Saturday, December 26, 2020

On Intermittent Fasting

 On Intermittent Fasting

Maybe you've already heard about intermittent fasting. You're trying to lose weight. You've read an article about its short term and long term health benefits.

I wanted you to know that it is not my first time to do an intermittent fast. It started out as a 12 hour fast then eventually I found myself very proud of my accomplishment for finishing a 24-hour fast. I tell you that it is definitely not easy as it is a test of willpower. But if you are occupied with something else to do, you can divert the hunger pangs and finish the 24-hour challenge successfully.

Okay. Why did I get interested in doing an intermittent fast in the first place specifically the 24 hours fast?

I was contented in doing 12-16 hours of fasting as I was adamant that if I do a 24 hour fast, I may elicit amenorrhea or absence of menstrual period because of not eating.

One day, I found myself gaining weight really fast. For a 166-centimeter medium-sized built female, I weighed 67 kilograms which by far is the highest weight that I had in my entire life. You may be wondering and might probably think "What the hell is wrong with her? She still in the normal range in the Body Mass Index!"

I know. But I hate having a heavier weight because my body tends to get lazier. And when I dance (yeah, I'm not a dancer but I enjoy dancing), I feel like my body tends to become sluggish.

Anyway, as I gained weight pretty fast (a kilogram a week), I was also having cystic pimples on my chin. I thought that it may be hormonal. There came a time that I haven't had my period for 3 months which bothered me by the way. PCOS, perhaps? And so I set my mind to do the longer fast which is the 24-hour fasting. 

Fast forward a couple of months of intermittent fasting, I could say that it was a success because I managed to lose weight and currently I'm at 62-63 kilograms. My weight doesn't yo-yo unlike before which is a good thing and I can eat anything that I want without compromising. Another bonus is that my weight keeps dropping down at least half a kilogram per week if I do it consistently. If you're asking how I did the fast, I do 24-hour fasting only once a week. I either drank coffee or water during my fasting period. Green tea? Sometimes. But I've experienced more hunger pangs when I consume it so I kept it to a bare minimum. But whatever works for you.

For those of you who have no medical background, you may wonder what is the relationship between fasting and hormones. I've read a couple of books like the Obesity Code and the Guide to Fasting by Jason Fung. It was interesting to know that certain foods can spike your insulin and how often you eat can trigger insulin release. Very high insulin can be a culprit that's why we're gaining weight. By fasting, you are helping your body restart and increase your sensitivity to insulin. Insulin is vital to our body because it is the key component in which glucose (a simple form of energy) can enter into the cells. Treatment for PCOS or Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome may require an intake of Metformin which is an Oral Hypoglycemic Agent and Metformin is usually prescribed for diabetic patients specifically those who are considered type 2. And those with PCOS are usually recommended to lose weight.

If you have current medical conditions, it is better to consult your physician first as not to compromise your health. 

In everything that you do, always err with caution. Better to be safe than sorry.


All the best,

Sanegeal Farmhear

Friday, December 25, 2020

Nine essential amino acids

Nine essential amino acids

  • histidine
  • leucine
  • lysine
  • isoleucine
  • methionine
  • phenylalanine
  • threonine
  • valine
  • tryptophan

Sweet Home

 Sweet Home

Merry Christmas to all of you!

And because I've finally registered a Netflix account after decades too late, recently I am binge watching Sweet Home which is a Korean thriller series. 

As I am still watching the sixth episode on which I am reminded of The Strain plus the Kingdom which I believe is still my most favorite horror/thriller Korean series as the writers had brilliantly mashed up a thriller, horror, historical and political series despite of it being a fictional work.

It also depicts the nature of man's potential to be good or bad when it comes to survival and how today's generation had been.

Sunday, December 13, 2020

Let food be your medicine

 Let food be your medicine

As we progressed into a very fast-paced environment, in turn, we rely on the fastest and the most convenient there is when it comes to food hence the increasing number of fast-food chains. Most of the food products today are either canned or processed so as to prolong their shelf life. 

I believe in what the father of medicine, Hippocrates had famously said, ‘let food be your medicine, and medicine be your food’. But there's a catch: as long as it's unprocessed.