Sunday, May 17, 2015

CURIOUS with Epicurus

I want to share to you what I have watched recently. Actually, I watched it just last night.

It's about Epicurus on Happiness.

According to him, one way to be happy is to have:
  2. FREEDOM (which includes being financially free) and
On having friends, I think what he want to tell us is that it is not how many friends you have which makes us happy. Rather it is the authenticity of friendships that is what he was talking about. The way your friends can tell what are you thinking, the way they can see what are you feeling without uttering a single word, the way they pour out tough love when they think you're not making sense at all and the way they hug you when you simply need a hug.

On freedom, I think being free is very liberating. You can do what you want, whatever you please. But it is rather tricky because this needs to be tread carefully.

On having an analyzed life: I have a question for you. Yes, you. Do you have a happy life today?

I've always thought that it's not the material things that makes us happy, it's the way it makes us feel that makes us happy. I believe that the happiness that these things will provide are short-lived.

If I'm going to answer my very own question. Well errr,,,, maybe? Ha ha. I still have many issues in my life that I need to resolve. Fears that I need to confront. Emotions that I need yet to experience.

I aim for an authentic life. I aim for relationships which are true and genuine. I crave for a greater purpose and a meaningful life. I continuously seek out what makes me tick and what makes me stick.

Cheerio. Jingu.

Sanegeal Farmhear

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Simple things

Funny how simple yet thoughtful gestures can boost your mood. Drastically.

Thank you Cat for this wonderful message.

I'll try to keep this in mind. Always. :-)

A Post from the Past

A Post from the Past 
01.14.2014 1505H

I can eerily see what people can't see. It's as if I bear the gift to see their soul, motives subconsciously unraveling right before my eyes the more I get to interact with them.

However like everyone else I know, I too had my share of blind spots.

Irrational generalizations, biases and the like.

I'm finally living my life.