Saturday, May 29, 2021

The Astrazeneca jab: Will you take it or not? My experience Part 2

The Astrazeneca jab: Will you take it or not? My experience Part 2

Finally, I'm able to complete the 2 doses of the Astrazeneca vaccine and to which I'm truly thankful and grateful for. As you might know, there has been recent articles and news here in the Philippines regarding increasing cases of rare blood clots in other countries that had scared some people off. But I still believe that this vaccine is more reliable than any other that is endorsed by the government. 

My second shot of this vaccine was overall a breeze though I experienced a painful shot of about 6 out of 10 during injection (I asked my co-worker as we had the same vaccinator but she hadn't experience that so I guess it was case to case basis) as I haven't felt a thing during my first shot of the vaccine. There was also an increase in my blood pressure from 90/70 mmHg pre-vaccination to 110/80 mmHg post vaccination. This is within normal range and should be expected. There wasn't a 30 minute observation time unlike in the first dose experience however during post vaccination assessment my heart rate shoot up to a 105 and that I was asked to go to the observational area to rest for around 5 minutes. After 5 minutes, I was discharged and was good to go. Yay!

 What I can note is that there was a pain in the injection site which was prominent after an hour but it was tolerable. After some time, the pain decreased at rest. I felt again the pain when I started to move my arm upwards. There was no fever, chills, headache, dizziness or body ache/joint pains noted. For about 4 hours post vaccine, pain in the arm decreased from 6 out of 10 to around 2 out of 10. At home, I noticed that my head is cold and clammy. There was one time that my ankle ached at night but it eventually subsided. When I tried to put pressure on the injection site, the pain increased to 6 again and I just slept it off. The next day, there was no pain but the site was still sore with movement.

It takes at least 2 weeks after completing your shot before you can say that you are fully protected. However, let me tell you that being fully vaccinated doesn't guarantee that you won't catch COVID. So let us do our part in ending this pandemic by wearing masks, observe social distancing and most importantly is hand hygiene.

I hope you're all well and stay safe! 

Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Chupa Chups Sour Belt Candy

Chupa Chups Sour Belt Candy

If you're like me who has a penchant for eating sour foods from time to time, I bet that you'll also like to try out this sour belt from Chupa Chups. I got this candy for only 5 pesos a piece at Waltermart Supermarket. 

Saturday, May 15, 2021

A Bee Colony inside the Closet! Help!

 A Bee Colony inside the Closet! Help!

The windows in my room are usually opened so that there would be good circulation of air inside. I've been doing this for a couple of months or years even. But imagine the horror when you suddenly discovered that your closet has a hive of bees in it.

What to do? Help!

What I though first was to contact a pest control service. However, no one did replied to my inquiry for an estimation. And so then next step that I did was to search online for some tips. I found out that vinegar might help as the bees do not like certain smell just like the vinegar. What I did first was to open the windows and sprayed some vinegar on the wood and even placed a cup with a vinegar in it hoping they would go away. I found out some time that it was a failure as I realize that the hive became more larger like the picture below. 

And so I moved on to the next which was the mothballs. It is mainly used to ward of cockroaches but I thought that it might work. And luckily it worked!

Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Planning to set up my Home Cafe Nook!

 Planning to set up my Home Cafe Nook!

And so because I have been engulfing a huge amount of coffee whenever I can with this being almost every day by the way, I have recently dreamed of having my own home cafe nook.

How will I set up my own?

These things may or may not be included in the content:

  • Delonghi Espresso machine
  • Starbucks flavored syrups caramel, hazelnut
  • Torani salted caramel
  • Cafe Amadeo's Pahimis Blend Coffee
More to add later. This is for my future reference

Saturday, May 8, 2021

Let's Talk About: Fabric Softeners/Conditioners

Let's Talk About: Fabric Softeners/Conditioners

Part of being an adult is doing your own share of the household work (if you are living with another human being) and part of the household chores is doing the laundry. That is, unless you have a household helper or helpers at home which is by the way screams what a lucky fellow you are to have the opportunity to focus on your other priorities which could be more important. Yeah, I know that household tasks are also essential. But let's face the reality here my dear, a huge number of people really hate doing mundane jobs like these (me included).

Anyway, back to our topic: fabric conditioners. What lovely scent it put to our clothes. It is also the reason why ironing clothes becomes easier. After all, from the words itself, it conditions the fabric which makes it soft to touch.  However, did you know that we shouldn't always use fabric conditioner/softener in the clothes? For some fabrics, it could do more harm than good. So always be careful.

When it comes fabric conditioners/softeners, I have tried using known brands such as  Downy, Surf, Champion, etc. These brands tend to last more on the clothes as I believe that they are more concentrated. The downside of this is that it is expensive. I may have mentioned in my previous posts that we have an automatic washing machine which is God-sent I tell you as it makes our lives more bearable. But of course, you'll have to expect that you'll need to use more detergent powder and fabric conditioner.

What we currently use is the Yen yen fabric conditioner from Uni. I bought it for 200 pesos for a gallon excluding the shipping fee. I could say that it wasn't as concentrated as those widely advertised brands, but it does do its job which is the main reason why we use the product in the first place.

I also have tried the PureClean Fabric Conditioner Fresh Cotton Scent . It costs around 235 php a gallon in Shopee excluding the shipping fee. I won't recommend this if you are going to use it on an automatic machine. However, if you are going to use this concentrated on clothes, the scent tend to last for a week or more. I should know because I'd used a generous amount with my jacket and it did worked. Let me also remind you not use a dryer afterwards and avoid exposing your clothes directly in the sun.