Friday, July 26, 2024

Everybody is tired

 Everybody is tired

How come whenever I see it in their eyes, I could see almost all are tired and weary?

Or maybe am I just projecting?

Sunday, July 21, 2024



Being in a new territory made me thought about things.

I believe I'm not as insecure as I am as before.

I could blame my parents for not being emotionally mature and wise that their decisions had deeply impacted my chances of having a better life. But honestly, I think I longed accepted it. DABDA done. It made me realized that if there is none, I will make it happen.

There are times that I felt to which I was robbed off of the process of experiencing immaturity in my youth.

But as I continue to contemplate, it was also my fault. I chose to do what I thought was the right thing to do at that time than what I thought is being selfish and just thinking of oneself. So I'm holding accountable on that one.

Life's good. I'm thankful for these blessings everyday.

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Monday, July 8, 2024

Pork steak UK edition

Pork steak UK edition


    • Pork steak 4 pieces (better if with a bit of fat)
    • Light soy sauce
    • 1 Lemon
    • Garlic granules
    • Salt and pepper
    • Smoked Paprika
    • Sugar, 2-3 tbsp
    • Oyster sauce
    • 1 big White onion, chopped into rings
    • 1 big red bell pepper, bite size pieces

  1. Mix it all up until the oyster sauce part and set aside for 10 minutes or overnight for the flavors to be absorbed.
  2. In a pan assemble the marinated meat. Put the onions on top.
  3. When it starts to boil, flip the meat and add butter. Add a pinch of chili flakes. Mix and let it cook for a while. Add the red bell pepper and simmer for 30 minutes.
  4. Enjoy!

It certainly tasted like a kaldereta/mechado minus the potato and the carrots! XD


Sunday, July 7, 2024

Looking for an alternative to Eden cheese for your Pasta in the UK?

Looking for an alternative to Eden cheese for your Pasta in the UK?

Having a Filipino palate means that you are used to the saltiness and umami of MSG or whichever condiment we may have that is usually salty and savory. One of the dilemma that I've encountered in the UK is finding an alternative to Eden cheese. There is a Filipino store which I could go to but I have to travel to the main town and I don't expect it to be available every single time whenever I wanted to. 

By the way, I already tried the ones which were available in the supermarket and it's interesting to know that their cheeses have strength like 3, 4, etc.

Frankly speaking, I am not contented with the flavor I'm consuming now when it comes to cheese (I haven't explored yet the local shops here for cheese) and I haven't found any Parmesan cheese too.

So what I did was a bit of a research through the handy dandy Google and some people recommended to try using the Parmigiano Reggiano. 

Ohhh.. hold on. I just went to search for the spelling of the parmigiano and it turns out that this is Parmesan!

I cooked all of my pasta noodles which was sitting there in the cupboard for a couple of months now. I forgot to buy a grater so I sliced the cheese into thinly strips. Good thing that the cheese is a bit sturdy which makes the cutting easier.

Saturday, July 6, 2024

I miss McDo in the Philippines

I miss McDonalds in the Philippines

Finally I was excited to be able to try McDonalds after coming here in the UK but I was disappointed when I ate the cheeseburger as the bun tend to be a bit flat and the patty was thin. The French fries (or chips, as the Brits call them) have the same texture but it was in smaller serving. Maybe its the inflation talking here but I think I won't have it anymore the next time. It made me miss the McDonalds which was near our place back in the Philippines. X(

Friday, July 5, 2024

Free Headspace subscription for NHS staff

Free Headspace subscription for NHS staff

Did you know that being a NHS staff would let you have a free Headspace subscription up until March 2025?

I happen to see this on the bulletin board posted in the hospital. It might come in handy if ever I need it.

You will need to use this link to register on your computer - and then sign up using your NHS email address. It will send a verification email to your NHS email to which you must click the activate button.

Next you must download the Headspace app and log in using your NHS email and your password upon sign up.

Thursday, July 4, 2024

British breakfast

British breakfast

I might have mentioned previously that a typical British breakfast consists of hashbrown, bacon, egg, tomato, sausage, toast, mushroom, beans. I would normally like mine as seen in the picture above minus the beans and add another bacon. I like eating this in the cafeteria as this would only cost me around a discounted 3.45 GBP whereas if I'm going to eat this somewhere, this is usually around 9-10 GBP which is a massive difference

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Clopidogrel and Enoxaparin

I got a very good question from a relative of a patient that I was taking care a while ago.

She asked me why Enoxaparin via subq injections are given in the hospital instead of clopidogrel.

It left me speechless as I don't know the answer

But what I know is that they are both good in preventing clots.

Upon further investigation, it seems like Enoxaparin are given to prevent clots like in DVT. It is an anticoagulant. Whereas clopidogrel is an anti platelet which could be more appropriate for prevention of stroke or pulmonary embolism.

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Choco pastry?

 Choco pastry?

We went to a food fest recently and one of the takeaways that we did was these pastries. I have a sweet tooth and I regretted not having more of the pistachio (those were the best among the three that I took home). This chocolate was better than I had ever tasted but it is very sweet that I can't finish this in one sitting. This is good to pair up with something bitter like coffee or tea.