Saturday, August 14, 2021

Appliance electric consumption

One aspect of adulting is paying the bills. Life hits you really hard when you're renting.

Anyway, with a meager salary that I'm getting, I'm a bit nervous for our monthly water and electric consumption bill. The rent price is quite pricey and so I'm computing how to lessen those that we can. I found out this link which can help you out in computing how much will it cost per appliance. Be sure to be familiar with your own appliances wattage.


Thursday, August 12, 2021

Cheers to New Beginnings!

Hey. How are you nowadays? I hope you're all safe. With what happened to us in June where somebody got positive with COVID-19 in the household due to his frequent breaking of health protocols (always going outside, talking to people with no social distancing, I don't know if he washes his cloth mask or just use it multiple times, doesn't use alcohol or sanitizers after going out) despite of consistent reminders, this horrible experience had triggered that we had to finally move out from what we thought was finally our home even though renting would cost at a steep price. Moving out would mean having a peace of mind from two decades and more of unnecessary stress. 

My mom and I finally moved to a place which had it's inconveniences and adjustments but I can say that this place is bearable. Since we have already made it internet ready, later my siblings will have to move here too.

Cheers to new beginnings!