Wednesday, March 31, 2021

What's your MBTI personality?

What's your MBTI personality?

What's your MBTI personality? I've taken this test a couple of times and at different times just to test if there would be a change. However, it always resulted to this:

Apparently, I'm a turbulent INFJ. Have you taken the MBTI personality test yet? I took the test at

Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Android Game: Trade Tycoon Billionaire

Android Game: Trade Tycoon Billionaire

If you are looking for an android game that is more like on buy and sell trading stuff, this is worth checking out. It was made by Rhyzen Games and also has a part idle game where you make money on the side (not real money of course).  The only bummer here that I can see is that you have to wait for a time so the hearts bar would be filled. Maximum amount is 10. Hearts are needed here so you could fly to another country so that you could trade for a higher or lower price.

If you are looking about unlocking cities, you can see my post here.

If you are looking about R &D (Research and Development) , you can see my post here.

Monday, March 29, 2021

Milk Tea Shop Brand: Coco

Milk Tea Shop Brand: Coco

What's up with you guys! If there's one thing that you can splurge on for milk tea for a reasonable price, it's Coco. We have been on the look out for more exciting things to experience and I'm glad that I got to try this. I first found about it through my peers and it got raving reviews. I tried already their Passion Fruit Tea Burst and liked it but I personally loved their 3 Buddies Milk Tea in 50 percent sugar level and less ice which costs around 110 php for a large cup delivered through GrabFood since we were on enhanced community quarantine again. 3 Buddies includes a handful of pearls, black jelly and a copious amount of egg flan.

Sunday, March 28, 2021

On Serial Killers

On Serial Killers

Serial Killers has been one of the areas I've taken an interest in for quite some time. Kind of perverse type to be, but I like thinking how they think, why they might done it, and what might have gone why they are the way they are. Are they like that because it was way of nature has intended, a mere biological tendency or was it because it was nurtured?

YouTube channels that I am watching related to serial killings are as follows:

How did I started with Stock Trading/Investing

 How did I started with Stock Trading/Investing

As I had discovered the National Library located in Kalaw Maynila, in it I also learned that it also has a Filipiniana section. A Filipiniana section holds books that are authored by Filipino writers. There were also memorabilia items from a Filipino history which you can see. If I remembered it correctly, way back, the National Library of the Philippines were using a Dewey Decimal classification type of system. In order for you to be able to borrow a book of your choosing, you have to search into their computer what kind of book you'll need and write it down on the piece of paper which you can get near the librarian. You have to write the title of the book, author and the code. A tip that I eventually formulated is that I would borrow a certain book like, for example, related to self-development and from there I would find the book I had chosen while looking into the books that I could also borrow. I'll write it down and then borrow it later as you can only borrow a limited number of books. In this way, I've discovered Francisco Colayco's Pera Mo, Palaguin Mo. Their reading area were comfortable enough that I was able to finish the book. This is the first book that got me into personal finance. I would really like to buy this book at that time but I can't because it was expensive for a student like me to shell out a 500+php book. Later, I did.

Personal finance piqued my interest for a while that I began to gobbled books just to quench my thirst for additional knowledge. Colayco's books were more on investing on real estate which at that time was not really that realistic as I was still a student. However, it imparted that before you do investing, you should have an emergency fund first. 

Because I had already seen all the books related to personal finance in the library, I turned to the internet where I was introduced to stock investing. At that time, there weren't any available resources like we have today. I thought that the stock market was a high risk type of investment and I was keen on focusing first on savings and building my emergency fund. Also, one of the reasons is that I was discouraged to try out the stock market was that, it wasn't as accessible before as it is right now. Before, you have to go to the Philippine Stock Exchange and have to personally process the necessary papers for you to be in the stock market which at my part was a tedious and a hassle. So I didn't pursued it.

Many years forward, my sister was insisting that we attend the COL Financial seminar so we could start the stock market investing. It took her a lot of times (a lot of nagging included) before I was able to attend one. After the seminar, we filled out the forms and e-mailed later what we lacked and started investing. For those who do not know, COL Financial is an online platform for the Philippine stock market where you could purchase stocks even at the convenience of your own home. Their minimum amount just so you can start is 5000 php which was definitely okay as even mutual funds in Sun life starts like this in amount.

It was nerve-wracking at first especially when you see the stocks you bought are in the red color. This color means that you are in the negative, a potential to lose money. Actually, you could lose real money if you decided to withdraw your money. But I constantly remind myself that I'm in it for the long haul and I am still learning through reading more books and through experience. I'm in it for the long term as I plan for it to be my retirement income. I realized that what I do in this recent years is stock trading. I've netted some profits and learn to hold stocks which are worth holding out.

Saturday, March 27, 2021

Android Game: The Wild Darkness

Android Game: The Wild Darkness

Are you a fan of an RPG style game? I am. One thing that I am usually looking for are games that will take a minimal space on the memory of my phone. I happened to browse on Google Play store and tried it.

It was a bit difficult though as I've been dying a lot of times now. How did you manage to survive? Got some tips?

Thursday, March 25, 2021

How I was able to Assemble the Study Table

How I was able to Assemble the Study Table

The table that I've ordered arrived 2 days after I've received the Kalimba! I didn't have the pictures how I manage to assemble the bookshelf and so I decided to let me share how I assembled this type of table as I did it. 

When I saw this and the instructional piece of paper which is mostly pictures, I felt exhilarated as I thought that I've got another puzzle to solve! Yehey!

These are what I've got for 1459php including the shipping fee. I thought that assembling this table will be a breeze as it only has a few parts. The package also comes with a free screwdriver. However, I  would highly encourage you to use a good screwdriver as it makes it more easier to assemble.

First step

Second step

What I did here is that I didn't fully screw the sides so that I could adjust it for the back.

See the two screws at the back?

Third step - bird's eye view

You'll screw the rod from both sides.

Final step - What I did here is I turned over the table so that it will be more stable as I screw the remaining pieces.

The assembled table is done!

Here is what it looks like from the front.

Back side - this part will be the one facing the wall.

Hope this will help you if ever you had purchased this type of table.

Till next time!

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

On Swabbing and Contact Tracing

On Swabbing and Contact Tracing

More than 10 times of seeming endless contact tracing because of exposure to COVID positive patients, I was usually informed to monitor for any development of symptoms. Sadly, I'm back again to doing the swab because of being categorized as a high risk asymptomatic.😭 I've been exposed to a recently COVID positive coworker because we usually rode the same public transportation together. Anyone who is waiting for their RT-PCR results can relate and experience anxiety especially when you know that your result is now available. A lot of things comes into your mind like what if I turned positive? What will happen to the members of my family? How about those people who I had in contact with? Where will I isolate? What will happen to me? For those who do not know, hospitals in the Philippines are now in full capacity for COVID positive patients. I could vouched that it's the truth as I work in a tertiary hospital and even my batchmates had inquiries who could help them find a hospital who can still cater for one. Anyway, by sheer luck and prayers the RT-PCR result turned out negative again which I'm eternally grateful. One thing that I can take away from this experience is that I cannot reiterate much the importance of face mask and face shield. When outside, please always put on your face mask and face shield. Never remove it at all costs. Avoid touching the mask/shield and if you do, promptly do proper hand hygiene. Please do handwashing if you can and as much as possible whenever you have access to soap and water. Never forget to also bring your hand lotion as dry hands can cause cracks in the skin which can be an entry for the virus or any opportunistic organisms. I understand that it's difficult to breathe in a mask especially those with certain conditions, but please understand that it is for your own safety too. If you can't then don't go out and loiter around outside. Social distancing matters too. 15 minutes or more time exposure to a COVID 19 positive person will put you in a high risk category. 

I don't want to pinpoint and blame the Filipinos for the surge in the COVID-19 cases as a lot of us are trying their best to get by in this pandemic. Tremendous number of people lost their livelihood which is heartbreaking due to the fact that a huge chunk of businesses had to forcefully close. However, in my observation, some of us are that hard-headed. People knew that there is a curfew and unsurprisingly a big number of people are still penalized for being outside during curfew hours. People are undisciplined. Others lacked integrity. And it is not even because of one's educational attainment. We are not in preschool anymore. For this pandemic to end, discipline should start with you and me. Let me share one instance in the public bus that I rode recently. In the two rows in the front seat, I saw one boyfriend and girlfriend eating inside an aircon bus. On the next stop, two male guys sat in front of me and usually in the bus, seating is alternate. But the faces of the two guys are almost near each other's face while they're conversing with each other. Both of them had face shield alright, but I guess they were using it to shield the forehead instead.

I'm fed up with this. Is it all worth fighting for?

Tuesday, March 23, 2021



My first Kalimba instrument had finally arrived! Yay! I ordered it through an online shopping site just 2 days ago after a few months of deliberation whether I'll purchase it or not. And fortunately had the courage to click the Place Order. I got it for for a total of 439 including the shipping fee.

These past few days I've been feeling down. What I need nowadays are sources of flow. I've read from Finding flow that learning a musical instrument can help in boosting flow. Kalimba is a type of African instrument where it is like a thumb piano. I'm amazed by how it sound so in the next few days I'll find time to learn Kalimba tabs on songs.

Here is a sample of me playing the intro of Bizarre Love Triangle after trying it out:

Monday, March 22, 2021

Ponder points

 Ponder points

"What they don't know, they can't destroy." - Sanegeal Farmhear

Brave Girls and Brave Sound

 Brave Girls and Brave Sound

If you happened to be a Korean pop fan way back when, chances are you have already heard of this "Brave Sound" on some of the famous girl groups hits like Sistar's Ma Boy and AOA's Like a Cat and Heart Attack. Hearing Brave Sound means that it was produced by Brave Brothers which I first thought was a group of 2 or more brothers but it turns out that he was just alone! I absolutely adore how he manage to produce bop and pop songs and even think that he's a genius!

Brave Girls is one rising group under Brave Entertainment which was founded by (that's right.) Brave Brothers. They debuted a long time ago but was not marketed well. They were technically are going to disband and ready to leave when a miracle happened. Thanks to a fan who posted on YouTube a compilation of their performances for those still serving in the military, and the military men's funny reactions, their song Rollin' catapulted into the limelight and even managed to bagged several wins despite the song being produced 4 years ago.

I wasn't aware of Rollin' back then but I already heard of Brave Girls 'We Ride'. I thought that it was a cool song. It has this retro cool and chill vibe which I like. I hope Brave Brothers can produce more quality bop songs for the Brave Girls as I believe that Minyoung has vocal talent along with Yujeong who has a unique vocal color. Compared to other idol groups, I think that they need to polish more on their dancing skills. I'll be rooting for them. They have Brave Brothers as a producer after all.

If you're curious, here's the songs I recommend you check out:



Dancing in that chair with high heels on is not an easy feat!

We Ride

I'm going  to learn their dance choreo! :-D

High Heels

Saturday, March 20, 2021

Will it ever end?

 Will it ever end?

These past few days, I found myself easily angered even at miniscule things. I tried contemplating on things and realized that maybe these past few years was wasted and I feel that my life has been a waste. Struggle has been my constant since we moved back when I was still in grade school and finishing studies has been my focused goal. Now that I'm working, I feel that what I do has no meaning. Books has somewhat saved me back then, but now.. I don't know. I feel so unmotivated and useless.

Friday, March 12, 2021

The Astrazeneca jab: Will you take it or not? My experience

The Astrazeneca jab: Will you take it or not? My experience

Healthcare workers were considered as one of the most vulnerable population given that they are highly at risk and more likely to be exposed to a COVID positive patient. And so we were given priority and with which I'm duly grateful. After contemplating for a while, I've decided to get the Astrazeneca vaccine from the current two available vaccines in the country. I'm more comfortable in getting this one and I have a better gut feel on this. The vaccination process in our hospital was organized and kudos to the vaccination team it was a breeze. I was already expecting some side effects. Let me tell you what I've experienced after vaccination:

0958H > Got the Astrazeneca vaccine

  • less than 15 minutes post vaccination - No complaints. I'm feeling fine.
  • probably 30 minutes post vaccination - Feeling of lightheadedness; I took my lunch and the symptom lessened
  • 2-3pm - Starting to feel muscle ache from the lower extremities but probably at around 1/10; 
  • 5:30 pm - During transportation on my way home; felt joint pains and muscle ache from the lower extremities more prominent now; Feeling of fatigue, slightly
  • 6 pm - Got home; Fully felt tired. I wanted to be done with bathing so I could already go to bed. Took a warm bath and felt chills. Felt cold after a bath. Don another layer of clothing and a blanket. I ate some fish soup.
  • 6:30pm - Took my temperature 37.1C; after some time took again at 37.7C
  • 7:30pm - Temperature spiked at 37.9C so I took a 500mg Paracetamol; Headache with a pain scale of 6/10 in which it feels like there is clawing in your eyes.
  • 8:00pm - Decided to go to bed; Already exhausted and fatigued. It's like the flu twice the strength. Hands and feet feels cold. Did not use the electric fan. But after some time it felt hot so I turned it on.
  • Woke up at 5am the next day - Feeling that you have sufficient sleep but your body is still fatigued.
  • 5:30am - Head feels cool but upon checking my temperature it was at 38.2C. Took another Paracetamol. Headache lessened to 2-3/10. Still with a bit of muscle aches on the lower extremities.
  • Was able to go to work again; Temperature was at 38.4C. Took another Paracetamol by lunch time. Checked temperature by 4 pm and it was at 37.4C
  • Checked temperature the next day and it was at 36.4C which was my usual temperature. Yay! But felt soreness on the injection site.