Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Celebrating A Merry Christmas and looking foward to a Prosperous New!

Well, before the year ends, I just want to greet you an advanced Merry Christmas and cheers to a prosperous New Year in case I wasn't able to blog again.

Thursday, November 12, 2015

NBI Renewal in the Philippines 2015

I'm currently taking a day off so that I can apply for a NBI clearance renewal as part of my work requirement. My name has a "HIT" which means my nbi clearance could not be released on the same day. :-(

As you know, or if you still don't know, NBI now doesn't take walk-in applicants and had to go online. But what if you don't know, or perhaps do know that but just went walk-in for adventure's sake? Oh my, that's risky and that's what I just did. (haha..)

Anyway, I went to the NBI Main Office in United Nations Avenue. Though I had an NBI satellite nearest my house, I dreaded the possibility that the release could be more than a week. I got a feedback from a co-worker that she got her NBI clearance which she applied from NBI Otis after 2 weeks. The max days I had before I got my NBI clearance was 7 days.

So okay, back to the story. I confirmed with the employee at the entrance if there are still walk-in forms and he said that NBI is now online. Don't worry if you had not gone online prior to going to NBI because they have a computer inside the NBI located at the back of the employees who are at the entrance and it's usage is free. But it may take some time as there might be other people in line too which by the way I had encountered so I had to be in line too. Good thing there were chairs. :-)

After 15-20 minutes of waiting, an employee was announcing "Baka mamaya pila kayo ng pila diyan. Pwede na yung may nbi 2014 pataas na pumasok. Pwede na din yung xerox." (Maybe you are falling in line there. You can proceed if you have NBI for 2014 and above. Xerox [referring to photocopy] is accepted.) Thank God I was able to abl0e to bring a photocopy of my NBI clearance. Lucky day for me. :-) And worrywart that I am, it might sure look stupid to some but to be better sure than sorry, I asked the employee if my nbi photocopy would suffice and he said yes with nodding gesture.

Next step - 3rd would be PAYMENT. Make sure you have an exact amount of 115 pesos (local employment) on hand as sometimes the employees are rude if you hand them a 500 bill. (Though I understand the dilemma if you had a series of customers who hand you 500 and 1000 bills) But of course, this doesn't change the fact that being rude just because of this is unacceptable.

The 4th step would be ENCODING located at the 2nd floor. There are reminders saying that you have to put your online reference number/deposit slip at the back of your official receipt. As for my case, I'd written my NBI ID number at the back of my receipt. NBI ID Number is found on your previously issued nbi clearance. When it is my turn, picture taking is done and then I was asked to get my clearance tomorrow. (Yey! This was the fastest on record)

However, since I had no off which is a weekday for this week I asked the woman if I could get it rather next thursday. The lady said that I could but make sure that I get it before 1 month expires.

And before I went out from the NBI, I asked another employee if someone could get my nbi clearance for releasing instead of me. He confirmed.

So there you go. Hassle-free way to get your NBI clearance for renewal. NBI Main is open from 8 am to 5 pm. Hope it helps.

Sanegeal Farmhear

Thursday, September 17, 2015

One day

I'm still in the phase where everything's bleak. Quarter-life crisis perhaps?

For now, just brewing coffee in this bright sunny morning.

Have a great day ahead!

Monday, July 20, 2015

Heroes and Villains

Nobody starts off as a villain.

They were sometimes the people who've tried to be good but due to unfortunate circumstances and twisted game of fate, succumb to their inner darkness.

We all have it: the good and the bad. Ebony and ivory. The hue of white and black.


I guess I'm tired of feeling that as if my time, for others, is not precious at all. They make demands. And here I am, the silly thing who let them get what they want.

But as Eleanor Roosevelt says "No one can make you inferior without your consent"

Which leads me to the notion that is it what I'm thinking?


I HAVE a CHOICE. Remember that.

Off to my laundry.


Sanegeal Farmhear

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Tweet of the day #05

"Learn from the past, enjoy the present and live for the future." -Sanegeal Farmhear

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Dear future downcasted YOU

I just need to pour out my insights as I'm just overwhelmed with the things that's happening right before my eyes. Because I'll know, I'll go back to this entry and read this. Feel free to read this yourself if you're feeling down:

Dear future downcasted YOU,

The things you have are just temporary. Never be tempted with the ways of the world. Never deviate from the things that are most important to you. You're the luckiest because of the intangible assets that you currently have: family and friends that always have your back and have them yours, and fond memories that are in the truest sense, genuine. No one is perfect and life is never made to be perfect, but in your eyes, you can make them be. You may not be the most beautiful, nor the most brilliant of them all or have the most money out there in the world for you to live luxuriously or comfortably and rather think have the most unfortunate circumstances, but it's only temporary. Remember the wheel of destiny? You aren't always on the downside of things. All things needs to be balance. Where there's death, there's a new life. Where there is darkness, there will be light. Where there is sadness, there'll always be joy. Where there is emptiness, there will be always someone like God or something (I'm not referring to material things - maybe it's your PURPOSE in life perhaps) who will fill that void. You're given problems to conquer because you are a conqueror. You have all the support and the love you need. You just need to open your eyes and look around. Just like the things you're taking for granted. Trust me on this because my gut instinct tells me so. And most of the time what my instinct tries to tell me so, they always came true later on. Just remember to do what is the right thing though you're not even commended nor appreciated for it. Why seek appreciation from others when you have them yourself? Come on. Be kind and give yourself a mental pat for every good thing you do. Keep a diary and tell it how it made you feel. Later on, when you're feeling sad, skim down that notes and re-live that past. Dance. Do sports. It feels good to have that outbursts of endorphins. Remember this: every thing is just temporary. Negate negative emotions. Feel right through them but never hold. Let yourself subject to these emotions and charge it to experience so that later on you'll know how to manage the second it strikes again. I hope you'll the have the overflowing happiness in your life.

Till next time.

Sanegeal Farmhear

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

A Day off!

Day offs are nice. And it's the period of time when you let you're body recuperate from the stress you're getting from work. It's easy to abuse you're body when you're young because we would just take it for granted though we know it's bad for us. Old folks would always advise not to abuse your body because when you're older, all the things you do to your body will take it's toll on you.

And while I'm at home, I came across this website: www.playbuzz.com where the topic is all about Which Intelligence is Your Most Dominant? by Samantha Jones.

I came up with Intrapersonal. And I always came up with this type of intelligence.

Just sharing out my thought for the day.

I just missed writing.

Till next time.

Sanegeal Farmhear

Sunday, May 17, 2015

CURIOUS with Epicurus

I want to share to you what I have watched recently. Actually, I watched it just last night.

It's about Epicurus on Happiness.

According to him, one way to be happy is to have:
  2. FREEDOM (which includes being financially free) and
On having friends, I think what he want to tell us is that it is not how many friends you have which makes us happy. Rather it is the authenticity of friendships that is what he was talking about. The way your friends can tell what are you thinking, the way they can see what are you feeling without uttering a single word, the way they pour out tough love when they think you're not making sense at all and the way they hug you when you simply need a hug.

On freedom, I think being free is very liberating. You can do what you want, whatever you please. But it is rather tricky because this needs to be tread carefully.

On having an analyzed life: I have a question for you. Yes, you. Do you have a happy life today?

I've always thought that it's not the material things that makes us happy, it's the way it makes us feel that makes us happy. I believe that the happiness that these things will provide are short-lived.

If I'm going to answer my very own question. Well errr,,,, maybe? Ha ha. I still have many issues in my life that I need to resolve. Fears that I need to confront. Emotions that I need yet to experience.

I aim for an authentic life. I aim for relationships which are true and genuine. I crave for a greater purpose and a meaningful life. I continuously seek out what makes me tick and what makes me stick.

Cheerio. Jingu.

Sanegeal Farmhear

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Simple things

Funny how simple yet thoughtful gestures can boost your mood. Drastically.

Thank you Cat for this wonderful message.

I'll try to keep this in mind. Always. :-)

A Post from the Past

A Post from the Past 
01.14.2014 1505H

I can eerily see what people can't see. It's as if I bear the gift to see their soul, motives subconsciously unraveling right before my eyes the more I get to interact with them.

However like everyone else I know, I too had my share of blind spots.

Irrational generalizations, biases and the like.

I'm finally living my life.

Monday, April 20, 2015

Tweet of the Day # 05

"It doesn't mean that when I don't, it doesn't mean that I won't" - Sanegeal Farmhear

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Kimbap/sushi making

Because I crave sushi/kimbap (though I have yet to try eating kimbap), I was inspired to make my own version.

Since I don't have any bamboo mat, I just improvised.

It's messy but it's fun.

Here are the sample picture of my amateurish cooking skills:

 Before cutting the kimbap

 Finished product