Saturday, February 20, 2021

Why You Should Stan, Subscribed to and Support Asian Boss

Why You Should Stan, Subscribe to and Support Asian Boss

Due to the recent COVID-19 pandemic and still ongoing battle to end it, people were highly encouraged to stay at home as possible with the lockdown lifted. The quarantine life has been a struggle for all of us especially those who'd been used to be around people. Thank God for the technology that we have today, a lot of us had turned to the internet to be able to connect with everyone and we get to see what's going on around the world.

Being a YouTube subscriber and a documentary series lover, I happened to come across the Asian Boss on YouTube. Their channel focuses on different issues around the world and takes on the personal opinions of the masses. It is amazing that they were able to produce highly profound videos and I'm glad that they were able to pull through the recent crisis because of the pandemic.

I'm sure that the people behind it must be proud of themselves as this kind of thing that they do takes a lot of hard work and dedication. Most of all, what they do could make a huge impact on someone's life.

Saturday, February 13, 2021

Astron Omni Industrial Fan 18" Metal Blade review

Astron Omni Industrial Fan 18" Metal Blade review

A tip that I got from my mother is that if I'm going to buy an electric fan it is better to purchase one with the metal blade because it would provide stronger air pressure and so I did. At first, I was picking between known brands such as Hanabishi but I can't find an industrial fan that fitted my budget. I was a bit skeptical about purchasing brands that I do not know. However, I came across this brand Astron accidentally when we were doing grocery shopping in Hypermarket. Some of the parts were a bit thinner but it was okay so after months of contemplation if I needed to buy an electric fan, I ordered Astron Omni Industrial Fan 18" Metal Blade on an online shopping website. It cost me around 1099 pesos but a total of 1286 pesos if we were to include the shipping fee.

If you want to know how to assemble the Astron Omni Industrial Fan 18" Metal Blade electric fan, you can watch below:


It was pretty much easy to assemble. I could say that Astron Omni Industrial Fan 18" Metal Blade was worth its price as it can cover a big space area. You just have to be very careful the way you handle it as some of the parts are thin. I do its weekly cleaning as it tends to accumulate our pet's fur.

Friday, February 12, 2021

Happy Lunar Year!

 Happy Lunar Year!

Care for some sticky rice cakes?

Thursday, February 11, 2021

A Toilet Trip

 A Toilet Trip

Did you know that you have to close the lid after using the toilet bowl so that after you flush the contents would not disperse in the air?

Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Maxglow Detergent Powder review

 Maxglow Detergent Powder review

Washing clothes is part of our weekly routine. We used to have the type of twin tub washing machine but then due to years of usage, it naturally wore out that we have no choice but to replace it because the spare parts were too expensive that it is better just to buy a new one. We now have an automatic type of washing machine which made our lives easier since it is less work. If conserving time and effort is more on your priority list, an automatic washing machine is your guy. However, you should expect that your electricity and water consumption might increase. 

I used to buy from the supermarket well-known brands. One day, I decided to try and made the switch since I expected that I'll be using more detergent powder in an automatic washing machine. I searched and stumbled across Maxglow detergent powder. The feedback from customers were good and so I had it delivered to my house so I could try it first. 

At first glance, you wouldn't think that 1 package is 1 kilogram as it looked a bit small but if you try to weigh it, you will feel that it is heavy. Inside the 1 kilogram pack, the detergent powder smells okay. I could say that when using this detergent powder it cleans nice but you have to also use a fabric conditioner if you want your clothes to smell good.

I would say that the branded ones in the market are more concentrated but I am contented and am definitely not complaining about this detergent powder as we have been using this product for a while now. For only 31 pesos (to 42 pesos if you were to include the shipping fee), it saved us almost 50 percent or more of our spending just for laundry detergent.

In my perspective, handwashing your clothes is still the best because it preserves the fabric of clothes and is gentler on them.

Monday, February 8, 2021

South Korean Beauty and Fitness Shows

South Korean Beauty and Fitness Shows

Being a fan for years of South Korean technology know-how on skincare, makeup, and fitness, these are the shows/channels that I used to watch on YouTube:

  • Get It Beauty - most of the episodes I found on
  • Jung Saem Mool - admired her for her superb makeup skills!

Saturday, February 6, 2021



If you are in the business or management industry, I think you might have encountered this terminology already. I'm currently reading When by Daniel Pink and it piqued my curiosity. Postmortem, I am definitely aware of. Upon encountering the word "premortem", I was intrigued.

Premortem is a type of strategic management analysis where you think backward. You foresee that the outcome or goal has already failed. And then from there, you'll determine what might have contributed to its failure.

Premortem lets you oversee the factors that might have a say in the failure or success of a goal outcome and lets you develop ways how to negate or provide countermeasures in order to avoid failure. It enables you to have an upper hand so that it won't happen in real life.

Friday, February 5, 2021

Ray Bradbury quotation

But you can’t make people listen. They have to come round in their own time, wondering what happened and why the world blew up around them.

—Ray Bradbury, Fahrenheit 451

Thursday, February 4, 2021

Viktor Frankl quotation

"Life asks of every individual a contribution and it is up to that individual to discover what it should be." -Viktor Frankl