Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Welcome to the Hyunam-Dong Bookshop

 Welcome to the Hyunam-Dong Bookshop

I got books in my shelf to finished and I just can't help myself in purchasing another book! I've been eyeing this one for couple of weeks and I finally got it for 9.99 GBP.

Tap and pay contactless using your phone!

 Tap and pay contactless using your phone!

I'm just thrilled to share that I was able to tap and pay contactless using my phone today!

If you're like me who is getting intimidated, try to use it on a self checkout first.

In order for you to do this awesome thing, you have to add your card into Google wallet and I think you also have to make sure that NFC is on.

Sunday, September 1, 2024

A once wise woman said

 A once wise woman said

"Basta may google maps ka at may pera ka, hindi ka mawawala."


Friday, August 23, 2024

Making my first ever Pastil!


This is my first time of attempting to make a pastil. I'm glad that it turned out well. But I think there is a room for improvement still.


chicken cubes fillet

ground pepper

whole black pepper

bay leaves

half white onions

chicken cubes 

boil until cooked

oil lots!

garlic 1 bulb

white onion 1 whole

1 tsp ginger

3 birds eye chilis dehydrated

saute garlic, onion then ginger, chilis

If now aromatic

Add shredded chicken

mix thoroughly

Add 3 tablespoons of light soy sauce

3 tablespoons of Mama Sita's oyster sauce

1 tablespoon sugar

a dash of smoked paprika

ground pepper

2 bay leaves

Mix thoroughly

Add 1- 2 tablespoons Datu Puti Vinegar over and around the dish

Do not mix

Let the vinegar evaporate/cook - which means you will not smell the vinegar anymore

Mix thoroughly

Let the chicken dry out for a bit. Add 1/2 inch butter. Mix

Adjust according to taste.

Let it cook for awhile if you want it on the dry side. It depends on you if you want a dry one or a not so dry one.

Thursday, August 15, 2024

English words

 English words

One thing that shocks and at the same time amazes me is how the locals can converse with deep English words (well, that's how I perceived it.) which we don't normally use in the Philippines. But then I realized laer on that English came from Britain so what's new about that?

I am reading a book which I recently purchased from Waterstones and my oh my, I find myself going back and forth from book to Google. Thank God for the latest technology because way back when internet was not accessible yet, I used to refer to English dictionary which could take some time because you have to flip through the pages in order to find the meaning of words.

What I Wish I'd Known when I was young

 What I Wish I'd Known when I was young

I'm enforcing myself to go back to the things which keeps my sanity in place. And one thing which pulled me through during my dark times was to read.

When I was in my second year in college, I think I was depressed. I think that my coping mechanism is to bed rot and sleep. I used to sleep and sleep. But I made it a goal to read a book each time. 10% each day or higher.

Yesterday, I went to the bookstore and this book caught my eye. I think I can definitely relate to it minus the successful part.

Friday, August 2, 2024

Oblix by the Shard

 Oblix by the Shard

We all know that almost all in London is expensive. But sometimes, you need to experience finer things at least once in your lifetime. If you're looking for something to which you can chill out and have some drink and food while enjoying the skyscraper's majestic view (too bad I got no camera which can capture its beauty... Well who knows if I'll be back? 😜), we recommend the Oblix. Their fried squid on the menu is to die for! I think my friend mentioned that she paid for 100 GBP for 3 drinks, martini, gin and tonic and another drink plus the fried squid and the chicken for sharing. This is a worthwhile place to hang out if you've got a bit more to spend!



Give yourself some credit.

You've been working hard.

You deserve a treat.

Let's eat the 50% off Mac and cheese with a Latte too which I've got from Costa for 6.35 GBP!

Tip: Drop by prior to the closing time. 😸

Friday, July 26, 2024

Everybody is tired

 Everybody is tired

How come whenever I see it in their eyes, I could see almost all are tired and weary?

Or maybe am I just projecting?

Sunday, July 21, 2024



Being in a new territory made me thought about things.

I believe I'm not as insecure as I am as before.

I could blame my parents for not being emotionally mature and wise that their decisions had deeply impacted my chances of having a better life. But honestly, I think I longed accepted it. DABDA done. It made me realized that if there is none, I will make it happen.

There are times that I felt to which I was robbed off of the process of experiencing immaturity in my youth.

But as I continue to contemplate, it was also my fault. I chose to do what I thought was the right thing to do at that time than what I thought is being selfish and just thinking of oneself. So I'm holding accountable on that one.

Life's good. I'm thankful for these blessings everyday.

Monday, July 8, 2024

Pork steak UK edition

Pork steak UK edition


    • Pork steak 4 pieces (better if with a bit of fat)
    • Light soy sauce
    • 1 Lemon
    • Garlic granules
    • Salt and pepper
    • Smoked Paprika
    • Sugar, 2-3 tbsp
    • Oyster sauce
    • 1 big White onion, chopped into rings
    • 1 big red bell pepper, bite size pieces

  1. Mix it all up until the oyster sauce part and set aside for 10 minutes or overnight for the flavors to be absorbed.
  2. In a pan assemble the marinated meat. Put the onions on top.
  3. When it starts to boil, flip the meat and add butter. Add a pinch of chili flakes. Mix and let it cook for a while. Add the red bell pepper and simmer for 30 minutes.
  4. Enjoy!

It certainly tasted like a kaldereta/mechado minus the potato and the carrots! XD


Sunday, July 7, 2024

Looking for an alternative to Eden cheese for your Pasta in the UK?

Looking for an alternative to Eden cheese for your Pasta in the UK?

Having a Filipino palate means that you are used to the saltiness and umami of MSG or whichever condiment we may have that is usually salty and savory. One of the dilemma that I've encountered in the UK is finding an alternative to Eden cheese. There is a Filipino store which I could go to but I have to travel to the main town and I don't expect it to be available every single time whenever I wanted to. 

By the way, I already tried the ones which were available in the supermarket and it's interesting to know that their cheeses have strength like 3, 4, etc.

Frankly speaking, I am not contented with the flavor I'm consuming now when it comes to cheese (I haven't explored yet the local shops here for cheese) and I haven't found any Parmesan cheese too.

So what I did was a bit of a research through the handy dandy Google and some people recommended to try using the Parmigiano Reggiano. 

Ohhh.. hold on. I just went to search for the spelling of the parmigiano and it turns out that this is Parmesan!

I cooked all of my pasta noodles which was sitting there in the cupboard for a couple of months now. I forgot to buy a grater so I sliced the cheese into thinly strips. Good thing that the cheese is a bit sturdy which makes the cutting easier.

Saturday, July 6, 2024

I miss McDo in the Philippines

I miss McDonalds in the Philippines

Finally I was excited to be able to try McDonalds after coming here in the UK but I was disappointed when I ate the cheeseburger as the bun tend to be a bit flat and the patty was thin. The French fries (or chips, as the Brits call them) have the same texture but it was in smaller serving. Maybe its the inflation talking here but I think I won't have it anymore the next time. It made me miss the McDonalds which was near our place back in the Philippines. X(

Friday, July 5, 2024

Free Headspace subscription for NHS staff

Free Headspace subscription for NHS staff

Did you know that being a NHS staff would let you have a free Headspace subscription up until March 2025?

I happen to see this on the bulletin board posted in the hospital. It might come in handy if ever I need it.

You will need to use this link to register on your computer - and then sign up using your NHS email address. It will send a verification email to your NHS email to which you must click the activate button.

Next you must download the Headspace app and log in using your NHS email and your password upon sign up.

Thursday, July 4, 2024

British breakfast

British breakfast

I might have mentioned previously that a typical British breakfast consists of hashbrown, bacon, egg, tomato, sausage, toast, mushroom, beans. I would normally like mine as seen in the picture above minus the beans and add another bacon. I like eating this in the cafeteria as this would only cost me around a discounted 3.45 GBP whereas if I'm going to eat this somewhere, this is usually around 9-10 GBP which is a massive difference

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Clopidogrel and Enoxaparin

I got a very good question from a relative of a patient that I was taking care a while ago.

She asked me why Enoxaparin via subq injections are given in the hospital instead of clopidogrel.

It left me speechless as I don't know the answer

But what I know is that they are both good in preventing clots.

Upon further investigation, it seems like Enoxaparin are given to prevent clots like in DVT. It is an anticoagulant. Whereas clopidogrel is an anti platelet which could be more appropriate for prevention of stroke or pulmonary embolism.

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Choco pastry?

 Choco pastry?

We went to a food fest recently and one of the takeaways that we did was these pastries. I have a sweet tooth and I regretted not having more of the pistachio (those were the best among the three that I took home). This chocolate was better than I had ever tasted but it is very sweet that I can't finish this in one sitting. This is good to pair up with something bitter like coffee or tea.

Friday, June 14, 2024

Curiosity Cottage in Ilfracombe

Curiosity Cottage in Ilfracombe

If you are going to Ilfracombe near the Harbour or the Capstone Hill and wants a reasonable priced food, I would recommend the one that we tried recently which is located in the James Place street. You can drop by at the Curiousity Cottage. I think this is a family run cafe. I ordered their Eggs & Chips and their Jacket Potatoes 'cause I'm a bit famished with all the partial exploring. My companion and I both enjoyed their food. Hehehe.

Jacket Potatoes Plain and a Cafe Latte

Jacket Potatoes Plain (A shoutout to my friend who taught me how locals eat this :) You have to put the butter in the middle and have to mash and mix it with the potato)

Adult Meal Eggs & Chips

Their Menu

Verney's Molton Ice Chocolate Orange Ice Cream

Verney's Molton Ice Chocolate Orange Ice Cream

If you are in the mood for ice cream and you happen to be in Devon, I would highly recommend Verney's Molton Ice Chocolate Orange Ice Cream. It is an artisan ice cream which costs a little over 2 pounds but I can vouch that this tastes good.

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Sensations Coated Peanuts Mexican Smoked Chili

 Sensations Coated Peanuts Mexican Smoked Chili

This Sensations Coated Peanuts Mexican Smoked Chili by Walkers tastes like a Nagaraya brand in the Philippines but the crunch has a softer version.

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Independence Day

Independence Day

As much as I would like to say out loud Happy Independence Day for the Philippines, I don't think the Philippines is free and independent. It's still basking in corruption and little regard for peoples lives. Most of the people have not learned their lesson and still choose to vote politicians who are only there for their personal interests. It has become a cycle and it made me sad, frustrated and bleeding for the country. Believe me when I say, I've tried to stay as much as I can. But I gave up as I've felt I needed to survive for me and my family. Hopefully, things are changing and better things are awaiting as the new generation has more access to information now. The only thing is that... is it the truth and is it factual? I also yearn that the new generation can dissect information with wisdom and knowledge.

Monday, June 10, 2024

Loreal Triple Active Comforting Moisturiser Night cream

Loreal Triple Active Comforting Moisturiser Night cream

There was a time that I wasn't able to take care of myself and I missed it when I previously used to due to more urgent priorities. When I moved here in the UK, I noticed that my skin has been drying out and I didn't like it. So I took a risk on Loreal Night Cream and it surprisingly gave the feel of moisturization that I needed. 

I am aware that it is intended to use at night, but as long as I haven't found out the day cream which could provide the necessary hydration to my face, I'm still sticking to this one though my face would be a bit oily in the later part of the day.

It is also affordable and cheaper if I am to compare it with other brands. It costs around 4.46 GBP at Superdrug.

Sunday, June 9, 2024

Making Chicken adobo

 Making Chicken adobo

1 kg chicken wings

16 tbsp lee kum kee premium light soy sauce

12 datu puti vinegar

6 tbsp mama Sita oyster sauce

2 tbsp sugar

Black pepper

10 crushed garlic

Garlic granules

4 bay leaves


1 big red onion

Marinade all ingredients and set aside for 30 minutes.

Take out the wings and Pan fry the chicken in a pot with oil until a bit golden brown, turn over and cook for a bit. Do this for all chicken wings. Set aside.

With the same pan/pot,  add the onion until caramelised. Add the pan fried chicken and mix. Add the marinade, a heap of whole peppercorns, mix and simmer for 30 minutes (level 3). Adjust according to taste.

Saturday, June 8, 2024

Persil Liquid Detergent

Persil Liquid Detergent

To be honest, this is an okay detergent for whites but a definitely a no for colored or darker clothes as I noticed that it fades out the color of the clothes.

Friday, June 7, 2024

Walkers Lightly Salted Crisps

 Walkers Lightly Salted Crisps

I like this lightly salted crisps which I bought from Asda.

Thursday, June 6, 2024

Ginataang kalabasa at sitaw UK edition

Ginataang kalabasa at sitaw UK edition

500 g liempo/ pork belly, cut into cubes




Coconut milk freshona

Butternut squash

Green beans

Pork cubes

Magic sarap

Salt and pepper pork cubes

Lightly oil Pan and Pan fry pork cubes until golden brown. Set aside on the pan.

Using the same pan, saute garlic onion ginger. Add squash and pork cube. Add coconut milk. If squash is already soft, add the beans.

Add magic sarap, salt and pepper and adjust according to taste.

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Milka Hazelnut Chocolate

Milka Hazelnut Chocolate

I first encountered this brand when a patient gave us this chocolate in the unit. I liked the taste of it ever since and was greatly elated when I saw this in Tesco. As of now, it is 89 pence at Tesco so I'm a doubly happy kiddo!

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Easy sandwich for the Get-go

Easy sandwich for the Get-go

Times and studies have advised us over and over again how having breakfast is essential to our overall performance in the day. And ironically being in the medical field, I don't always eat one especially when I'm in a hurry. In my defense, I sometimes do not eat when I feel that it would make my mind to lag for awhile. It's as if it was still basking on the sugar rush. And my body seems a bit heavier to move. Or it's just me.

Well... Recently, I have made an sandwich which is very easy to prepare. And this just consists of 3 ingredients:

2 whole meal loaf, toasted

Soft cheese, dollop

Jam, apricot, a handful

And that's it. Enjoy while it's hot!

Monday, June 3, 2024

Comfort Fabric Conditioner Honeysuckle and Sandalwood

Comfort Fabric Conditioner Honeysuckle and Sandalwood

If there is a fabric conditioner that I would purchase again, it is this one. This fabric conditioner is more viscous and I like the scent of it more.

Sunday, June 2, 2024

Terrian - Stayed on Him

Terrian - Stayed on Him

If you're feeling down, you can listen to this song. I hope it makes you at peace like what it does to me when anxiety seems to creep in.

Saturday, June 1, 2024

Terrian - Big God

Terrian - Big God

I just happen to discover this on a YouTube recommendation and listening to this song somehow picks my mood up.

Thursday, May 30, 2024

Newgate Baked Beans

Newgate Baked Beans

If I'm going to be honest, I am not to be a fan of Hunts Pork n Beans which makes me having a not so good impression on beans.

And because we're here in the UK, let me tell you if in case you didn't know that a typical British breakfast consists of bacon, sausages, hash browns, tomatoes, mushrooms, toast and sunny side up/scrambled egg and beans. This is quite a hefty breakfast if I may say. But it is filling.

So I tried the ones in Lidl despite me not being a fan of beans, and surprisingly I liked the taste of it. It costs 42 pence in Lidl and the pack contains approximately 2 servings.