Sunday, February 24, 2019

Snippets from The Umbrella Academy series

If you're more on to using YouTube and Netflix rather than your usual cable television these days, you may heard of Netflix's new trending series The Umbrella Academy. It was written and created by Gerard Way and Gabriel Ba.

Here is the trailer:

I'm currently watching it at episode 5 and so far the series is interesting to watch. I recommend that you watch it and would like to share to you some profound snippets worth keeping.

  • "You must become the master of your life, Four. Or it will become the master of you." - Dr. Hargreeves to young Klaus. Episode 4
  • "But I've been around long enough to know that when something seems too perfect, it's usually anything but." - Allison to Vanya. Episode 5

Friday, February 15, 2019

Life Hack: How to Store Coffee Creamer and Prevent it from Getting Hard

Hello people! How are you all doing today?

Adulting. This is just one word but it could mean so much because we eventually are in this phase before we know it.

One aspect of being an adult is managing things at home on our own. From time to time I like drinking coffee. And I also like it creamy. Who have encountered their coffee creamers getting hard after some time?

This has been a dilemma especially in the Philippines as the country is a very humid place. Fortunately, I found out a solution for me that would hopefully help you out.

If you're in the Philippines, a lot of products are in a small plastic packaging or what we call "tingi". Most of Filipinos can't fathom to purchase big bulks of consumable goods at one time as this would be inconvenient though these products in smaller packages comes in a more expensive price.

So where do we come next? If you're purchasing the plastic one, in order for your coffee creamer to prevent from getting hard, don't put the contents in the canister. Cut it open in the edges diagonally as small as possible. And then after getting the amount you need, fold the cut diagonally to close the opening, twice or thrice and sealed it with a clip. There would be a time that you may notice small lumps of cream near the opening. Just cut it again a little bit bigger and then fold again. And that's it!

Let me know if it works for you.