Friday, July 24, 2020

In Search For YouTube's Documentary Channels

Growing up, I've taken a liking to watching GMA 7's (a Philippine local network) documentary series since knowing it first hand that making documentaries takes a lot of hard work. I would stay up late in my high school/college days just to watch it every Monday or Tuesday.

With a massive shift of technology since then, I rarely watch television nowadays. Thanks to YouTube, more channels are producing documentaries not only in the Philippines. Here are some of the informative channels you might be interested:

  • The Infographics Show
  • SBS Dateline
  • Al Jazeera English
  • Journeyman Pictures

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Let's Talk About:Korean Artists

How are you doing today? I hope you are all safe and sound despite COVID-19 still prevalent today.

I would like to share my favorite Korean artists and they are not in any particular order:

  • J-rabbit - If You Love Me, Beautiful Life
  • Damsonegongbang - Pretty Day
  • Rheehab - 
  • Martin Smith - Paint on Spring
  • Rothy