not?

Friday, August 4, 2023

Tuna Flakes in Cream by Sanegeal Farmhear

Tuna Flakes in Cream by Sanegeal Farmhear

There are some days that I find myself too lazy to even cook. This is a recipe I made from imagination and it turned out good as per my brother! This is easy to make as long as you have the staples which can all be found in the supermarket. Should I label it as a supermarket recipe?

Tuna Flakes in Cream by Sanegeal Farmhear


  • 1 San Marino Corned Flakes Tuna
  • small packed of mushrooms
  • 6 crushed garlic (the more the better)
  • 1 All purpose cream
  • cheese, grated
  • salt and pepper
  • garlic powder
  • dried parsley
  • Oil for sauteeing 



1. Sauté garlic in a pan in low to medium heat until light brown. 

2. Add the tuna flakes. Cook for 2 minutes.

3. Add the all purpose cream and cheese. 

4. Season with garlic powder, salt, pepper and a pinch of dried parsley. Adjust to desired taste.

5. Serve over rice while hot. Top off with dried parsley. Enjoy!


Thursday, August 3, 2023

Vine Spinach/Malabar Spinach (Alugbati) in Shrimp Stew

Vine Spinach/Malabar Spinach (Alugbati) in Shrimp Stew by Sanegeal Farmhear

Who wants some nilagang hipon with alugbati? I've decided to name it Vine Spinach/Malabar Spinach (Alugbati) in Shrimp Stew. Hehe. This is an easy recipe to make and it's hearty too. This is good meal to cook in a rainy day. Here is my version:


1 tomato halved

2 medium onions halved

sea salt

alugbati leaves/ Vine Spinach/Malabar Spinach

shrimps (salt them for a while) or you can used those dried small shrimps


1. In a pot, fill it with a liter of filtered water and add the tomato and onions. Sprinkle a pinch of sea salt over them. Let it boil over low heat until the onion is translucent, pulling apart and the tomato can be mashed. Mashed it until the soup turns to light orange.

2. Add the shrimps and cook until orange. Add the alugbati leaves. Let it boil and season with salt and pepper according to taste. Enjoy!

Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Raft Life

Raft Life

If you are fan of games where you gather resources to unlock another area, this might interest you - only in the sea set-up!