Friday, November 26, 2021

A Portable Stand Fan that Costs for only 270 pesos!

A Portable Stand Fan that Costs for only 270 pesos!

I've been reading stories on a social media platform that a Clip on fan had successfully reduced their electricity bills. But clip on fans are not recommended when you have toddlers or small children at home as they aren't safe for them. The product has no protection from the blade like a regular electric fan has. I've been rearing to purchase this online and has been bidding my time up until my mother unexpectedly purchased not a clip on fan but a stand fan which she got for 270 pesos as per her friend's recommendation when they spontaneously went out for a trip in Divisoria.

When I first saw it, I was excited to assemble this. Bummer though, the product doesn't have a manual inside. What you can see inside the box are as follows: 5 leaflets, 1 motorized part, 1 plastic knob with screw, 2 elongated parts and 3 octopus-like stand.

After assembling the fan which was easy than I thought it was not. We decided to try testing it. I was nervous of course as we brace ourselves for the worst.

Kidding aside, when we opened the switch button that is attached to the line, It was intimidating at first but after that the stand fan produced cooler air than your regular electric fan. It is like a Level 1-2 of the regular electric fan. It doesn't rotate by the way.

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