Thursday, March 31, 2016

Why I Chose to Blog

Why I Chose to Blog

I've been blogging since I was high school I think, or was it around college?

Well anyway, I've been meaning to blog in order to tackle about my choices: on why I did that, on why I do this and what I'll be doing. So the first thing I'm going to discuss is my choice to blog.

What is a blog? From my point of view, it serves as a journal about something you might what to post which will be forever ingrained in the internet. You might want to share something about anything under the sun. I originally kept a diary since in my late elementary years or early year of high school but shifted to Microsoft Word which then eventually led into blogging. We have to upgrade into something better, IKR. ;-)

Anyway, blogging can serve as an outlet of your emotions and passion and I think blogging helps me better because I can organize my thoughts and ponder on things. whenever inspiration strikes, I have the eagerness to type it in and then later on I'd go back to my blog and read about my previous posts. Sometimes, I'm a bit taken aback whenever I read it again. I would think, "Cool. How did I end up writing like that 10 years ago?"

I want to blog because it also had been my distraction whenever I'm down. You could say that it had been a therapy for some problems I might be facing.

But as I've said, posts posted in the internet are not really deleted. So be careful on what you post. As a friendly reminder from GMA, a network station in the Philippines, you might want to keep in mind to "Think before you click".

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Cheers to a New Tomorrow!

But I guess I am still ambivalent regarding tending out my formal letter for resignation. You see, my dad's return to his work is still uncertain and it makes me worry a whole lot. My mom said he'll return to work hopefully by April.

I'm still procrastinating, delaying things I've should've done already. And I still haven't got a clue what I'm passionate about and to tell you the truth, I'm rather jealous of my friends for living such lives. I know, I know. Life is what you make it.