Monday, October 30, 2023

Dear Self

Dear Self 

Now that you've been given an opportunity to start anew, live your life. You've already paid your dues. Live it based on what you wanted and needed. Not what somebody else. I know that it's hard to break the habit of being a people pleaser but this is the time for you to take care of yourself. Nobody will advocate for you but you.

You have been depleted and it seems life was sucked out of you. You control the reins. Always remember that.

You are like a Baobab tree, you feel like insignificant today, but in time you'll be making your mark.

Saturday, October 28, 2023

A mother's prayer

 I've thrived in as a result of my mother's prayers

Friday, October 27, 2023

Driven more than ever

 Driven more than ever

I'm feeling more driven than ever. It seems things are getting clear.

I'll get there. And I mean it.

A shoutout to the Philippine government (for the past,the present and hopefully not for the future) from a Ph nurse

A shoutout to the Philippine government (for the past,the present and hopefully not for the future) from a Ph nurse

Reap the karma now. You're still turning a blind eye when you know the solution that is sitting right in front of you. When we were crying out for help and trying to voice out our concerns, what did we get? A sarcastic remark that it is a simple lesson in economics - surplus versus demand. Filipino nurses were abused for a very long time, exploited to the point that we were paying exuberant training fees amounting to 10,000 pesos (public hospitals also do this, surprise!). Even a meager increase in the salary was vetoed because you said that the hospitals association (hello De Grano I remember you participating) cannot afford to do so and it will be unfair for the other healthcare professionals. Backer system is the key if you want to have a regular position (well it may still apply today with public hospitals if you want a plantilla position and not a job order). Contractualization was rampant and the government was the top ranking employer that does this. Remember RN HEALS? Nurses in the province are taking a home pay that only amounts to 5000 per month and deductions are not included here. So a huge number of us resorted to the BPOs and other industries in order to survived. We were paid lower than the minimum wage earner. Even household help and cleaners had better pay than us. We were demoralized to the extreme. Imagine yourself putting all that 4 years of hard studying and toiling plus the review for the board examination just so in the end to get paid 5000 pesos. Tuition fees of nursing schools are the highest in the undergraduate program even in state universities. Peoples' lives and licenses were on the line, we were held accountable and yet we were gaslighted that we should be thankful to get this type of treatment. The highest expectations and high standard requirements but shitty compensation. Some insensitive people might say that we shouldn't rant because it is what we promised to do. The Nightingale Pledge. For the service of the people. What does that mean anymore when we were demoralized to a pulp? Because of your insensitivity people, that sense of compassion and drive to be of service slowly faded away. I realized that you know what, I'm done playing a martyr. Maybe it's time to take care of myself first. Try to immerse yourself to what horrendous situation nurses are subjected to and let me know what you think.

I thought that it was unjust that people had the notion that we you become a nurse, you just like to make money and work abroad. I was once someone who didn't really had the intention to work elsewhere than here. Call it to being too idealistic and someone who wants to pay it forward, I thought I could survive it here as others do. But as time went on and reality struck painfully, it pierce every inch of that soul to serve and the meaning of service slowly became slavery of servitude.

And then the pandemic happened. Everybody was scared. For it took the lives of even young healthy individuals. Nobody wants to front the lines now. Units in the hospitals closed because of shortage of nurses. Now surprisingly, there were increase in the salary and benefits like birthday cakes, signing bonus and such to entice us. Review centers are even sponsored now. Should we be thankful? No. Because we know our worth and that in the first place we deserve better compensation and better working conditions. I'm proud of the new generation of nurses that know already that these things are mandatory and not an option. And this time, fuck that nationalistic theme your spewing about (I'm talking about those dramatic legislators with all talk but no action) when in reality you're treating us like shit.

There is no shortage of nurses. Only that nurses don't want to subject themselves to the harsh conditions in the hospital. Unpaid overtime which could last for more than 2 hours or more, bullying, unsafe nurse to patient ratios, the verbal abuse and disrespect that we get from some patients and companions who may have taught they already bought our soul just because they are paying a premium amount in the hospital. Training requirements like a basic life support that costs 2,500 pesos and Intravenous training for 2,500 pesos, ACLS that is around 10k or more should be attended first before you are employed.

Nurses take care of people but who takes care of these health care workers? Do not force us to serve when the government is not the ones paying for all the expenses in the nursing school. Give up your salary instead and take away the money in politics. Will there still be remaining that are willing to do public service?

The Philippines is a circus. And I can't wait to leave it. 

-Coming from a decade long practicing PHNurse 

Thursday, October 26, 2023

The third time's the charm!

 The third time's the charm!

Thank God for these blessings! I finally got 2 offers and I thought I won't make it on my preferred Trust. It was fast to think that I did both the two interviews yesterday!

Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Personal thoughts

Personal thoughts

Since I don't have anyone who is willing to listen to me, I'll just lay out my thoughts and feelings here if you don't mind. Feel free to skip this post if you think that this is toxic for you to listen to.


I get it that sometimes I tend to reminisce the difficult situations that I were in before. I just wanted to be heard and rant sometimes. I mean who doesn't? I think that aside from feeling good (though it may mean to some that it is negativity), speaking about it for me means you are also processing these emotions so you can eventually let it all out and heal. It would only be bad when you continue to wallow in these destructive emotions. And I am deeply triggered and angered whenever my mother would try to invalidate what I'm feeling when I'm trying to say something. Dismiss it that it was all in the past and I needed to moved on.

When I listen, I really listen. I guess it was foolish of me to set up expectations with people that they will also do that for me even what I call family. I'm so tired and each day I'm getting disappointed, while they cast me aside for something better. I guess, that's what people are. Selfish to the core. 

Or maybe it could be me. Maybe I am the problem for being such a  doormat. And I think that from childhood to teenage years, I was gaslighted and manipulated to be a people pleaser. And I really grieve for that lost childhood/teenage years where I didn't do what I want to do. But this time, it will change. I am more motivated than ever to fight for what I want without feeling the guilt and I am not anymore subjecting myself to holding on for whatever that I wanted to do even it is family. I would focus now on what will be the most beneficial to me. I won't anymore give my time or support freely because people tend to take advantage of that. When you needed it the most, no one seems to be there.

Be scarce self. Don't be too available for people who'll just toss you aside easily the moment they meet someone more interesting. You are too tired and it leaves a metallic bitter taste afterwards.

I refuse to be a mentally punching bag. I will prioritize myself first before others and they will not matter not until I'm already settled or five steps ahead. I will not easily feed useful information for they always take credit for it. And the worse about it is that, they would realize that.

I deserve to be treated with respect and if you cannot give that basic courtesy, I will also deflect that same energy to you. I am bright and smart enough to discern and even anticipate events. I can foretell and foresee things, it's just that I  will further enhance that skill in order to 

Friday, October 20, 2023

Who Loves Tubby Nugget?

 Who Loves Tubby Nugget?

If you have been using Tiktok, you  might already encountered this cute and loveable Tubby which sings a song while cutting a colored paper and shaping it into a heart.

Thursday, October 19, 2023

Oral Hygiene

Oral Hygiene

I found an interesting knowledge about Oral Hygiene on Tiktok which was made by Sir who works in the dental industry.

These are:

Squish/Wash with water.




Do not rinse with water to retain the flouride



Everybody wants to be heard but it seems nobody wants to listen. - Sanegeal Farmhear

Monday, October 16, 2023

Coupon Sites

 Coupon Sites

There was once a time when coupon sites were rampant and the IT items. I thought the hype had gone down and it vanished but some of these coupon still exists. Personally I haven't tried the coupon and would like to try it out

Eatigo - Food coupons -

Klook - Tour/travel coupon -

Metrodeal - 

Sunday, October 15, 2023

Nursing and Midwifery Council CBT Pearsonvue Practice Questions

Nursing and Midwifery Council CBT Pearsonvue Practice Questions

For those who are taking the CBT or the Computer Based Test, I would recommend that when it comes to practice questions especially the numeracy part, it is essential that you answer the practice questions in the pearsonvue website. Here is the link -

Why? It is almost identical to the items that I've got in the examination. Just with different values. It is as what I've heard from some people.

Saturday, October 14, 2023

Food adventures in Binondo that I would try someday

 Food adventures in Binondo that I would try someday

Lan Zhou La Mien

Cafe Mezzanine - Pork Xia Long Bao,  pork asado with egg adobo, beef wanton

Dong Bei Dumplings - 

Shanghai Fried Siopao

Lumpia ariwa

Eng Bee Tin - Binondo Bites - Fried Xia Long Bao

Ying Ying Tea House

You Did Well Today

You Did Well Today

Wednesday, October 4, 2023

A share angle frame

 A share angle frame

You got this, Love. I acknowledged that you're feeling down and blue and hopeless at the moment which makes you a bit unbearable at this time. It may sound cliche but this too shall pass. Remember your white blood cells (they are not even millions but billions!) that are always fighting for you until the end so you have to fight too. You always have a CHOICE and you CAN. Favorable results may seem not to be in sight now, but it will eventually unfold before you know it. You're tougher than you look. You've fought through a lot of life's adversities since childhood and most of the time you are left tending to yourself while giving yourself all the way. While no one might have the knowledge about it and some people takes credit for the things that you do, you know it in your heart that you deserved that pat in the back.

There are vast amounts of books to read, music and places to be explored and people who you'll be blessed to meet. It's time to be that courageous adventurer. Take that risk. It's time to let go of holding onto something.

Remember that I'll always be the number one cheerer for you.

All the best,

Sanegeal Farmhear