Monday, July 25, 2016

TV Show: iZombie

This you should see. That is, if you are into zombies and murder investigations. I am currently watching this show. The show is all about Liv Moore, previously a medical resident who had turned into a zombie after a party that she had attended which has people drinking Utopium. After being turned into a zombie, she worked in a morgue eating brains of the murder victims. This had made her  see, think and feel as the victim before they died and enabled her into  victims' personality traits.

"You'd be surprised what people are capable of at the end of the rope." iZombie - Clive Babineaux S01E07

Monday, July 18, 2016

Have You Found Your Circle of Competence Yet?

Have You Found Your Circle of Competence Yet?

I still don't know where I want to be and what I want to do with my life. To start with, I haven't envisioned myself as being a nurse. I thought I was just going with nursing as a undergraduate then proceed with medicine. And then I would either be a neurosurgeon or a doctor that specializes with brain research. But I guess, life has a way of giving you lemons. It made me realize that not everything will turn out the way you expected it.

There are kinds of people out there. From naive to down right manipulative, very talented ones and competitive. It's a jungle out there. When I started working, I realize a lot of things. I am usually peace-loving and usually nice to people but peace-loving won't let you last in the real world if you won't work smartly to the top. In short, you must be competitive whether we like it or not. Safeguard always your things from anyone never leaving it to chance. To put it into words I got trust issues and what has made it worst is that the people I have opened up my heart to are the same ones who broke it and opening up for me wasn't even easy to begin with.

I thought before that I was not out to be a nurse. I dreaded going into my clinicals and praying that my clinical rotations would be suspended. I suck at conversing with people. I don't have the likability factor with my peers.

But what the heck, I'm tried of sulking. I took the board and passed it on the first take. I have the support of my family. I manage to be better and that I don't have to over analyze things. I realize that I don't have to spend my time just to cater to people's bullshits. I realize that I have my own needs and these needs must  come first and ALWAYS first because no one will care anyways.

I may not have the greatest nursing skills now nor the greatest interpersonal skills, but just so you wait WORLD and see. I'll make it happen.

How am I sure I could?

Because "TODAY MY LIFE BEGINS". I'm quoting this from Grey's Anatomy Season 5.

So far, these are the assets I've discovered and learned that I haven't fully taken advantage of:

1. Reading is tedious to most people but I got it as a secondary nature. Sometimes I drag myself to read but I think I got the discipline than most people do.
2. I'm confident in my research abilities like those finding stuff in the cyberspace. I can discover things if I really want to.
3. I am creative. I create things in my head most people would later think of. And I would be amaze that I thought of it before they did.
4. I think I possess grit. I don't easily give up on something.
5. I am tall. Screw insecure bitches. I'll start to wear heels soon.
6. More to come.

Online RPG Strategy Game: Utopia

Online RPG Strategy Game: Utopia

Back when I was still in my elementary to middle school years, I was introduced to this game by my cousin. Fortunately, this still exists up to today though the URL has been changed.

Utopia is an online text-based roleplaying strategy game where you are going to explore acres of land, build kind of buildings, allocate books for different sciences, train military in order to prepare for offensive/defensive as well as thieves, magicians, etc. So if your into RPG games, you might like this one.

Click the link below and register:


I hope you enjoy! :-)

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Philippine Nurses Association Membership Renewal 2016

Philippine Nurses Association Membership Renewal 2016

So I will cover today on how to renew your PNA Membership since I'd tried searching for an answer in the cyberspace and didn't come up with an updated one hoping that this will help renewing Filipino nurses.

But first, how to go there?

From LRT EDSA, I dropped off at LRT Pedro Gil Station then walked towards the street between Philippine Christian University and Philippine Women's University. Then turn left, walk straight ahead until you have passed San Marcelino Street. In the next street you must turn left and you'll see the PNA main office on the left side.

Upon arriving in the main office, I asked the security guard where could I get a renewal and he let me logged in the logbook and gave me a form to fill up. He then instructed me to proceed to the furthermost building.

I filled up the form and paid 400 php at the cashier. The cashier gave the Official receipt and the PNA ID immediately.

The PNA card is yellow in color. I don't know how will I able to put my name in the card as the card is plastic.

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Psychology: The Monkey Business Illusion

Psychology: The Monkey Business Illusion

Hola Jingu! One illusion we can hopefully be aware of is the Monkey Business illusion.

To learn more about it you can watch it below:

Commentary (*contains spoilers):

I was able to get the right answer which was 16 and was able to see the gorilla. I somehow managed to noticed someone leaving but I didn't notice the curtain turning gold. And no, it's my first time seeing this clip. Does it mean I'm not really selectively focused? Is this good or bad? So how did you fare? 

SSS online problem: Your account is locked

SSS online problem: Your account is locked

Passwords. Passwords. Different sites would recommend not to use the same password for protection. But not everyone have the capacity to remember all of that. It is a common idea to write them or type them down on your gadget. However, this is not a wise move to practice as it can compromise protection. Here are just some of the scenarios that I'm anticipating being a worrywart that I am: What if you lost your notes? What if the gadget was suddenly stolen?


I first encountered the error of my account being locked a while ago. I thought I was typing the correct password so I typed it again and again until there was an error which was in red colored letters "Your account is locked". I searched here in the internet and I found an answer that you can email them or call their hotline or visit any SSS branch.

I am somewhat panicked deep inside but then I thought I should try first their Forgot password hoping that it will work. Indeed, thanks for their password retrieval system I was able to access my SSS account again without further ado.

I'll just post below on how you could get in touch with SSS if you still can't access your account. Hope this will help you! :-)

Should you encounter any problems accessing your account, please call the SSS Hotline at (632) 920-6446 to 55 (available 24 hours from Monday to Friday except during holidays) or email them at for assistance.

Monday, July 11, 2016

Dark Blue skies

Still looming into the darkness, And the weather just makes it more blue. Just f*cking great.

I've come to love to sleep. And sleep. And sleep a little more. And sleep all day. And wish I would never wake up.

Endless sufferings. Unappreciated. No one gives a f*ck. Lost. Wandering soul. Where should I go next?

Why? Why am I always in a constant struggle?  I admit having little mishaps as a child and as a teen growing up, but I never rebelled. Because I want to be good, I always look out to the good in others. I tried my utmost best to be good even no one is watching as I know it is the right thing to do but I guess I was f*cked up big time by the ruthless world of reality full of bullshits. I'm naive. I'm a little slow. I don't know how to play the game.

Suicide. Of course. I've thought about it a lot of times. I think I won't now because every time I thought about it, I can't visualize how. If I did so, maybe there's a higher chance I would. I still hold on to the belief that life is not to be taken as there are others fighting for their own. But it hurts. It hurts even more. And that it's just easier to escape.

Tears. Tears are for crying. Crying is therapeutic however taken as weak. Show your weakness and lost their respect. And there it goes down the drain.

I tried to be accommodating for people but somehow I always felt alone in the end. I felt I'm treated just as an option. I felt that I'm like some ornament just their to fill their ego.

I'm f*cking tired, I felt like I'm being helpless which frustrates me the most. I don't have anything.

And there it goes. The dark blue skies. Rain then pours.

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

No more CandyMag's Teentalk!

What happened to Candymag's Teentalk forum? I was astounded when I checked and it wasn't there anymore. I tried google search but to no avail.

Main point of the story is that I guess, nothing lasts forever. It used to be my tambayan when I was still in high school. Farewell to you my friend Teentalk. :-(

Movie Mystery: Crank

"I don't know." I should stop saying that phrase.
"There's always some things I know." That's way more better.

Anyway, I'm still itching with curiosity on what movie was it.I am talking about the ending of the movie Crank where the male protagonist bounced from the car to the ground after falling down from the sky. I think it was in the beginning of the Deadpool movie. Let's just see after I had watched again the movie.


So.. okay.  I'm still itching to know what movie was in it. I remember like it was quite similar then the body was taken by people who was in the truck.

X-men Apocalypse?

UPDATE as of 7/9/2016

Ha. I've finally know the answer to the question above. You can find it in the sequel: Crank High Voltage. :-/