Friday, September 29, 2017

Introducing K-indie!

Introducing K-indie!

You may probably tag me as a Korean culture addict though I'm not a Korean in origin. Let me tell you that there is so many things that I admire about the Koreans and their culture. Maybe later I'll probably take Hangeul lessons too. You think?

At some point in time, I was into doing marathons watching Korean dramas. But of course, they have these light and fun audio in the background if you're watching a light and funny drama and a sad and depressing song playing for a tragedic story drama. What made me hooked into Korean drama OSTs was the song playing in the drama sang by Dalmoon  which was Rooftop Moonlight (after some contemplating, I finally found it!). After School's Jung Ah entitled You're Cute was enjoyable to listen too. Actually, it was almost the entire OST which made me hooked! And as I began listening to more OST of different dramas, I began to appreciate lots and even discovered K-indie. So you will probably end up reading posts on more K-indie.

Check out below: 

Dalmoon - Rooftop Moonlight

After School's Jung Ah - You're Cute


It feels like I'm hanging by the thread.

Friday, September 15, 2017

First Time Online shopping at Althea: Second Part

First Time Online shopping at Althea: Second Part

And so here comes the second part. To give you a little brief summary on the first part, I ordered an item at Althea on the 9th of September. I've been waiting and expecting that the item will be delivered at around the 24th of September or probably 29th as I've read in other blogs that Saturdays and Sundays are not included in the counting (which kind of made me sad a little).

Anyway, imagine my surprise when my sister texted me that a delivery man was at our house just this morning. After I got home, my father told me that indeed there was a delivery and the delivery man will be back again later. I was baffled when my father told me that I am going to pay for 1520 pesos instead of 1320 pesos (discounted price).

There was a misunderstanding as the system was 1520 pesos and the parcel says 1320 pesos. To end the story, I was able to get my parcel on this day. So from the day that I ordered 9th September 2017 to 16 September 2017, it took 7 days which for me is fast enough! By the way, the courier utilized by Althea here in the Philippines was Ninja Van.

Monday, September 11, 2017

First time Online shopping at Althea!

First time Online shopping at Althea!

Online shopping has been the go-to of shoppers who composes more of the practical and those who are lazy enough to get out and go to malls. Indeed, with the vast improvement of technology today, the amount of buyers purchasing online is significantly increasing in numbers. It is mainly due to the reason of it being convenient and the price of the products is if not equal, lesser than its physical store.

Though I am not new to online shopping as I've tried purchasing before, this is my first time purchasing at Althea. Althea offers different brands of Korean products at a smaller price compared to malls since they are directly dealing with the original supplier of the products they feature. Thus, the cheaper prices. I opt to try the their COD payment method.

Let's see how will Althea fare:


September 9. 2017
I've signed up at Althea and placed an order which amounts to 1520 pesos. However I have used a coupon and the total that I will pay via Cash-On-Delivery  is 1320 pesos. I am expecting that the package will be here at around 10-15 days. Too bad, weekends are not counted.

September 10, 2017
First day.

September 11, 2017
Second day.

September 12, 2017
Still counting. Third day.

Saturday, September 9, 2017

The Seven Secrets of How to Think Like a Rocket Scientist by Jim Longuski

The Seven Secrets of How to Think Like a Rocket Scientist by Jim Longuski

This book tells how you can think like a scientist by dreaming, imagining accurately, simplifying and taking action. More points can be read in the book. Some parts are boring for a non-mathematician/engineer/rocket scientist like me but nevertheless an interesting read, I must say.

Body Odor Problems? Try this solution that worked for me

Body Odor Problems? Try this solution that worked for me

And no, the above mentioned is no marketing stint of any kind. I once had a problem with regards to my body. Maybe partly due to genetics, I easily sweat and had this pungent smell that slowly ate up my confidence. I also tried putting different deodorants which by the way some of it made my armpit darker (e.g. Safeguard, Secret, Rexona). I've also tried tawas and calamondin.

One day, my mother told me to try putting Zonrox in my bath. She told me that she heard from someone that they've used it on a girl and was successful in eliminating the smell. I've tried doing it and after around 3-7 days, it miraculously worked! No more body odor. Now, whenever I encounter this problem, I just do this solution. However, I don't do this often and don't even recommend using this method in the long term because Zonrox is made up of chemicals.

And oh before I forget, as much as possible, leave no hair on your armpit. I usually shave mine because the hair can harbor bacteria which are the one responsible for producing the bad odor. As far as I know, sweating is natural body process in order to eliminate toxins through skin and sweat is odorless.

Friday, September 8, 2017

Monday, September 4, 2017

The Pomodoro Technique

The Pomodoro Technique

Do you want to do something but have trouble doing it consistently? Honestly, this is something that I am struggling with. I can start doing something and then after some time I get bored and then begin to relax and not do it anymore. And then when inspiration again hits me, I again start something and then the endless cycle continues. You get the drift. Starting something is the easy part. Maintaining, on the other hand, is difficult.

Thanks to Youtube, I discovered a link on a time management technique called Pomodoro technique. Basically it tells you to focus on a task for around 25 minutes and then take a 5 minute break.

Let's do it! (Hey, the pomodoro tomato timer seems nice to have. I want to have one. :-) )

Saturday, September 2, 2017

How to: Not detecting WiFi Connection on Lenovo A7000 after using Share it

How to: Not detecting WiFi Connection on Lenovo A7000 after using Share it

How many of you had the dilemma in which you have encountered a situation where your Lenovo A7000 is not detecting your WiFi Connection after using Share it application? It's frustrating right? I've searched the internet but it seems there was no definite answer.

For those of you who are not familiar with ShareIt, it is an application which was first created by Lenovo and then they later turned it over to ShareIt Technologies. It enables you to send or receive files even huge ones on a faster speed without using a connector. You can transfer files from computer to mobile or vice versa or computer to computer or mobile to mobile phone. You can download it for free at

After some time, I was able to come across the solution: Turn off your phone for a few minutes and then turn it on again.

Friday, September 1, 2017

Food favorites update

Happy 1st day of September! It is start of the BER months and it just signifies that Christmas is again nearing. How time flies!

Anyway, just to give you an update of my favorite foods:

  • Fresh lumpia (Globe's Lumpia House)
  • French fries (McDo or Potato Corner)
  • Mcdonalds Coffee Float
  • Pears
  • Turnips
  • Smoked fish (Tinapa)