Saturday, November 25, 2017

Korean drama: Age of Youth

Korean drama: Age of Youth

And so.... here we go again with my korean drama obsession. So please bear with me. *Hahaha.*

If you're on the twenteens side like I do, I'm sure that in a way you can relate to this series. The characters are so funny and lovable that it will make you giggle and laugh out loud. Some scenes were cute and adorable to watch while some ended with tears. Oh well, a rollercoaster ride of emotions.

Overall, I could say that it was a korean series worth watching. It's light and interesting. And its OST is good. For real. 

Sunday, November 19, 2017

Making Homemade Gyoza

Making Homemade Gyoza

Who wants to have gyoza? I had my first bite of gyoza from Yamazaki and it was very good. And then I had another one from Yoshinoya from another time and another one again from Gyoza Bar.

Eating gyoza makes you want to eat more of them. However, I find it very expensive so I decided to make a homemade Gyoza.

I watched some videos from Youtube and tried a recipe from TabiEats.

The finished product was definitely a success as evidenced by my sister almost gobbling up more than she could eat.

Oh, the recipe says gyoza wrapper but in case you can't find one in the supermarket like I did, I took a risk on the dumpling wrappers only to find out in the end that it's the same with gyoza wrappers. 

Till next time! :-D

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Another try with Herbs

Another try with Herbs

Hi guys! The long vacation is almost over and I will be back at work shortly so now I'm savoring this moment of freedom. And oh by the way, I'm trying again in growing herbs. You might not know this but it is part of my dream to have a herb garden. Herbs are used in cooking and are supposed to be used in food for a more flavorful taste. Aside from that, herbs also provide additional nutritional value to our daily diet. However, as much as I would like to promote in including herbs in our daily consumption, please take precaution if you are currently in medications as some of these may either synergize (potentiate/increase) or antagonize (decrease) the effect of the medicines. It is best if your doctor knows these things. Overall, herbs provides us another way of seasoning our food without the excessive use of salt and MSG.

I had been successful before in growing basil leaves and marigold from the brand Yates. It was very much satisfying to see when you see something you've sown grow into a plant. Basil was very aromatic especially when you roll the leaves at the palm of your hands. 

You might've read about my early post that I've had regarding herb gardening. I was able to buy three plants from Baclaran: Gotu Kola, Peppermint and Thyme. The peppermint and the thyme sadly died so in my attempt to save the Gotu Kola, I transferred it to the side part of our house which has more soil and it has more space to grow. It had propagated alright and sprouted like no other but my father decided himself to weed out Gotu Kola. I was angry but upon discovering it one day. But what can I do, turn Super Saiyan like Goku in Dragon Ball?

I also sown marigold but unfortunately it hadn't germinated like the first time that I've tried. Maybe it was the pot? I don't know. I was using Yates the second time and bleeeh. 

And here I am today, trying out again growing herbs. This time around I used the brand RAMGO and I did sown all the thyme seeds in the pack 3-4 days ago. I checked the soil today if my father had watered it down without me knowing. Fortunately, he didn't. I did a little research on growing thyme and I found out that thyme do not really need a lot of water. I'm not really expecting anything in the early stages (maybe taking pictures is a jinx? you think?) but I'm glad that I see very tiny leaves after exposing the soil to the sun 2 days ago. 

Sunday, November 12, 2017

First Time Online Shopping at Lazada!

First Time Online Shopping at Lazada!

Hello there! To start with, the title says it all. It's my first time purchasing a product from Lazada. I'm already familiar with the website. In fact, I was window shopping and found the prices cheaper than the physical store but I was adamant in purchasing from Lazada before as I've heard a lot of negative reviews not only from bloggers but from vloggers.

It might made you think what changed my mind? I've been holding back for some time in purchasing an external hard drive and I was really running low on memory so I really needed an external hard drive now. It was a 1 terabyte external hard drive with free pouch and 3 years warranty (Sweet!). It was a risk I took but so far I think it eventually paid off. 

As you might heard or not, they recently had an online revolution sale for up to 95 percent off from November 9-11, 2017. 

I placed an order on November 10, 2017 with Cash on Delivery as my payment method and then today November 12, 2017 at around 12:30 noon I got my packaged. The item inside is bubble wrapped. It was a very fast delivery.

Update: I think they have another Online Revolution Sale again by December 12, 2017.

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

KBS Drama Special: Dancing the Waltz Alone

KBS Drama Special: Dancing the Waltz Alone

Okay, so heartache again with this one. I really hate you KBS Drama Special. Why do you have to be so cruel?