Sunday, April 30, 2017

How to remove yellow stains/blood stains from your clothes

How to remove yellow stains/blood stains from your clothes

I'll let you on a little secret that I've discovered. Yellow stains are usually produced when you've put on deodorant and then you sweat. After a while, when taking off your upper garment, you'll noticed in the armpits area the yellow stains. How do you get rid of them?

The little secret I'm talking a while back lies on a mild soap/fragrant soap. With a little water on the armpit area, draw using the soap in the area where the yellow stains are and then handwash. Rinse afterwards. You'll see that it becomes magic. Oh, and by the way, It works on the fresh blood stains you know.

The technique in preserving your clothes from yellow stain is in preventing them. Do not iron your clothes with yellow stains in them as they tend to be permanent if you do. I've made this mistake in my scrubs and what do I have? Yellow stains in the armpit area. I wished \I have known it sooner. :-(

Thursday, April 27, 2017

How to be Immortal

How to be Immortal

Funny how we place importance in looking good yet thousands of articles and quotations have been made that inner beauty is what matters the most. We spend on thousands of money on how to be physically appealing. Shallow it may be but when we look good we also feel good.

Well, this post is about how to be immortal according to my literature professor which was way back on my 2nd year college days. It's worth writing it down now as I don't know if my brain will still remember it later on.

Three ways on how make yourself immortalized:

  1. Plant a tree.
  2. Write a book.
  3. Give birth to a child.

A Quotation from - She Was Pretty Korean drama

"After you got into the Editing Team, have you looked up their magazines and read them?"

Meaning in things

To make life easier, in whatever you do, always find the meaning in things.

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

An inspiring quotation by Mandy Hale

I happen to learn about this quote from the signature of a co-member in a forum where I was registered. I thought at first that he made it but when I searched for this in the cyberspace it was actually a quotation by Mandy Hale.

And so here it goes:

“You’ll LEARN, as you get older, that rules are made to be broken. Be bold enough to live life on your terms, and never, ever apologize for it. Go against the grain, refuse to conform, take the road less traveled instead of the well-beaten path. Laugh in the face of adversity, and leap before you look. Dance as though EVERYBODY is watching. March to the beat of your own drummer. And stubbornly refuse to fit in.

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Life skills I wish I realized when I was younger

Life skills I wish I realized when I was younger

With the not so good events that I've experienced in which I think you might have an idea, these are the things I wish I had realized when I was younger:

  1. Never trust people with their word but with their actions.
  2. Only disclose the card/information which you can afford to lose.
  3. Fail often and make your way to bounce back.
  4. Develop your critical thinking.
  5. People born with privilege will always have a good head start in life.
  6. Read more books.
  7. Explore as much as you can.
  8. Preserve your personality especially if introverted, however meet a lot of people to develop interpersonal skills
  9. Know what you want. 

Saturday, April 8, 2017

Lemonade out of Lemons

The work now I'm doing is okay but I feel that there is something which I cannot pinpoint as of today.

Whatever. as long as I still have work and it's still counted as an experience in my profession I think I'm still in the right track.

Funny how the most influential people started off with financial advantages. Some are from well-off families.

But what the heck.

Let's make lemonade out of lemons.

Saturday, April 1, 2017


Hello to you dear friend,

I'm writing to you in the hopes of escaping the things that had happened these past few months. You see, I am recently experiencing depression and grieving over some things I had lost.

And you know what, I am lost. I just do not know what I want to do anymore. If I'm going to describe it it's as if what they say in the books that life suck the energy out of you. There's this feeling that you just want to sleep. And sleep. And sleep. And never want to wake up again.

And here I am again.

Happy April Fool's! :-D