Saturday, March 15, 2014

Test and More Test

Good morning y'all.

This week has been busy and I got a text from the HRAD of the company I was applying for an exam and an interview last Thursday. I woke up at 5:15 am and came there before 8 am. I thought there was only one exam. I took 5 which consists of a language exam, myers-briggs exam, f-scale exam, abstract exam and the Guilford-Zimmerman exam. Luckily, I was able to be interviewed early and was able to finished at 3:30 pm. I thought that I wouldn't be able to get my requested documents from school.

Anyway, I was familiar with the Myers-Briggs Test. What caught my eye was the F-scale and the Guilford-Zimmerman test.

I tried taking the F-scale test online and it shows I'm normal.

Friday, March 7, 2014

A Cup of Tea

Tea. That is something that I like drinking. I like drinking tea in the morning, after eating meals or during mid-afternoon. I like drinking it when the weather is cold. Do you know that it is not called a tea if it is not taken from the plant Camellia sinensis? Otherwise, it is called a herbal infusion.

Drinking tea must have grown into me. 'Cause you know, I like it. Don't get me wrong. I also like drinking coffee. But for some unknown reason, it makes me sleepy. I get to have a quality sleep whenever I'm drinking coffee the night before. Too much milk and sugar? Maybe. However, I just remembered drinking coffee with minimal sugar and milk. Or wait, is it because it's mild? But how about the cold roasted coffee from Nescafe in a can? I kind of remembered that it was sweet yet it was effective for a pick me up.

So how did I start drinking tea? A couple of years ago, I was working part time on a grocery store and one of its perks is the freebies/samples. My supervisor gave me a sample of the Lipton milk tea powder and I just love it that it somehow inspired me. It made me think how they are able to make it because you know, it is a kind of pricey for my standard.

Days and months passed, I started drinking black tea from lipton. For some unknown reason, it just dawned on me to put a lot of creamer and sugar. Maybe it was the milk tea craze at that time. And yes, it tastes just as the lipton milk tea. I also tried adding milk from jasmine, earl grey, lemon and green tea but I still go back to the former. Black tea + loads of milk + sugar that is adjusted to your taste = Heaven.

One thing I like about tea is that I can drink it without milk and sugar. I've been trying to listen to my body and noticed that I tend to get susceptible to colds whenever I've consumed dairy products so as much as possible I stay away from it. When it comes to brand, I think the Gold Leaf brand is acidic. Lipton is a little expensive but their taste is okay especially their green tea. I like the Lyons brand. It’s throat-friendly. I tried their red tea, lemon tea, English breakfast, earlgrey tea which was good for colds, and I personally prefer its jasmine tea because it helps me relax. I used to drink it when it is cut-off day for the reimbursements because the week is stressful because I get load of papers that I need to process. Okay, I’m ranting but I’m grateful for that because I get to have my own mini-game version. I set goals and find it satisfying when I finished them at the set time.

Do you like drinking tea or coffee? If you're going to ask me if I was a coffee or a tea drinker, you've already got your answer. Have you ever notice that I used the word "like" a lot of times in this entry? Maybe "like" is not the right word. Maybe it's love.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Tweet of the day #04

"There will be things that won't make sense in the moment, but in time you'll get it. Just keep an open mind at all times, pray/meditate for it and eventually you'll find the the answer."
-Sanegeal Farmhear

Corn on the Cob: How to Boil and Eat It

So who's up for a corn in a cob, yo?

Haha. Trying to mimic a habit of Jesse Pinkman from the TV Series Breaking Bad (And if you have the time, you should check that out :)).

Anyway, do you like eating corn? I just love eating corn in a cob. I personally love it when it is a Japanese sweet corn and is taken in the stomach with a splurge of butter and minimal salt to taste. I've been meaning to do a grilled corn. Probably later. Oh... yum. Just imagining it makes me salivate now.

Funny how I used to boil it for about 30 minutes thinking that corn is slow to cook. The result: the water where the corn is boiled has turned deeply yellow and I get a bland taste of corn which I don't get to enjoy. So with a dilemma on hand, I look it up on the Internet and whoalah!! I found out that I was doing it all wrong!

So how do I boil it? The internet says it would take for about 3-5 minutes for it to cook. I would say that based on experience, it would also depend on how big or small where you'll boil it. Small pot - yes, it's true it takes 3-5 minutes but it may take quite longer if you're boiling it in a large pot.

How about the indication that it is done? If you have been fond of cooking vegetables (i.e. stir frying, boiling) and been watching them cook like I habitually do due to the notion that I might burn them if I leave them, you'll see that from dark green it turns bright green. The same goes with the corn with the exception of course that it's yellow.

After successfully boiling it, here comes the fun part: eating corn.

So how do you eat it? I don't like eating my corn messy. But I know you think it's ironic since eating corn on a cob especially with butter IS messy. It's just that I don't like any corn bits sticking between my teeth.

The remaining 4 layers of corn I need to gobble up.

Anyhow, this is how I eat corn: I pick out a part of the cob where I twist one it in a clockwise direction until it became loose. I work in one layer first until I consumed it all and then after that it becomes easy since I'll just have to put my thumb between the 2nd layer and move it to the right where the first layer was.

I know that it takes time and patience man but there's this adage: Patience is a virtue. Savor the moment and enjoy eating it.

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Tweet of the day #03

"It's a tough act to move on. But it's a lot more tougher and takes a hell lot more courage when people are constantly pressuring you to move on without the closure from the person that have done bad things to you."
-Sanegeal Farmhear

Tweet of the Day #02

"How can you be able to forgive when there's no "sorry" said or even worst, remorse shown?"
-Sanegeal Farmhear

Bon appétit!

Good morning to you!

My stomach was rumbling so I decided to make this stuff:

 Bon appétit!

... I had a good meal to start my day. Yum! :)