Sunday, August 28, 2016

How to go to Fe Del Mundo/ Fe Del Mundo Training Center?

How to go to Fe Del Mundo/ Fe Del Mundo Training Center?

Eagerly, I want to go here before but I couldn't because I was hesitant to go to a place in which I do not have specific instructions. Luckily I was accompanied by a friend how to get there. I will be referring from the train stations as we all are more familiar with them.

From LRT 1:
Coming from South, (Baclaran station): Drop off at CENTRAL station and walk into where you can ride a jeepney bound to Cubao or Project 2-3 or fx bound to Cubao though I might warn you that waiting for fx may take a while as there are far more fx bound to sm fairview. Ask the driver to drop you off at Banawe. You can see a Mercury drug on the left side of the driver's side and the stop light on the right side. Make sure you don't get past Puregold as it means you also had already gotten past Banawe. Anyway, from Lawton to Banawe fare costs 11 pesos while fx costs 20 pesos. Then, after dropping off to Banawe, cross the pedestrian to Mercury Drug and walk to Fe Del Mundo. If you want to go to Fe Del Mundo Training Center, you can walk past Fe Del Mundo until you can see a 7 eleven. Walk past the street and the building you can see is where Fe Del Mundo Training Center is.

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Korean show: The Return of Superman - Song Ilkook and the Triplets

Korean show: The Return of Superman - Song Ilkook and the Triplets

I may be lagging behind as I've only discovered this year about the cute and adorable Song triplets. But better be late than never right?

I've first known about the triplets through facebook when a friend posted about how she gushes about them. I was intrigued so I searched them out of curiousity. Who would have thought that their "appa" (father) was no other than Song Ilkook?! If you're not familiar with the name, Song Ilkook played the main lead in the historical drama "Jumong" and maybe you have watched it.

Anyway, the Song triplets consists of the 3 brothers named Daehan (eldest), Minguk (2nd child) and Manse (youngest) in which if you combine the three names it means Republic of Korea Hurray. (Nice!)

Daehan, being the eldest, took care of his siblings. In an episode, Song Ilkook had said that Daehan was a lot like him, a FM or field manual. It means that he was very obedient to rules. In some episodes, I could see that Daehan was intelligent and very curious on things. He always asks a lot of questions. He may be cheeky at times but he's the serious one. I foresee that he will not be likely in the spotlight took on careers out of showbiz.

Minguk, the middle child is the charming one. He makes the show very interesting. He's a one hell of a cute adorable baby and can make the people fall in love with him in an instant with his wicked winks and aegyos that makes his father laugh out loud. He's not shy especially when it comes to singing and loves dinosaurs as manifested by his massive knowledge on them. Even I don't know about those dinosaurs. He's street-smart, I could see that in some episodes. He can problem-solve easily. I can foresee that he's more likely to be an actor, singer or idol in the future.

Manse, the youngest and the free-spirited one as told by his father. He is the most cheekiest of the three. When Song Ilkook says no in doing something, he's more likely to do it while laughing. He is the most endearing and the most fearful out of the three. Now I see why the cameramen had told Song Ilkook that he is the most likely to be in front of the camera. Like Minguk, he is the most likely I could foresee following the footsteps of his father in showbiz.

Thursday, August 11, 2016

An inspiring quote from Mandy Hale

Thought at first that this quote was penned by a member of a forum I was currently frequenting. The quote was in his/her signature and it caught my eye. I saved it first in a notepad. And then today, I decided to share it to you and have done some research. I found out that this quote was actually by Mandy Hale. Hope it inspires you as much as it does for me.

"You'll learn, as you get older, that rules are made to be broken. Be bold enough to live life on your terms, and never, ever apologize for it. Go against the grain, refuse to conform, take the road less traveled instead of the well-beaten path. Laugh in the face of adversity, and leap before you look. Dance as though everybody is watching. March to the beat of your own drummer. And stubbornly refuse to fit in." 
— Mandy Hale

Quote/s from the Book: The Billionaire's Salvation - J S Scott

“Sometimes it’s fun to do something just because you want to and not try to apply any reason to it.”

Sunday, August 7, 2016

How to Terminate/Unsubscribe to PLDT Home DSL Super Bundle

How to Terminate/Unsubscribe to PLDT Home DSL Super Bundle

If you have applied and gotten a PLDT Home DSL, chances are you have also been granted a free Super Bundle for 3 months. Super Bundle consists of Caller ID, Call-In-Waiting, Call Forwarding, etc. After 3 months of free use, PLDT would charge you for these for 120 php/month.

However, if you want to terminate or unsubscribe to this feature you can call their hotline at 171.

Please read on if you want to hear my experience with this:

8/8/2016: After pressing 171 at 2:00 pm, a voice prompt could be heard. I pressed 1 for customers and then I was asked to input the area code and the telephone number. A prompt would repeat again the telephone number you had encoded and you would be asked if this is correct and I did so I pressed 1 (for yes).

Now, for those who do not know your area code which luckily I did after some time, you could find yours in your newest statement of account in the right upper portion which are the first two digits just before your telephone number.

Then I pressed 1 for billing (I read it from a blog review) and then I was directed to Ms. Issa a customer representative. As I voiced out my request, she told me that my request could only be catered by the After Sales/Request (I think it was that). So you had to press 3 instead of 1. Anyway, she was kind enough to transfer me to the department and I was able to talk to Ms. Alvie. I requested for a cancellation of Super Bundle and she asked me a couple of questions for validation and the valid id that was used when you had applied for the Home DSL. After that, she told me that the request was processed and it would take effect after 48 hours and also advised me to monitor if it had been terminated.

UPDATE AS OF 8/19/2016 5:37 pm

I called again the PLDT hotline 171 and directed my call to the After Sales Service to verify if my request for the cancellation of the Super Bundle has taken effect. As per Ms. Kristel, the Super Bundle feature was already deactivated last 8/11/2016.

Saturday, August 6, 2016

Grey's Anatomy S06 E15

"Just because you haven't doesn't it mean you can't. Get the scalpel." - Dr. Torres to Dr. Karev

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

YouTubers You Might Want to Check Out

If you're feeling a little bit bored/curious, YouTube is a great way of spending your time especially when you adapt knowledge best visually. You might want to check out these YouTubers:

How did I discover them: I think it was because of the Japanese bathroom? Theirs was awesome and in this channel. Aiko is a little shy but adorable. Here is where I also knew about how they take a bath in their bath tubs and how they use their bath water in washing off their laundry which took me by surprise. I thought at first that they just soak in the bath tub but I was wrong.

List of Movies Watched

This is again for future references.

List of movies watched:

  • The Purge
  • The Purge Anarchy
  • The Purge: Election Year
  • Full Out
  • High Strung
  • The Bucket List
  • The Mist

List of Television Shows

So I was thinking of taking down a list of television shows/series I was, I am and I will be watching. This is in case for future references.

  • Grey's Anatomy - currently on Season 8 episode 11
  • Suits
  • Breaking Bad
  • Orphan Black - currently on Season 04 episode 01
  • The Big Bang Theory
  • The Strain 

Movie: Full Out

Movie: Full Out

When Gymnastics meets Hip-hop.

But I do respect the discipline needed for training. If you're going to do a sit-up, you do that one sit-up the very best that you can. You don't anything for granted. You don't assume that you have tomorrow. Everything we do in life is a choice. Everything. And those choices dictate the kind of life that you're gonna lead. And as soon as you cna understand that, then you start to take ownership of your life, you start to be able to design your life to turn out whatever way you want it to. And I have a secret for you. This isn't about gymnastics. It's about life." Miss Val, Full Out

Monday, August 1, 2016

The Things You Do When You're Bored in the Cyberspace

I'm a bit in the mood these past few days to write out ideas which just pops out of nowhere. Anyway, before it turns to dust let me suggest things you can do when you're bored, cyberspace edition.

With a vast amount of information that you can find in the internet, it is safe to say that it can be a little overwhelming that you just don't know where to start.

Back in the days, I would visit these sites just to pass time.

  • I am bored - This I got from my cousin.
  • Happy Tree Friends - This I also got from my cousin. I must say these are cartoon videos with cute cuddly characters but I tell you that the stories are gore and I think they are not intended for very young audiences. Though ironically, it's cartoons.
  • Rate My Poo - This I got from my cousin. Again. Gross? You get to see different kinds of poo. Poo. Poop.

Not feeling seeing the sites above?

You could start with the things you're interested. Got something that catches your eye? Use your favorite search engine. Be curious. Remember that we're more fortunate now than ever.

No More Papemelroti Pocket Planners?

No More Papemelroti Pocket Planners?

I do not know why I am still at times ignoring my intuitions though I know that it is right (which turns out to be right at the end). I am really regretting not taking stock of pocket planners for the year 2016 the last time I saw there was which I think was December of 2015. I'd visited some branches of Papelmeroti from time to time such as in Robinson's Ermita and Glorietta hoping there'll be one.


Aside from it being very light and travel buddy handy, it was definitely cheap for 20 pesos.

Papemelroti, please make it available? Please?